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Lui ha appena terminato la sua lezione, come al solito gli studenti escono silenziosamente dall`aula lasciandola in ordine.
Lui sta sistemando I suoi appunti, dove è arrivato a spiegare, cosa non ha fatto, voti ai ragazzi, lui non mette voti bassi se non se li meritano ma se se li meritano li mette senza problemi.
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1 | 18 Comments | by Onibugi | Mar 3rd 2017 08:29

The chosen Protector

Name : Alucard LeStrange
Age: 1000+
Species : Vampire
Occupation: none
Relationship :in love
Abilities : Telepathy

Bio:Alucard is surviving member of his family . After his family's massacre by his youngest brother Cicero he made a pact with a witch that he'd hunt down Cicero and make him pay for his crimes an in return she made him a vampire with immortality against the sun . Soon after she put him into slumber going back on there deal this witch wasn't a real witch and was sadistic and cold her name was kanone .She reveled her evil plot to turn him evil to serve khorne as his right hand as a way to remove Cicero crime the equation .But he refused by refusing he was blessed by the leader of the guardians with the same immortality and a rare gift to protect them and there cause

Playby : Ian Somerhalder
( original character don't steal )
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3 | 0 Comments | by Unrequited_Souls | Mar 2nd 2017 10:58

Gelee (Undertale OC)


Name: Gelee Dreemer(Former)

Nickname(s): Doll, Slime-face, lava-lamp

Gender: Female

Age: N/A

Species/What Are They: One of the only slime monsters in the underground, race as rare as skeletons

Soul (Color): Dark Green with a light green lava lamp like tone to it

Sexuality: Straight


Atc: 20

Def: 20

Exp: 10

LV: 20

Powers/Attacks: Mimic, able to mimic other monsters attacks she has seen previously in battle

Weapons: Her own personal attack(Which she does not use often) is a solid black knife with the ability to poison/bleed opponents to death upon impact

Fighting Style: Defensive, mostly a dodger until provoked which is when she will become offensive


Friends With: Most monsters

Neutral With: Mettaton, Agore

Enemies With: Chara

Family: Toriel(Does not remember), Asgore(Does not remember), Flowey(Remembers), Chara

Crush(es): Sans(In most AUs), Underswap Papyrus

Single, Taken, Or Talking (If the last two, with who): Single


Personality Towards Humans: Distant, defensive

Personality Towards Strangers: Distant, defensive

Personality Towards Friends: Silly, fun loving

Strengths: Kind hearted, does not attack unless provoked and tries to see the good in everyone

Weaknesses: Her ‘blackness’

Flaws: To trusting, does not see the bad until it is too late

Likes: Being around Sans and Papyrus, reading, drawing

Dislikes: Being separated from others for too long, quiet people, needles and doctors

Fears: Doctors, needles, medicine and the smell of nightshade


Eye Color: Yellow

Clothes: Depends on the AU

Hair: Depends on the AU

Skin: Dark purple upper half, light pink lower half with a lava lamp like appearance where the two meet

Other: Bright green tongue and mouth


Alignment: Neutral

Goals/Purpose: Tries to guide the human on a pacifist route most of the time

Job: Bus girl at Grillbys

Items: Golden Flower, 50 G, Skeleton Key


Backstory: Gelee does not remember her past aside from waking up in the basement of Home, alone and afraid. She gathers the courage to get up and explore the place she has awoken in to find the Dreemur family taking care of the fallen human Chara. She watches from afar until Chara turns her head and notices the small slime monster, pointing her out to her new family they look at her. After discussion, and no recollection of the girl, they bring her into their home as well where Asriel Chara and the girl grow up together with her new name Gelee. After Asriel and Chara pass away, Gelee finds herself at a loss of emotion as she begins to function almost like a doll. Asgore, worried about his last remaining child, talks to the head of the royal scientists to find a medication for her where he then sends his child off with the tall skeleton. Gaster takes her to his lab, examining her soul to find its odd color and lack of real motivation. His eyes widen as the girl's soul conforms and changes into a bright red color, matching the determination it had experienced growing up alongside Chara and Asriel. Gaster then begins to experiment on the monster girl, locking her away in his true lab and telling Asgore that he is developing a new medication for her when in truth he had begun to experiment on her soul to try and find a way to craft new human souls from her mimic ability. After several months he creates Sans and Papyrus, in an attempt to make his project go by faster. Gelee stays in her cell, listening to the brothers grow up in the lab and out of her sight without the two skeletons aware she was even there. As Gelee spends her time in the true lab for several years she finds ways to increase her magical abilities in attempt to escape and return to her mother and father until Gaster falls into the core, wiping his memories clean and allowing the three children of the true lab to escape. Though their escape was not without consequences, upon meeting Gelee Sans panics and throws Papyrus ahead of them as the lab begins to collapse. Gelee insists she wasn’t like Gaster as Sans attacks her despite the collapsing building around them, only infecting them to the cores glitches and allowing the two to remember every single reset. They all escape to Snowdin, all adults at this point though Gelee remains looking like a child they move into an empty house. Gelee unable to stay out in the snow for long as her body would solidify and kill her, she wanders around the snowdin forest for several hours at a time before Papyrus would rush her inside. She took residence in the ruins with Toriel, who had to remembrance of her being the girl's mother, to remain close to her and Flowey. She discovers her abilities to jump into other timelines one evening while practicing her magic, Ink greeting her in the Paper Sphere. She prefers to jump into Genocide timelines and turn them pacifist but when she doesn’t jump timelines she hangs out in the ruins and Snowdin with Sans and Papyrus.
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4 | 0 Comments | by Written_Tragedies | Feb 28th 2017 21:33


Before we begin writing together there are several requirements to how I role-play and portray Wolverine. For starters don't tell me how to role-play him because I am going to change up a few things I thought was irrelevant to the character. Secondly, I have nearly a decade of writing experience under my belt so expect lengthy replies. Thirdly, I will not be role-playing old man Logan but will use the gifs to symbolize the action.

1 -- Romance::
I know Wolverine has several relationships between the comic and movie universe but my version of Wolverine is gay. As well in a relationship with Nightcrawler @Nightcrawler because that's who I ship him with. Therefore, I will not be role-playing anything remotely related to this genre unless it's with my Nightcrawler.

2 -- Writing::
When I write it will be in third person and with details because I put alot of effort into my writing. I don't care what point of view you write in but there must be details. Don't give me one line responses either because I won't bother replying and will just unfriend you. Another thing is I use the quotation marks whenever the character is talking. When I am out of character I will space down from the role-play and use some form of brackets to indicate I'm OOC. I suggest you do the same.

3 -- Grammar & Spelling::
When you write I ask you be literate about you replies. Meaning take your time and double check for grammar / spelling mistakes. If you accidentally miss a typo it's alright because it happens to everyone. Just make sure I can read it.

4 -- Character Control::
Known as god-modding I ask you don't put words into my character's mouth, control his actions, or put thoughts into his head. I am the puppeteer pulling the strings behind the character and I'll react based on what you give me to work with.

5 -- Friend Requests::
Simply put, if you're the adder then you say something first or start the role-play. I will not be making starters if you're the one who added me first. Same thing goes for myself if I'm the one adding you. Another thing, you have exactly one week before I unfriend you. If there is no conversation or collaboration between us then you're wasting my time.

6 -- Reality::
Don't rush me for replies either. I'm a very busy man that has to work and attend to my responsibilities first. Writing is something I do when I'm relaxing and have nothing else to do.

Don't like my rules? Then...
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3 | 0 Comments | by Wolverine | Feb 27th 2017 14:02

Character List - Masterdoc

{This is a masterdoc of all of my characters. If you are looking for a more specific list, check out these blog posts:
Ivywood -
Fairytales -

All characters can be changed if necessary for a roleplay. I only have male and nonbinary characters but I am willing to create female characters for our specific roleplay if that is your preference.
Also since some people don't know: Switch = top/bottom, Versatile = dom/sub}

❃ - very high muse
○ - muse
● - no current muse/reserved

❃ Allen Stevens -

❃ Father Atticus Murphy -

❃ Arthur Cane -

❃ Ethan Moonsea -

○ Philip Farren –

○ Angus Lupei, The Big Bad Wolf -

○ Adam Burke -

○ Mr. Hyde -

○ Wendell Darling -

○ Dr. Jekyll -

○ Alistair in Wonderland -

● Ralph Farren -

● Leonardo, The Cowardly Lion -

● Romeo, The Tin Man -

● Eugene Lewis -

● Linus Von Flowers -

● Tony Abrams -

● Jack, The Scarecrow -

● Ian Moonsea -

● Peter Pan -

● Morgan "Moe" Mantus -

Rules if you haven't read them:
Plot Ideas:

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6 | 0 Comments | by ToBeOrNot | Feb 26th 2017 14:43

Wendell Darling

{“Do me a favor and get out of my life...please.”}


Full Name: Wendell Jackson Darling
Nicknames: Wendy {Used negatively by bullies}, Darling
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Race: Caucasian
Birthday: October 28
POB: Lenox, Massachusetts
Sexual Orientation: Gay {In the closet}
Spirit Animal: Rabbit/Hare
Accent: American

Drinks: Sometimes
Smokes: Very often


Body Type: Tall and fit, in shape but not overly defined
Height: 5’9
Hair: Dark and kept long, usually slicked back a bit
Eyes: Green/gray
Skin: Fair, a few moles/beauty marks here and there
Scars: None but callused hands from writing
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Scent: Books and ink
Face Claim: Finn Wittrock


General Personality: +curious, +friendly, +kind, +thoughtful, -obsessive, -persistent, -nervous, -awkward

Bio: As a child, Wendell grew up mainly around his mother, older sister, and his sister’s friends; he would let them dress him up and do his makeup and he found himself enjoying it much more than he realized he should of. His father would come home from work and shake his head at the sight of young toddler Wendell walking around in dresses that were too big for him and heels that were too tall for him. But luckily for Wendell, the man was usually too busy to say anything about it or do anything about it. His father might have wanted to toughen him up a bit but he didn’t need to. That was the job for the bullies at school.
That started quite early on and Wendell specifically remembered the day he had shown up to school in nail polish (his sister thought it suited him and refused to take it off of him) and was thrown into his first locker. That was just in middle school though and things would only get worse. Once in high school, Wendell discovered his love for acting in school plays and also writing, becoming head editor of the school paper when he was just a junior. Though he was intelligent and quite friendly, he still found himself faced with bullies and more importantly at the opposite end of a fist. It was even more embarrassing when his older sister was the one to butt in and scare off the bullies. Wendell couldn’t even defend himself and though he tried to grow out of his more feminine tastes, they seemed to be sticking for much longer than a kid playing dress up. He began to find himself attracted to boys over girls and tried to push those thoughts away before they got out of hand but, like every tragedy, he found himself falling in love with his best friend. That ship never had the chance to sail however as Wendell never said a peep. Not that it wasn’t obvious, at least by stereotypes that he could easily deny and turn around on anyone who said anything, but it was ironically true. Before he left for college though, he came out to his sister but didn’t have the heart to tell his parents, not exactly sure how they would react even if they probably knew already.
In college, Wendell studied journalism and theater, being quite successful in both and selling some of his plays to earn some cash for himself. He’s never been in a real relationship, going on random dates with girls in high school that never went beyond first base and having a onetime fling with a boy named Peter in a drunken college night but that experience was not the best for him and it left him heartbroken and simply confused. He’s a hopeless romantic but never knows how to flirt properly, always ending up as just a blushing mess, though he can certainly stand up for himself when he needs to. Over time, Wendell accumulated a small group of friends but still mainly keeps to himself along with writing on his own under the pseudonym Jackson Quinn, a combination of his parents’ first names. Even if it doesn’t show, Wendell doesn’t like being alone and he'll always end up meeting people and making friends with the wrong people just so he doesn't have to be lonely for another night. Sometimes he ended up in worse situations than others, but it all usually just added to the inspiration he needed for his stories. Experience is what Wendell craves the most and the people that can give it to him become his obsession.

Habits: Taking deep breaths to calm down, shaking left leg when nervous
Phobias: Being alone, coming out of the closet
Likes: Plays, books, bitter coffee, late nights and early mornings
Dislikes: School, fire, sleeping, the color green
Turn ons: Soft touches, dirty talking, scratching, pain to an extent
Turn offs: None established
Position: Bottom, more submissive due to lack of experience


Father: Jackson Darling – Tough love, hardworking and brought the family out of being poor but lost touch with his children in the process, looks older than he is
Mother: Quinn Darling – Sweet, caring, was there for her children through anything but aged quickly in the process, looks older than she is
Sister: Jenny Darling – older, successful, intelligent, the only person who knows Wendell’s sexuality

Song: Intertwined - Dodie Clark

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11 | 0 Comments | by ToBeOrNot | Feb 26th 2017 14:41

Ian Moonsea

{“Humans are like glass, we break and don’t get fixed.”}


Full Name: Ian Stewart Moonsea
Nicknames: Moon
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Race: Caucasian
Birthday: January 20
POB: St. Louis, Missouri
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Spirit Animal: Panther
Accent: American

Drinks: Yes
Smokes: Often


Body Type: Average build with light definition, slim
Height: 5’11
Hair: Blonde/Dirty Blonde and rather curly, kept a bit long
Eyes: Deep Brown, practically black
Skin: Fair to pale, callused and scarred
Scars: Many cuts {both old and new} from fights and abusive father, some burn marks on his arm from burning out cigarettes on his skin
Tattoos: The moon cycle in a vertical line going down the center of his back from the nape of his neck, constellations placed randomly over his entire body
Piercings: Tongue piercing
Scent: Ash and something oddly sweet
Face Claim: Evan Peters


General Personality: +funny, +charismatic, +sweet, -violent, -creepy, -careless

Bio: The Moonseas were a poor family. With a father who gambled away all their money, how could they not be? To add onto injury, he was also not a nice man. Not in the slightest. He would lash out when he got drunk at the smallest little things and always take it out on his wife. And eventually, on Ian. Ian was only 13 when his father first laid a hand on him, a violent smack across his face that had Ian passed out for a good few hours. But Ian was strong, stronger than his mother, and took everything his father gave him from there on out with a straight face. Unfeeling. Unhurting. It only made his father hit him harder but it was better than letting his father be happy with his pain. No. That was the last thing Ian would let his father be. Happy.
It was late one night when his father came home extremely drunk and unstable. It was the first time he pulled out something more serious than his fists to laying on the family. No. This time he took a kitchen knife, slashing their mother down. Instead of going to Ian then, his father started to make moves towards the youngest Moonsea, Ian’s little brother, but before the man could even lay hands on him, Ian had found the spare family pistol and did what he should have done a long time ago. This was Ian’s first taste a blood, at death by his own hands. With cause for his shooting, Ian wasn’t granted any jail time but had to speak with a therapist for a few years. Ian and Ethan were in the foster care system for a while though it soon became clear that while Ian was undesirable to many families, Ethan was. But, Ian wouldn’t let them separate them, take them away from each other. Running away led to Ian’s full time commitment to himself to take care of his brother and do whatever means he had to to do so.
This led to Ian’s second taste of blood, then his third, then so on. He did his best to stay out of major trouble, just trying to steal and rob from houses, but it didn’t make that much good money, especially when they were traveling around so much to avoid child protective services and any cops that knew what they looked like. So eventually, Ian began to take money to kill. To say he enjoyed it would be an understatement. At first, he felt a little guilty about it all. Not guilty about killing people but the fact that he had such a good rush from doing it, that it made him feel good. But that soon faded after the blood of bad people soaked his hands so red he could disguise himself as a fox. That’s how Ian provided for the two of them, moving around constantly, making money from killing, trying to keep his brother out of it as much as possible. That was his life. That was their life. And they were in it for the long haul.

Habits: Smoking, drinking, drugs/pills
Phobias: Loosing brother
Likes: Violence, guns, naps
Dislikes: Most people, his parents, dogs
Turn ons: A bit sadistic/masochistic, blood, biting, scratching, wrestling
Turn offs: None established
Position: Switch, versatile


Father: Steven Moonsea – Abusive man, beat mother and Ian till he passed away by Ian shooting him after Steven tried to hit little brother
Mother: Samantha Moonsea – Quiet, submissive, always tried to protect her children but ultimately stopped trying, died the same night as Steven due to blood loss
Brother: Ethan Moonsea – young, sweet and nice, the only person Ian tries to be nice to and not scare {}

Song: Mr. Doctor Man - Palaye Royale
Good Kisser - Usher

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8 | 0 Comments | by ToBeOrNot | Feb 26th 2017 12:19

Wait what??

As suddenly as it could get, a portal gets opened in the middle of the forest near Thylum and from it walks out Maedhros.. It took him decades to find someone able to open a portal to Nortrig for him, but when he found the person he didn't wait a second to go.

Naturally his post Mandos' Halls story changes a bit too, especially in one thing happened about 21 years before, in Arda.

So, no, he is not there randomly nor by accident, he is there to find someone.
Despite the place being rather cold, he didn't have other difficulties, at least for what concerned coming out of the forest and reach the closest inhabited centre.

He is wearing his black leather armor as he likes to travel light, but carries more weapons than an armory and it is clear he does not belong there, not just for the pointy ears but also for the outfit itself, the weapons style, even the way he walks.
Though he simply enters Thylum and starts to...ask people, just like that. He approaches any person nearby and goes. •Where can I find Carlie?• As if there was only one person named that way in whole Nortrig. -can easily be your characters he asked to-
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2 | 69 Comments | by Tighnari | Feb 26th 2017 05:14

Chi (God of spirte)

Name: Chi
What they're the god/goddess of:Spirte (Things such as, aura, and other such "spirtual" things)
Appearance: (what they look like): He rarely takes a physical form, but when he does, he is wearing a cloak, he stands about 5'0ft and can ajust his appearce at will.
Bio: He has been his own god for eons, but usally stays within Noah, because he is quite calm, so he powers up Noah and lets him do the fighting. However, sometimes he will come out from Noah to fight, he rarely does, but he will. When he does, he is a force to be recond with. This is because he can paralize you by your aura point, making it so you cant use manna, chi, or anything of the sort. He does not like fighting, as said earlier, he will..for his friends
(Current age): He is older then even Noah, a rough estiamte is maybe 1 eon old...but he looks to be about 20.
Extra: (any extra information): Being a god of spirte, he is quite smart, and as such, he cant be outsmarted...easily.
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0 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | Feb 26th 2017 03:25

Payton (Godess of literature)

Name: Payton
What they're the god/goddess of: Literature (includes; Painting, art, Writting, anything within literature)
Appearance: (what they look like): It is a bit hard to describe her, as she rarely gives her enemies time to see her face, but she is usally wearing a cloak, her hair is somewhat long, and blond, with her cloak she keeps all her art supplies.
Bio: In means of combat, she uses her paints to summon beasts (much like that guy from Naruto) or cause emotion change (like that girl from One piece), she is quick on her feet, and paints quite effectivly. She is not super strong, but her paint brush was made by the cyclops, so it is not exactly "Weak". Within her paint brush is a gem that powers it, and as long as that in the paint brush, she will never run out of ink
(Current age): recently born, she is about 600 years old, but looks to be about 15.
(How old they really are and how old do they look like?):
Extra: (any extra information): Not much is known about her, she sorta...appeared one day
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0 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | Feb 26th 2017 03:18

Memory (Godess of memory/The Mind)

Name: Memory
What they're the god/goddess of: Memory (duh) and The Mind
Appearance: She is a young girl, about the height of a 10 year old girl, but she is quite strong.
Bio: She is quite young is terms of looks and being a godess, much like storm and shards, she seperated from Noah, but earlier then the other two, but did not make it known until her brothers fully seperated. In terms of combat, she is mainily defensive , she does not like to fight, so she usally just records how an enemy fights until her friends show up, then let them know that
Current age: (How old they really are and how old do they look like?): she is roughly 300, maybe 350 years old, but looks about 12.
Extra: (any extra information): With a flick of her finger, she can make you forget what your doing. She hates combat, but if it comes to it, she fights with a varity of guns she keeps on her person. If worse came to worse, she has the ability to copy any ability she has seen, however she'll forget such ability if a stronger abilit is registerd in her mind, plus using her "Copy Memory" attack, takes a LOT of energy....however, she usally can win, and if she cant, she uses her power and get the HELL out of there....expect in the phew cases where she cant...then...well...she dead
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0 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | Feb 26th 2017 03:12


Ricominciamo da capo, lui non ha figli, partendo dall`inizio, lui era un ragazzo molto ben visto a scuola poichè aveva buone capacità. Quello che non tutti sapevano è quello che lo ha spinto ad unirsi alla Baecho, di solito I più bravi vengono presi di mira, spesso solo per gelosia ma non sono molto ben visti.
C`era un ragazzo molto sciocco si potrebbe dire che era geloso delle sue capacità, infatti avendo la sua stessa età aveva paura che lui venisse cacciato fuori da quelli più bravi, proveniva da una famiglia ricca e decise con uno scatto di gelosia di assoldare qualcuno che facesse cambiare idea a Cesare. Voleva spaventarlo e toglierselo dai piedi, l`uomo che assoldò si fece una chiacchierata con Cesare che gli disse in modo molto chiaro che quello era quello che aveva intenzione di fare nella vita e che niente gli avrebbe fatto cambiare idea.
In seguito ci fu una specie di secondo round, lo aspettò fuori da scuola e lo picchiò dopo che tutti gli altri erano andati via, infatti a Cesare piaceva trattenersi a discutere con il professore di temi complicati.
Al tempo lui aveva 23 anni, non si arrese finchè un giorno l`uomo non cominciò a seguirlo, un giorno mentre si trovava a circa metà strada da casa l`uomo gli si fiondò contro di nuovo, questa volta sembrava volesse ucciderlo, finchè non arrivò un Eastern che uccise l`uomo e fece a Cesare un`offerta unica. Finire gli studi in un altro posto, a contatto con scienziati brillanti e in un laboratorio superaccesoriato. In cambio lui sarebbe entrato nel loro team e avrebbe ricevuto protezione. Lui accettò senza esitare, deluso di un sistema che permettesse quello che gli era successo, lo portarono alla sede centrale della Baecho dove studiò con I migliori scienziati a di disposizione.
Cominciò primi esperimenti circa 1 anno dopo, imparava in fretta e aveva fretta di iniziare, I primi mutanti erano instabili, non aveva ancora il cuore abbastanza duro per vedere tutte quelle morti. Agli inizi fu difficile ma imparò come superarle e quando incontrò Larah tutto gli fu più chiaro,il suo primo successo, era così poco abituato ad una cosa simile che si innamorò di lei. In fondo passavano tanto tempo insieme e conoscevano tutto gli uni degli altri, perciò era inevitabile... Quando la sconfitta della Baecho era segnata nella storia decisero di reintegrare gli scienziati nella società, quando Larah morì in guerra Cesare pensò di non poter più ricominciare finchè non si ritrovò a lavorare come hunter. Da solo in un mondo che lo disprezzava per ciò che aveva aiutato a costruire. Aiutò con la manutenzione e si ricreò una vita, nessuno gli ha mai chiesto del suo passato.
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1 | 0 Comments | by Onibugi | Feb 25th 2017 15:02

Fallen angel?

Name: Baxter.
Age: 19 - 25 (2000 in fantasy years)

After running away from the life he had, he purposely jumped from the sky.. Not much is known other than that, he tries to blend in to society. Because of his near immortality he never falls in love.
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16 | 0 Comments | by netcore10 | Feb 25th 2017 12:35

80% sexy, 20% disgusting,


Dato che lei è molto legata alle antiche tradizioni della loro famiglia e in generale, alle tradizioni druiche dei loro antenati, le prime famiglie degli antichi clan del Nord.

Dato che l'annuale parata degli Athairs si sta avvicinando, decide di vedere se qualcuno dei suoi fratelli sopravvisuti intenderà parteciparvi. Lei sicuro andrà.
Scrive a tutti i fratelli, invitandoli in un sofisticato pub, di sera, a Crowley.
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2 | 53 Comments | by Crow | Feb 23rd 2017 12:36