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Dimples playlist

So dimples playlist is actually the full album of Melanie martinez all the songs have a meaning:

1. Crybaby- her father used to call her a crybaby because she would sometimes cry to get what she wanted
2. Dollhouse- the unseen world of the jokers family, such as him abusing Harley and Dimples sometimes. (Dimples also uses "we'll be the perfect family" line on batty a lot)
3. Sippy cup- dimples sees what her parents do. It's also a tribute to the miscarrge her mother had before her.
4.carousel- her feeling towards batty.
5. Alphabet boy- this is a song about the joker and how dimples thinks she can be better than him.
6. Soap- she once told ace that she loved him, he has never let that go and it annoys her.
7. Training wheels- another batty song, what she wants from batty.
8. Pity party- her 16th birthday
9. Tag, you're it- her 16th birthday when Johnny molested her.
10. Milk and cookies- her 16th birthday, when her daddy killed Johnny so he wouldn't hurt his little girl again.
11. Pacify her- a song about batty and how she wants him to love her and not his actual girlfriend
12. Mrs potato head- her, her tattoos, her family and some of her friends.
13. Mad hatter- a tribute to her mother and father.
14. Play date- another song for batty.
15. Teddy bear- Freakshow (batty/dimples) song, and or playing cards ( Dimples/ ace) song
16. cake- batty song.
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3 | 3 Comments | by Daddyslittlemonster | Mar 29th 2017 13:32

Rules - Working on these. Keep checking back.

My Rules
- I roleplay my character, only my character, don’t add me expecting me to modify my character to fill something in a plot you have. What I mean by that is he is not a teenage student, or the high-school bad boy, so don’t approach me asking me to roleplay that. Mario is a full-grown male with a job and aspirations in life, he is by default a good guy but very protective of his family and friends.
- I roleplay real life/celebrity. I have no interest in supernatural etc. It has to be realistic and something my character as he stands will fit into.
- Do not and I cannot iterate this enough DO NOT add me if all you want is romance RP or a quick roll in the hay, I am not that role-player. Whilst I have no problem in that content if/when it comes up I have a strict set of my own rules for romance which will be in a separate section at the end of these rules.
- Don’t disrespect me, my family or friends.

Other things
- I have a real life outside of roleplay, sometimes it’s busy sometimes less so. Sometimes it’s easier for me to get on kik than the site, my kik is in my profile. Feel free to add me.
- Time zones. I live in Europe, be prepared for that. I also do not stay up until the hours of the wee-morning very often. So this can be a problem for some people, more so If it’s in relation to a love interest.

Romance and Love Life
What you need to know if you are wanting to date Mario is this:
- The character and the typist must be above the age of 18
- Don’t Lie
- Don’t Cheat
- Respect me, my family and friends and most of all yourself.
- I don’t flirt all over my profile with other girls in public or private and I expect the same, if people flirt with you I expect you to shut them down openly and call them on their sh*t.
- If you are the type of person that is dating multiple people to see how it works out then keep walking. I’m not here to be your second choice because the other person is now involved or has stopped coming online
- No multi-characters
- No multiple love stories / AUs
- I don't have a problem with multiple accounts as long as you aren't hanging out there all the time. If so what do you even have the account that's with me for?
- My sister (Esme) must approve of you. Whilst this might seem silly to some she is much more grounded in these things and a far better judge of character than me and most people I know
- Additionally, if you add all the sleaze accounts going then don’t expect me to a) keep quiet about it or b) stay around very long.

Not reading all of this is not a reason for ignorance of them. If you break any of my rules (especially the love interest ones, I won’t hesitate to drop/delete/block you. You’ve been warned ahead of time, so play nice, play fair)
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16 | 1 Comment | by Cuervo | Mar 29th 2017 05:31

Ace spade -dimples boy toy

Name: Anthony spade
Nickname: ace spade, Acey boy, Acey.
Age: 36
Backstory: all we know about Ace is that he used to be dimples therapist. Recommended by the batman as ace spade could not be manipulated, or so we thought. He treated dimples as best he could. Doing a lie detector test every session just to be safe. He went to extreme measures to get dimples to cooperate. He branded the back of her hand just for lying. (Need to confirm if that is allowed at arkham) DImples put on her cry baby routine and Ace fell for it. He was then knocked out and taken to ace chemicals where he tried to stop dimples and her father from transforming him, but her father is actually the cause of his transformation. The joker pushed ace into the chemicals. Ace calls dimples his queen, but is often treated badly by dimples herself, much like the joker with Harley.
Danger: * * * *
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2 | 0 Comments | by Daddyslittlemonster | Mar 28th 2017 22:56

Valerie Heart (Miraculous Ladybug OC)

Name: Valerie Heart

Nickname: Val

Villain name: Madam Wolf

Age: 14

School: Same as Marinette and Adrien

Miraculous?: yes, it’s her necklace. It has a wolf paw print on the front.

Kwami: Sheila. Her favorite food is cooked meat.

Villain looks: She has silver wolf ears on top of her hair and a silver fluffy tail. Her outfit is a black and silver metallic suit. Her nails turn into claws and she has sharp fangs.

Normal Looks: (except her hair isn’t as long as it is in the picture. It’s half way down her back) She’s about 5’4 with long silver hair that goes halfway down her back and bright gold eyes. She typically wears a pair of jeans and a black sweater.

Weapon: Twin daggers and her claws

Special power: “Wolf’s cry” - activating this ability allows her to possess and control nearby people and have them do her bidding for a limited time.

Personality: When Valerie isn’t in costume, she pretty much keeps to herself for the most part. She’s a bit of a loner and watches people from afar. When she’s her alter ego Madam Wolf, she’s very c*cky and flirtatious.

Facts about her: She tends to get bullied alot and the worst bully of them all is Chloe. This is why she keeps to herself, to avoid getting her feelings hurt. One day she ran into an akumatized victim and they told her that Hawkmoth wanted to work with her and that he had been watching her for some time now. He wanted her to help his akumatized minions get Ladybug and Cat Noir’s miraculous’s and in order to do that, he gave her the wolf miraculous. Since she had so much hate and vengefulness in her heart, she accepted. He promised her that with these new found powers she could get revenge on her enemies. Ever since that day, she’s been helping Hawkmoth and attempting to stop Lady Bug and Cat Noir from foiling his plans. Though over time, she began to fall for Cat Noir and only he has the power to turn her good. He just has to figure out how. Now, the only person she really talks to is her kwami Sheila because she feels like she understands her.

Crush: Adrien/Cat Noir
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4 | 0 Comments | by Angelgirl1000 | Mar 28th 2017 21:42


As he starts to feel better, that same evening after dinner, he actually approaches Vanille after they remain alone in the dining room, well, alone with some servants anyway.

He sits beside her and looks at her. •Hi!•
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0 | 81 Comments | by ShinLin | Mar 28th 2017 18:10

Ethias Uldrick

Dimples Kerr- a bio about the mad love daughter.

Dimples is an oc that I came up with. I'm not taking full credit, because an rper helped me out with the name. But the rest was all my idea. So this is a little bio about the princess of Gotham.

Name: Dimples
Real name: Unknown. Goes by Jenny Napier as an alias. Need to confirm if it is her actual name.
Nickname: Dee. Miss D.
Age: 21 1/2
Parents: the joker and Harley Quinn
Accomplices: Ace spade and baby doll.
Appearance: neon purple hair, like her father. She wears her hair slicked back and in pigtails held together by two green scrunches ( need to confirm what hair color was upon birth) . She has blue eyes, much like her father and a number of tattoos
Tattoos: a batman symbol below her left eye, like her mother and father. Two puppy paw prints on her left shoulder. ' daddy's little psycho' on her collarbone,like her mother. A broken heart with an arrow through it above her right breast. (Need to confirm if she has more)
Backstory: Dimples has always been a daddy's girl, at age 5 her mother and father took her to batman's sons birthday party where her father killed Catwoman and set their house on fire. That was dimples first exposer to her crush Batty, or Alfred Wayne. It was also her first exposer to how cruel the world and people can be. As one of Alfred's friends called her father a freak. At age 13 she learned the truth about how her parents met. She says her father was only keeping it from her to make it as romantic as possible. On her 16th birthday she claims she was molested by the jokers former top henchman, Johnny frost. A month later she met her obsession, batty or the batman. Since then it has been hard to keep up with her, she turned her therapist, name Anthony spade, into a boy toy named Ace spade . She also has turned batman Jr's ex against him. She renamed his girlfriend simply baby doll. She continues to harass batman to this day. Not getting it through her brain that she is as delusional as her father and mother are. Need to confirm if she has mental illness.
Extra quips: cracks her neck, much like her father. Master manipulator. DO NOT LEAVE ALONE WITH ONE THERAPIST. can sing, like her father, apparently. Has made lots of songs related to her, her parents, her past, ect. Growls like her father.
danger: * * * * *

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4 | 2 Comments | by Daddyslittlemonster | Mar 28th 2017 05:39

Samantha Beckett

Name: Samantha Beckett

Age: 21

Height: 5"9'

Weight: Don't Ask me Ever.

Allergies: Coconut Oil, Shrimp

Personality: Outgoing, Caring, Friendly

Relationship Status: Single

Past Residence: Rio De-Janerio ,Brazil Stockholm, Sweden

Current Residence: New Jersey

Occupation: Chef

Medical Issues: Born blind at Birth

Samantha Or Sam as she prefers it, she loves to meet and make new friends where ever she goes, or happens to be. Working as a florist has lead to many promising deliveries. She enjoys the work because she has been able to meet Many new clients when helping. When she doesn't work, She used go out on a Jog in the Morning, but doesn't due to not being able to see. she Most spends time going for a walk when she has the time. Because she's blind, It's not stopped her from working or making new friends however she can. She's Even Shown her Praise as being a great cook. some people have been wondering as to how she can manage working while blind, but it's the sounds and noises and many other thing's she has adapted to over time that have been able to help her with life. Though it's been a difficult struggle, She's also been saving money to put towards a corrective eye surgery to restore her vision so she'd be able to see the world for the first time in Years. She has always been curious to see what the world is like, but has never experienced anything of the sort.
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0 | 0 Comments | by SunBunni | Mar 27th 2017 23:48


Name: Alexis Leina


Height: 6"0'

Weight: ...Don't Ever ask me That.

Tattoos: One on her back that is a butterfly, One on her arm which is a skull and a rose.

Allergies: Oysters, Eel

Personality: Shy, Outgoing when you get to know her

Past Residence: Kiruna,Sweden

Relationship Status: None

Current Residence: New York City,New York

Occupation: Works in Handmaking Clay pottery, works also as an independent Baker in Noriku Tea house/Bakery

Powers: N/A

Alexis is a shy but Quite friendly person once you have gotten to know her. Coming from Kiruna as a pottery maker, she now enjoys living in the united states and enjoying the many things to offer. For her and the family, They have never gotten along the moment she had left. When her mother and father passed away when she was 18, She discovered rather quickly that she they both left her everything in their will. To the Dismay of her relatives, they had hated the fact she was left everything and they were not. For 6 Years she has refused to speak to anyone else within her own family because they have been trying to get her to give up what she had from the will. Since this, She continues to drive towards her dream of being a professional baker, while improving her skill of making clay pottery.
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1 | 0 Comments | by SunBunni | Mar 27th 2017 23:33


Dopo che tutti sono andati via per la guerra, sono rimasti praticamente solo loro due a casa con Hugo e questo le ha dato molto da pensare.
L'idea di tornare in Germania non l'attrae molto per via della matrigna, ma sa che eventualmente sarà necessario, Florian non può abbandonare il suo Regno e suo padre.

Tuttavia, lei desidera prolungare quanto più possibile il momento del ritorno. Così decide di fare un discorso con il suo principe.

Lei va da lui e si siede sulle sue ginocchia. •Miene Gelebt..• (My love)
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1 | 16 Comments | by SulBang | Mar 27th 2017 18:41

Arrivo movimentato

La notte precedente c`era stata una forte tempesta che il mattino dopo sembrava essere solo un brutto ricordo.
Lei quella notte come al solito si era allontanata molto da casa sua e con l`arrivo della tempesta si è trovata costretta a rifugiarsi in spiaggia, è abituata ad alzarsi tardi, non si preoccupa del fatto che è su una spiaggia, con solo un reggiseno addosso... Quando non ha la coda non ha la voce quindi non può parlare, peró quelli di Nortrig potrebbero trovare un modo per comunicare con lei...
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2 | 22 Comments | by Arran | Mar 27th 2017 14:08

Juniper the Skull Grunt






Personality:Serious, fun, hot headed, hard to get.

Pros: Smart, cares for her teammates and Pokemon, and a michanic.

Con:Tries to keep her distance from other people, stealing Pokemon, Chaotic Nutral.

Likes:Alcohol, candy, training her Pokemon, dark poison and ghost Pokemon, motorcycles, battling.

Dislikes:Spicy things, annoying people, And seeing her friends abandon her.

Bio:Juniper is the grunt leader in team skull. She was always a trouble maker since she was 10 since she grew up on the streets of Alola not really caring for anyone except her team mates. One day she snuck in the team skull building trying to steal from them but then encountered the big sister and big brother of team skull. They admired her somehow sneaking in the base so they gave her two options one go to jail or two join team skull. She accepted going into team skull then working her way up for ten years making her the little sister of team skull and leader of the grunts.
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1 | 0 Comments | by Cerberus | Mar 27th 2017 11:00

Crystal (wolf rp)

A lone wolf, she's an alpha but without a pack to call her own nor a mate. Why without a pack? Reason is when she was a pup her own pack was attacked during the night, killed right in front of her. Ever since then she has been walking alone, trying to figure out things on her own.
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5 | 0 Comments | by xXLostSoulXx | Mar 26th 2017 16:00


the name is Scar, well that's my nickname. grown up an orphan sense the apocalypse. war broke out and everything is in ruins, more diseases spread across the world and wiped out most of the humans. The people who roam around the ruins of the world are the survivors that made it through. I am one of them, the nickname came from the movie "The lion King" after scar, hence my birthmark across my eye. my travels are alone, that's how it has been sense it all stared, and I am not afraid to die alone either.

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8 | 0 Comments | by xXLostSoulXx | Mar 26th 2017 15:49

The Beauty and the Beast feat Carlie

After having you spend the night in the stables, the next day she actually disappears for several hours, she reached her limits rather fast and really needed to wind down a little already, among having to do dirty things, Gaston wanting to marry her and Andrew and Ethan trolling her, she truly was about to explode.
Thanks to a contact he has, she teleports to England and actually spends many hours at the court of Henry VIII, with the look of a noblewoman. Spending some time in the utter luxury definitely refreshed and relieved her a lot, it really is the only kind of life she can enjoy.
Despite being tempted to stay there and abandon the others, she decided to come back, but only for Emile, Malín and Vanille, with whom she started to feel a bond, unlike with Andrew and Ethan whom she has an even worse opinion than before. u.u

When she comes back though, there are only Hugo, Malín and Snowhite at home and before she could ask, the old man tells her in a very worried tone that Emile has been missing for several hours. He asked him to go gather some mushrooms like 10 hours before and that he has not come back yet, which is worrying, since he went in the morning and it is almost dusk and especially since there had been a very bad storm that lasted a few hours.
Now, Emile is not just her favorite Singer, he is also one of the two boys Sao encharged them to take care of and she really doesn't even want to think of the possibility that something might have happened to him.

Without second thoughts and ignoring all the pleas of the old man begging her not to go and just wait for Louis and Antoine to come back and deal with this, she goes to get a horse -Maedhros taught her to ride without reins and saddle- and rushes to the other forest, not the same where they found Snowhite, as that is the place where Hugo advised him to go.
There she starts to seek for some proofs and indeed notices that some mushrooms were cut near there.
Following some tracks, she manages stick on the path Emile likely walked and it of course, leads to a fallen tree. And it also starts to rain again while she is searching, but she doesn't stop searching, she is totally desperate to find Emile.

As she continues deeper, things get harder as the rain clears the tracks, that is, until she comes across the cloth bag with mushroom on the ground. It takes her some time to notice that she reached a part of the forest that is much colder than the previous and that is actually covered with snow, despite being summer. And it is even snowing at that moment. Though, she doesn't have the time to bother or to get surprised, she fears something terrible happened to Emile, which caused him to loose the bag.

Worse part though, is that night is falling and far from reassuring howlings start to be heard. She is far to risk to ride back to the village, so she decides to find shelter in the big abandoned-looking castle nearby. She fears ghosts much less than actual wolves. They might not be able to kill a Shifter, but still can hurt her badly.

She reaches the castle and leaves the horse outside. She won't use magic unless really necessary but still keeps ready for it.
The place is apparently empty, but the fire is lit and it is clearly way too tidy to be just some abandoned or haunted place.
She looks around carefully and as she approaches the stairs, she can fully feel Emile's presence in there, which relieves her so bad.
Without too much thinking, she grabs Lumiere thinking it is just a candelabra to make some light on the way, and rushes upstairs, in the spiral stairs leading up to the tower, until she reaches a cell, inside of which, Emile is, all curled up and crying slightly.
She puts Lumière down and looks at Emile.
•Brother! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!• She mutters, thanking the Gods for finding him.

Emile is so desperate though, but relieved as well that Carlie found him, but he doesn't want her to get endangered for him. •G-go away or h-he will get you as well...•

She shakes her head and approaches him in the cell, taking his hand. •I will take you back home, I promise you that. You need to trust me and everything will go just fine.• She glances at the cell door though, displeased how there is no lock on it. Clearly something triggers the door, but she can not really see it.

•No, n-no please run away, h-h-• He looks up with O.O expression, not saying anything else as the Beast indeed makes his appearance.

Carlie simply looks up at him, not really looking so shocked at first. She has seen of weird races and people in her life, to her the Beast looks just like a strange Charr. Though, she doesn't trust men much and actually fears them all, hence why she pushes them all away, she will never fully overcome the trauma Frederick and Bartholomew I caused her.
She takes just one step back, just in case. •Greetings. May I know why my brother is locked up in your cell, monsieur?• She says in a rather annoyed tone.

The Beast is actually very surprised that Carlie has not gone crazy at the sight of him, starting to scream and run like any other person normally does. Though, he is always grumpy and annoyed, even worse due to her tone. •It is the fate thieves deserve! He broke inside my castle to rob me!•

She rolls her eyes at his words. •Mercy...I wouldn't believe that not even if he stole something in front of my eyes. Don't you dare to call my brother a thief..•

He lets out a low growl at her words, not intending to believe her nor wanting to hear more "excuses". •He is a Thief, I don't care what you think, he will stay there, forever.•

She frowns, not at all pleased. •Then you will keep me here forever as well.•

He frowns as well, soo so annoyed by her. •FINE!• He pulls the lever that triggers the door of the cell, opening it and pushing her inside. •Enjoy your staying. -.- • And closes the door again, walking upstairs and leaving them there.

It was exactly what she wanted as she only needed to see how to open the cell, now she considers themselves already half way to be home, basically. Though, she plans to wait for dawn, as the forest out there is clearly way too dangerous to be crossed at night.She sits beside Emile and wraps her arm around his shoulder. •I promise to you that everything will go fine, I know what to do.• In the worst of possibilities the Beast will die of old age! She thinks, but she truly has even more than one plan to get out of there, without including magic-involving plans.

•Let us go now, please, I beg of you..• He says with such a desperate tone...

She stands up and approaches the door of the cell and climbs on it a little, enough for her to reach the lever. Her arm is thin enough to go through the square shaped holes of the door and let her reach it. •Prepare to run, he will surely hear this.• She pulls the level, which indeed makes a metallic sound that echoes all over the tower, then pulls Emile to run downstairs with her.
Beast indeed heard that and rushes after them. She looks back, noticing he is reaching them, so, she quickly whispers a few words to Emile just as they reach the entrance of the castle. •JUMP NOW!• She shouts to Emile, who obeys and actually disappears just at the same time as the Beast grabs her from behind.
The spell she cast on Emile makes him literally appear in the stables of their house in Villeneuve. But sadly, it is not the kind of spell she can cast on herself and she sure hopes the Beast didn't notice what she did.

He indeed didn't think it was Carlie, but rather some weird  trick Emile made, he is convinced he is a thief after all. •Good, you will take his place for real and alone then! -.- •

She gasps as he grabs her, being touched by men deeefinitely petrifies her. This time, the Beast ties her hand behind her back before locking her in the cell again. Then just leaves again, trusting that should she manage to open the cell again, he will hear it in time, especially now that he expects it. She doesn't intend to do it though.
In less than a minute she manages to untie herself, Shifters are truly impossible to restrain, without some silver. She stands up and looks out of the open window of the cell. A very long way down. Sure, as a Shifter, if she jumped off she wouldn't die as really only silver can kill them, but still, it would break all her bones and solve nothing. So she starts to study all the roofs and statues of the building to prepare herself a safe path to reach the ground. Shifter might be weak strength-wise, but their real strong point is agility. Light and swift, like cats, especially for what concerns climbing and jumping. Though, she stays on her initial plan to not go out till dawn. She sure could teleport but doesn't want to take any possible risk by using magic there. Especially since she can feel there is other magic in motion that could interfere.

After studying her escape for the next morning, she sits down on the floor and sighs. Her only worry left is that the Beast might pay her some very unpleasant visit during the night. It is what she fears from every man, in truth it has been like a torture to her to have to sleep in same room with all of them in Hugo's house.

And since the very last thing in the world she wants right now is that Ethan and Andrew come there making some mess, she decided to speak in their minds, connecting all the three of them. •Make sure Emile is safe and unspoiled. Whatever he says, do not try to come to me. I am fine and can take care of myself.• Just like that.
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3 | 65 Comments | by Crow | Mar 26th 2017 12:29