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Ember Knight

Name: Ember Knight
Age: 19-Can be changed if necessary.
Occupation: Police officer in training/budding photographer

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4 | 0 Comments | by HerRenegadeHeart | Mar 16th 2017 10:25

༄ | Welcome. [Blog Intro]


Hello, and welcome...

Here, I will mostly post about my writing style, characters, and stories. As well as send out occasional updates, so be sure to check back every once in a while.

Thank you. ༄
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4 | 0 Comments | by TheElusive | Mar 14th 2017 23:22

Chyler Blackwood

Name: Chyler Blackwood
Age: 28 -Can change if required
Occupation: FBI agent (special ops unit)
Likes: Lucky leather jacket, singing, sketching, insulting someone at every chance she gets, cookie dough ice cream, her trusty Glock 45's, whisky, red velvet cupcakes, running, training etc...
Dislikes: Sitting around, overbearing people, disrespect, unneeded sarcasm, children, rom coms, sharing (unless she likes you which is extremely rare), a jammed weapon, peppers, needles, the ocean etc...


To the every day, innocently curious onlooker who just so happened to gawk in her direction, Chyler's appearance becomes her best means of camouflage since she is almost always perceived as the cliche, 28-year-old brunette who has an unhealthy obsession with the gym and is always eager to find her next glass of amber-tinted liquid branded as whisky. Well...They weren't entirely wrong, the raven-haired woman did have a tendency to find comfort in the gentle burn of alcohol as it rushed down her throat and pooled warmly in her stomach. But needing such a thing as comfort was a rarity for someone like her, consequently leaving that calm-inducing liquid for those scarce occasions only. After all, she did want to morph into a mirror image of her father.

For the first sixteen years, life had generously gifted Chyler with the seemingly 'perfect' family which consisted of your standard, all-American stereotypes. A happily married pair of parents who were both thriving, well-known scientists, a perfect little three story house with a porcelain white picket fence and an only daughter who strived to become just as great as her mother and father who she loved dearly.

But what people did not see was what occurred behind closed curtains and locked doors. At this point in time, Chyler's father, Noah, became completely and utterly immersed in a project he had been constantly tinkering with for the last five years which went by the nickname 'Subject Alpha'. However, her father's desperate attempts to complete such a project always crashed and burned along with his patience and ability to control his temper. So, he resorted to alcohol to dull the overwhelming feeling of constant failure, moulding him into the abusive, depressed, ever absent man he slowly but surely became.

This carried on for two, seemingly neverending years until Chyler was finally old enough to be allowed a means of escape. College. So, with perfect grades and countless other achievements tugged snugly under her belt, the brunette did not hesitate to happily accept the scholarship she had been offered.

As the first year of studying biochemical engineering at college slowly came to an end, the only daughter of the Blackwood family had involuntarily picked up a selected few of her father bad habits. One habit, in particular, most definitely outshone the rest, the overwhelming fear of failure. Everything that Chyler did in her life had to be perfect and if something occurred that dented that need for perfection...There was no telling how she would react.

It was during her second semester of college that she received a call, a call that she had been dreading yet hoping for the last couple of years. Noah, Chyler's father, had shot himself in the early hours of the morning. But that is not what caused her to become so distraught, what did, however? Was the fact that she did not find out until two weeks after it had happened...And that she had missed the funeral thanks to her mother deciding that it was better for her to focus on her studies rather than the death of her own father.

Almost immediately, Chyler's path to success swerved abruptly into one that was similar to her father's. Turning her focus towards the luminous lights of clubs and countless shot glasses filled with intoxicating liquid that she now strangely craved. This vicious cycle repeated itself relentlessly for an entire year until the brunette found herself in a cell after attempting to drive home thoroughly intoxicated. So, she sat in a dark, dank cell, wallowing in self-loathing and awaiting the moment where an officer would tell her that her mother had posted her bail. However, that moment never came and instead the source to Chyler's redemption came to her rescue in a form of a lawyer. As their cautious exchange reeled on, the brunette discovered that this man, who had introduced himself as Paul Henshaw, was not a lawyer. In fact, he worked for the FBI and had worked with her father before his untimely spiral into death.

If that did not shock her enough, Paul's next proposal did. A job offer.

Ten years of gruelling training, in which she thrived in every aspect of, absolutely no alochol and that need for sucess driving her ever forward, Chyler became Paul's right-hand woman, top-ranked field agent, and head of the science department in a black marked section of the FBI. She had even earned a nickname, 'One woman army'...And she most definitely lived up to such a daring title.

No one messed with Chyler Blackwood, ever. But sometimes, just sometimes...The only daughter of the Blackwood family dared someone to try.
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8 | 2 Comments | by HerRenegadeHeart | Mar 13th 2017 14:22

Hagane Rosalia

Hagane is an evil queen in another realm, she rules with an iron grip, killing any who oppose her. She controls lightning and the power to control those around her. Hagane is cruel and takes pleasure in watching those who oppose her killed. When no one is looking she escapes to her room and reads books and enjoys artworks that make her sometimes wish that in a different lifetime she could have been someone else. Hagane is 20
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5 | 0 Comments | by DawningDevil | Mar 13th 2017 13:29

Black Reaper

Known only by the Black reaper, she has a curse that gives her illusions that go out of control sometimes and confuse her, on one such occasion she killed everyone around her. She can control water and air, using her powers there is always a mist following her, she usually only seen at night. Anyone who goes to investigate her mist never returns, hence how she got the name black reaper because all people ever see of her is a black outline and the fox-mask she wears, coupled with her demonic red eyes. She doesn't talk and has hasn't ever really had any real contact with humans. Her age is unknown and she is desperately hoping someone, someday will save her from her eternal hell
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2 | 0 Comments | by DawningDevil | Mar 13th 2017 13:00

Lexa Everfree

Name: Lexa Everfree
Age: 24
Occupation: Rogue Knight
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Likes: Her twin blades, sarcasm, children (surprisingly), a challenge, running, sketching, sparring/training, reading, climbing, strawberries, snow, heights, woodland, adventures, writing, sketching etc...
Dislikes: A broken blade, small spaces, disrespect, sexism, needles, doctors, sharing (unless she's fond of you which is extremely rare), alcohol, rumors, royals, onions etc...


Unsurprisingly, life had taken quite a liking to tearing away everything Lexa had held dear, the title of 'The lost air to Everfree' only made it worse. Now you may ask yourself, what is Everfree? Well, better known as the 'lost kingdom', the once peace driven land of Everfree towered high among other well-known empires. And who was this empire run by, you ask? None other than who it was named after one fateful day countless generations ago. The Everfree's.

The family itself was rather large, consisting of a father (the king), a mother (the queen), five strapping young boys and of course, their youngest, only daughter, Alexandra. The fact that she was the youngest among five others not to mention that she was the only girl, Alexandra found herself forced into the shadows of her brothers as they strived and fought to become the next, rightful heir. It was not that big of an age gap, a few years at the most but that seemed to be enough to leave her unacknowledged, unworthy and ignored.

Alexandra's brothers were not kind to her either, acting as though she was part of the family while around their parents...But when the kingdom became blanketed with midnight and shadows littered every corner, their torturous 'games' would begin and reel on until the clock finally chimed past the early hours of the morning. Leaving the only daughter to attempt to articulate a half decent explanation as to why the blues and purples of bruises and broken bones littered her body.

As she hit the tender age of 14 however, her poor excuse of a life was about to crumble effortlessly to the ground. One merry, feastful night in the grand banquet hall, chatter echoed constantly around the room followed by the loud outbursts of laughter ranging from either side of the seemingly neverending oak banquet table. The royal family of course seated at the very front to display power and their future heirs, unaware of the vast amount of loss and bloodshed that was about to be thrust upon them. It all happened so quickly, the large, hall doors swung violently open, enemy guards swarmed the room, the sky becoming littered with hundreds of arrows as they descended into their multiple, screaming targets, leaving the royal family itself until the traumatic end and finally...That end had undeniably arrived, starting with the slow painful swipe of a blade across each of her parent's throats before briefly stopping and glancing between Alexandra and her five brothers. But that night was far from over, one of the guards grinning before grabbing her by the scruff of the neck, forcing the crimson dipped blade into her hand and guiding it into the stomach of each of her older brothers.

And then finally...Everything was quiet, Alexandra still in shock as the blade fell from her grasp and clattered to the ground.

The enemy guards had left swiftly after that, opting to leave the girl on her own to eventually die. But Alexandra did nothing of the sort. Casting her title aside and not bothering to wipe her families blood off of her hands or face as she set about her plan.

It was undeniable, something had snapped within Alexandra that night. And now...She was out for blood.

After ten, long years, forged from blood, sweat and broken bones, the once timid Alexandra had vanished without a trace only to leave a bloodthirsty, c*cky, highly skilled killer in its place. Lexa Everfree. Thanks to her gruelling ten years of training, Lexa had managed to hunt down and slaughter every single guard from that night long ago and left her once civil hands practically soaked in the blood of the people she had murdered out of her thirst for revenge.

Now known as the 'ghost' rather than her real name, Lexa keeps to herself and aimlessly roams from land to land with nothing but the twin pair of swords holstered to her back, her daggers securely strapped to each of her thighs and, of course, her warpaint which has now become like a second skin to the now hardened woman.

Lexa, the lost heir to Everfree, had become the very embodiment of darkness itself. And she would not be classed as the victim again.

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10 | 0 Comments | by HerRenegadeHeart | Mar 13th 2017 01:39

Scarlet Kira

Scarlet is an assassin with cobalt blue eyes and bright red hair. She has countless scars on her back from when she was whipped as a child and burn marks up her left arm from when her father got drunk one night and tried to burn her alive. Scarlet eventually murdered her parents and trained to be an assassin. She became a master in poisons, powders, martial arts, and most weapons.
Scarlet is reserved and doesn't like people touching her, she tends to enjoy fighting and doesn't talk much, most of her time spent with people always ended in a corpse
Scarlet controls flames and illusions in fantasy RP
She is 19
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2 | 0 Comments | by DawningDevil | Mar 12th 2017 23:10


Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown

Fang is young 20 year old man(22 in Advent Dark Force) with light skin, short brown hair, and deep blue eyes. His attire consists of a white shirt covered over by a black jacket with white lining and red stripes going on both sleeves. He wears slightly baggy red pants with several pockets on both pant leg along with matching boots with the base color of black but are red on the bottom.

A fencer and the main character of this story, Fang is often perceived as a poor fencer because his sole interests are eating and sleeping and has no interest in reviving the Goddess. His other defining feature is his desire not to have his fate determined by anything and anyone but him. While initially having no desire to be a hero he gradually grows to like the role. Finally, Fang hates unnecessary death, something fueled by the deaths of Apollonius and to a lesser extent Ethel.

Occasionally Fang can also be foul-mouthed, something that strangely attracts Tiara.
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5 | 0 Comments | by Darkone1229 | Mar 12th 2017 23:07

The Refugee

Name :Seth O'Connor
Species: wolf shifter
Occupation: none
Relationship: intrested in Calista
Weapons : Varies
Abilities: shape shift into a wolf

Bio: Seth is a refugee from a realm that prides itself on banning any kind of magic any one caught was killed or used as a terrorist . Seth fled from the realm at young age becoming friends with a cursed wolf shifter named Collin mason the two grew up in the same pack and became inseparable until Collin left to become a hunter . Seth went looking for his best friend a year after ending up in tijani as a refugee.

Playby: Matt Bomer
(Original character don't steal )
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0 | 0 Comments | by Unrequited_Souls | Mar 12th 2017 15:29

Supernatural - Saber (U/C)

Takashi Shirogane

Name: Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane
Age: Unknown (Approx. late teens, early twenties)
Born: February 29th

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Dark Gray
Hair Color: Black (with white forelock and gray undercut after escaping Galra imprisonment)

Leader of Paladins (formerly)
Black Paladin (formerly)
Exploration Pilot (formerly)
Slave Gladiator (formerly)

Shiro's personality is that of a born leader, naturally adept at calmly commanding his team. Although he holds a commanding presence, Shiro is actually quite kind, sensitive to the struggles and concerns his fellow Paladins are undergoing or may have. Shiro's experiences as a gladiator have left him suffering from a degree of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The dad of the group
Sleep deprived
Recurring nightmares
Wants to be the little spoon too

''Well, where to begin...

There is very little I can tell you about ''Takashi''.
On my last Galaxy Garrison mission, I was abducted by aliens. The Galra. I was forced to fight in Emperor Zarkon's Gladiatorial Arena along with one of the crewmembers that had gone with me to Kerberos, Matt Holt. I somehow managed to escape after a year as their ''Champion'' and got back to Earth.
Due to the PTSD induced amnesia, Takashi is gone.
I am Shiro now, the leader and black paladin of Voltron.

As a part-time job I am the father figure for the rest of the four paladins. I cannot possibly choose a favorite (it's Keith.) and I love them all equally, even though they can get a bit much from time to time. My birthday is on February the 29th, a Leap Day, which have become a running joke between everyone. It is nice that they can think about things other than the evil forces we are fighting, even if it is on my expense.''


''Go. Be great.''

''Remember; patience yields focus''

''Defenders of the Universe, huh? That has a nice ring to it.''

''I don't know... I can't remember very much from that time. But the way those guys looked at me when we freed them... I don't know if I want to find out.''

''Take care of your father''

''Don't worry, your secret is safe with me''

''It doesn't matter. We're not leaving without her''

''It takes more than a glowing alien wound, a fall from the upper atmosphere and crashing into a hardpan surface at what I am guessing is about 25 meters per second squared to get rid of me... How are you?''

''Noone commands the Black lion! You've forgotten what is most important between a lion and its paladin. It's not about power, it's about earning each others trust!''
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3 | 0 Comments | by UNDEAD | Mar 12th 2017 06:56

OC Character - Oliver Creed

Character Form:

Name: Ollie

Age: 22

Biography: always being the freak of nature among the rest. Oliver, or Ollie much prefers. Was born with a third eye. A fully functioning one at that too, it could close and everything but it wasn't at the front. Nope it was at the back. A perfectly round large Cyclops eye that he could hide easily with a hat. He could hide it with his hair sure but that was much to irritating for him and as a child he wouldn't let his parents forget it. Even at their request that it would be the best way to hide it. He didn't want to hide it though, Ollie wanted to be out in the open and show everyone his pecular third eye. Aweing their classmates as he would turn around and brush away his hair to show it off and when asked if it was real he would try and get the kids to sneak up on him with his back turn or show him a picture of some kind from the back. He would always get it right.

Though his peculiarity made him popular it was all for the wrong reasons. They always pesture him to do tricks eventually it got old and by high school. He was sick of the pesturing and the teasing and even in High school he would have people bug him or throw stuff at him from behind with lame remarks like. "Ha-ha bet you saw that coming" The last time that happened he was at a water fountain getting a drink when brandy summers, the girl he had a crush on threw an egg at the back of his head while he was wearing a hat and out of spite smashed her head into his knee. Sending her to the hospital and him suspension for a couple months. Which was fine for him though because school was about done anyhow

Growing up his only escape was camping. He absolutely loved the outdoors. Learning about the outdoors and learning how to interact with the wilderness. It was so much more freeing than being indoors especially when it was cluttered like his parents tiny cluttered bungalow that he lived in growing up and the feeling of being closed in was always a dampening quality of his

Sexuality: unknown

Personality: An over enthusiastic bubbly individual and rarely gets mad. When he does its really can be quite startling and enjoys walking and going camping naturally but hates being indoors for long periods of times so at night even when the other campers are sleeping in their cabins rather than the weekly camp outs that they have twice through out the week, Ollie is always seen inside his tent or laying out beneath the stars, He is very much against cell phones and his biggest fear is being confined indoors for the rest of his life

Strengths: very observant, is very fast because of his long legs and is very observant and resourceful in the woods that's and has the same qualities of survival, though he those hate hunting and prefers to eat or buy food at the store. He is fairly good in a fight though isn't strong but with his speed and the ability to be able to see behind him he does have a slight advantage after all.

Weaknesses : his extreme claustrophobia prevents him from being inside for long periods of time and gets distracted quiet easily and because of his own oddity he had always been drawn by the unique and odd.

As a supernatural: witch
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0 | 0 Comments | by Shadey | Mar 11th 2017 23:41

Oc character Chuck

Name: Charles Adamir (Chuck preferred)
Age: 22
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 175 pounds

Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Skin Tone: Caucasian
Scars/Tattoos/Other Markings: He got a small scar on the back of his neck trailing up the base of his skull from a horseback riding accident.

Personality: Shy nervous but always in high spirits enjoys solitude. His soft spoken and a bit of a pushover, but when pushed comes to shove he will defend himself and especially his friends.
He is a loyal individual to those he trust.

History: Born as the youngest individual in his family, Chuck lived with his older sister Eliza and his mother and father. From the very start as soon as he could walk and talk his parents have pressured him to be the best but he doesn't always meet those expectations. His mother expects him to get top grades while his father wants him to be good at sports, but he generally hates sports and much preferred working in his room or garage to tinker on old computers and other electronic devices, so when he joined the track team. His dad was finally a bit more satisfied with his son.

Strengths: Pretty fast and has a growing knowledge of working with computers, hacking and creating viruses. His very quiet but can be a bit of a clutz but his strengths in smarts and speed makes up for in strength

Weaknesses: Is a little bit Cowardly. Not very strong. Has a tendency to get nervous under pressure and has a stuttering problem he is very self-conscious about.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Shadey | Mar 9th 2017 13:51


In the outskirts of Thylum, in a rather uninhabited area, something like a little gathering is going on. Or rather, Christoph and his children are there, waiting until a portal appears in front of them.
Not one usual portal though, the ones Doctor Strange opens, for it is him to keep this one open.

Agreements were already made between the two sides, so it is no case that Christoph and his family are there.
To Stephen, Christoph was the best idea since he is an elder from Crow's Rock living outside of it, a doctor and most of all a brilliant researcher. Strange knows him since quite some time and thus also trusts him as the people in question are endangered big time and one of them is also in big need of medical assistance.

After some minutes, 4 people finally come out of the portal, Strange included and in his usual outfit.
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3 | 35 Comments | by Junn | Mar 9th 2017 04:27


Marvolo non era esattamente un modello da seguire quando era un giovane ragazzo di Crow`s Rock che voleva scoprire quale fosse il suo posto del mondo. Da giovane aveva deciso che avrebbe girato tutta Nortrig, non sentiva un proprio senso di appartenenza a Crow`s Rock quindi voleva trovare un luogo che fosse così. Lui era intrepido e non gli piaceva farsi dare ordini (Un normale addolenscente) una notte decise di scappare, prese un zaino con dei vestiti e delle provviste e si dileguò. Non era mai uscito da quei territori quindi gli era tutto strano, arrivata l`alba era arrivato a metà della foresta dove sorgeva un enorme lago, troppo lungo da aggirare e molto largo. Stava per immergersi per superarlo quando comparve nel mezzo del lago una donna con I capelli verdi smeraldo e gli occhi che riflettevano l`acqua. Lui si bloccò nel vederla, Gadrieel come di tante altre stirpi era la custode di coloro che erano I discendenti di Tifiul, conosceva molto bene Marvolo, dalla sua nascita fino a quel momento, per lui Gadrieel era la sua migliore amica e confidente. Il piano di lei era spiegargli come stavano le cose, che era la strada sbagliata e di certo non la sua. Ma ci aveva già provato e non la avrebbe ascoltata come la prima volta che aveva tentato di convircerlo in anticipo.
Decise che avrebbe provato altro, se la verità non funzionava allora doveva mentirgli, gli disse che se se ne fosse andato la avrebbe abbandonata, che lo amava troppo per perderlo ma che non poteva lasciare quel territorio. Lui sentito ciò, essendo innamorato di lei già da tempo decise di abbandonare questa idea e rimase lì. In seguito svilupparono la loro storia finchè il maestro di Marvolo non fece una lezione sugli Zimox e lui capì che gli aveva mentito. Non aveva controllato poichè credeva che non gli avrebbe mai mentito, scoprirlo lo fece ricredere su ogni affermazione di lei, e se avesse mentito su tutto? Poteva lasciare quella terra, forse in realtà non lo amava...
Successe che cominciarono a litigare nella foresta su questa storia, Gadrieel dopo quei mesi insieme a lui si era davvero affezionata quasi si potrebbe dire innamorata di lui... In quel tempo avrebbe voluto tanto dirgli la verità ma ora capiva che era tardi, aveva conseguito il rislultato poichè Marvolo non voleva più scappare ma ora la odiava. Essendo un periodo prevalentemente di guerra tutti I luoghi erano pieni di accampamenti militari, si da il caso che ce ne fosse uno lì vicino, quando cominciarono a sentirsi era già tardi, la prima freccia colpì Marvolo diritto al petto, la seconda centró Gadrieel, che naturalmente non si fece nulla. Lei riuscì a teletrasportarsi via con Marvolo prima che una freccia lo colpisse per la terza volta. Lo portò in un luogo sicuro, lui non era molto lucido, stava morendo e lei pur sapendo che sarebbe andato nelle Halls non poteva sopportare la vista della luce che abbandonava il suo corpo. Usò il duo potere per curarlo, una volta terminato l`incantesimo lo lasciò in un luogo sicuro dove lo avrebbero trovato e se ne andó senza dirgli una parola così come lui gli aveva detto un attimo prima di essere ferito. L`incantesimo che usó legò le loro sorti in eterno poichè gli ha conferito parte del suo potere così che potesse curarsi (Incrementò I poteri di Marvolo), e fu così, le ferite scomparvero tutte ma sta di fatto che Marvolo non ha potuto terminare il discorso. Lui infatti voleva arrivare ad un punto in cui le diceva che se aveva intenzione di mentirgli ancora allora poteva anche andarsene e non tornare ma se davvero provava qualcosa per lui allora doveva dirgli tutta la verità e non lasciarlo a ripensare giorno per giorno alla farsa che lei aveva costruito. Al risveglio era nel suo letto da solo, nessuna ferita o cicatrice anche se in un certo senso sentiva ancora il dolore. Non ricordava come fosse andata con precisione ma sta di fatto che non cercò Gadrieel poichè lei non cercava lui e quindi credeva che infierire sarebbe stato distruttivo, perciò andò avanti, non parlò più di lei.
Di seguito I suoi genitori assieme ad altri del luogo decisero che era ora di matrimonio, lui aveva ormai 24 anni pur non avendo dimenticato Gadrieel decise di non opporsi alla cosa. Era una buona occasione per ricominciare, lui vide la sua consorte solo sull`altare una bella ragazza di 21 anni, Pepper si mostrò subito gentile con lui e legarono presto, lui non le tolse mai I privilegi di essere sua moglie infatti avevano un rapporto stabile e concreto. Ebbero presto un figlio, si può dire che Marvolo non amasse Pepper così come aveva amato Gadrieel ma c`era qualcosa in lei e dopo la nascita del bambino le cose migliorarono ci fu la vera e propria nascita di un legame più profondo. Il loro bambino Klayton è cresciuto in un ambiente sereno così come la sua sorellina.
Pepper portò nella vita di Marvolo una svolta, quella che gli fece dimenticare in un certo senso Gadrieel, lei non gli aveva mai mentito ne lui a lei. Infine la loro storia non fu artefice di delusioni o rimpianti e rimangono tutt`ora una coppia unita salvo quando Marvolo va alle sua scampagnate da solo nella foresta.
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1 | 1 Comment | by Onibugi | Mar 7th 2017 09:17