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13thfaceofdoctorwho's Blog

Dropping In (Open Roleplay)

She'd barely had a chance to fully appreciate her new incarnation, when the TARDIS bursted into flames. Her regeneration had taken a toll on the blue police box.

Just as Thirteen had pressed a button, the TARDIS went all amuck, and the Doctor was thrown from her ship, falling to the earth below. "Oh, bloody hell!" She shrieked. She closed her eyes tight, hoping she wouldn't end up meeting another regeneration before she'd even had a chance to get used to this body.

"Don't die! Don't die! Don't die!" She uttered repeatedly. She kept her eyes closed, perhaps it was better not to know where she'd land. No use seeing where she'd possibly meet her demise before hand. She still had a chance to make it alive out of this, still a /chance/.

The falling seemed to last forever, though it probably had taken mere seconds. The Doctor realized as she descended much faster she was close and then....splat! She tried to stand up, but slipped, losing her footing. Oh! What a stench! Then she heard the squealing. Wiping the mud from her face, the time lady saw a small family of pigs surrounding her, looking over at her curiously.

"Oh, hello there!" She still managed a smile despite her current situation. A piglet oinked merrily at her. "Aye, there. Aren't you cute! Well, don't think I'll fancy eating pork again."

She then heard foot steps and slowly she turned to face whoever was behind her. "Oh, erm, hello."
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