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My oc in a nutshell

Alex stormblood
Age:depends on the rp
Height: normally 5'8-6'3
Species: depends on the rp
Personality: kind, caring, loyal, protective, stubborn, hot headed sometimes, and a force of nature when pissed off
Abilities: depends on the rp
Likes:almost anything
Dislikes: bullies, guns, and large reptiles (Godzilla sized)
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13 | 3 Comments | by Oberon | May 5th 2016 12:58

A few events recently occurred.

>Benjamin and Amelis had their little girl, Rosemary. Needless to say, their joy -especially Benjamin's- was insane as the Curse still exists and only the most worth Auriold (doesn't involve Nimox) can have daughters.
Given his acclaimed return, Benjamin insisted that Kyng be her Godfather, also as an excuse to make him closer to the family again.
To be fast, a few months from the birth passed already, whole family was warned and invited to her welcoming to the family and Baptism. Right now she is happily growing up healthily with her parents in Shadowmoor.
She is much more similar to her mom, which makes her look like an angelic being under every point of view.

>5 months after Rosemary's birth, Richard and Reyja are proud to announce the birth of their third child, Chimien (Shimièn) nicknamed Chimìn (Shimì).
The boy looks Southern, like his mom for once, the only one of the 3 brothers so far, that doesn't look like a fotocopy of their father.
Richard asked Fabian to be the boy's Godfather and he accepted, feeling quite neat at the idea to have a Godson finally.
For him too the whole family was warned and invited to see him, they had welcoming to the family and a very rich Baptism for him as well.

>As for Fabian, in brief:
The surgery was successful of course, Christoph did a divine job with the delicate operation. Fabian had some weird dreams in which he had the chance to speak with his father, he will never know whether that meeting happened for real in the few minutes in which he was officially dead or if it was just a dream created by his mind. One sure thing is, he woke up even more motivated to offer more to the world and to do more himself.

He had to stay about 3 weeks (he should stay 1 month+ but they couldn't restrain him any further) monitored in Christoph's home but after that time he simply had to return home and get back to work. Besides, he missed his home anyway.
Problem is, he is still too weak and not really stable yet, he must be monitored and someone has to be with him in case another cardiac arrest occurs or he'll die alone. So, to avoid to chain him to a bed, they agreed that Fabian could head back home at the condition that a few people would head there with him and stay with him until he stabilizes and his situation goes out of risk.
-He also clarified with all of his brothers of course, more or less.-
Anyhow, since by now all of his children left his home and he is alone, Christoph decided to go himself, even though he will have to leave him alone each now and then to go work in Malicedom and Academies, hence why someone else's presence was needed, so that in case of emergency, they could warn him or Jackil or Doctor Robstein who would rush there to do what needed to be done.
Fabian is not too happy to take people to his home actually, he likes it to stay secret and hidden -even though knowing its location doesn't make it anywhere close to easy to access it- and he also doesn't fancy to have to change his habits -which he will never do anyway- so, without expressing any preferences he just lets his nephews choose which of them would like to come have a little holiday by him.

Right now, he and Christoph are standing in front of Christoph's mansion, waiting for the others to join so that they teleport to the location to be able to reach Fabian's home.
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2 | 66 Comments | by Dobermann | May 5th 2016 12:31


Name: Alexander
Nickname: Al or Alex
Bio: was raised mostly by his mother because his father and mother were divorced so he stayed with his mother due to the fact that his father was abusive to his mother but he would always stand up to him not scared of what would happens to him as long as his mother was safe he also has the ability to turn into a black wolf with a slightly grey color
Likes: dogs, drawing, and the number 96 also his mother
Dislikes: his dad, cats, and mean people
Age: 18 (depends on rp)
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4 | 5 Comments | by DemonWerewolf | May 4th 2016 19:33

Hell's Bells.

One thing that is still unknown (by everybody except Kyng) and that Fabian surely is not happy about and doesn't speak of lightly, is that he has a very serious heart problem coming from the fact it is heavily damaged and since it happened many years ago, by now there is no way to fix it, assuming there could be a chance to do so even back then.

When he was on the street, actually the same exact evening of the day in which he went to beg his brothers to donate that bit of money to him to craft his prototype and have the chance to be forgiven by their father, his rotten luck reached the top.
While he was all curled up on a half dry spot near the street -since it was Autumn II and the city was literally into a lake of mud-. trying to fall asleep and to forget that woeful day, an old and rather mad, uber drunk tramp arrived. There was a couple more of those there, who didn't move nor rose a finger, just watched.
The drunk man started to hit and accuse Fabian to have stolen his spot, and the young Riddle had absolutely no intention to let him mistreat him and steal that spot from him out of a ridicuous statement. He argued back and it became quite fiery, he couldn't imagine that the other tramp had a knife and even less that he would use it. In that situation, he got stabbed and right through the heart. As soon as that happened, all of the tramps including the drunk one fled, leaving him alone to die in the mud, and he was absolutely sure it was over for him, he fell on the ground and tried to keep his eyes open, but he couldn't manage to, he passed out in minutes.

It is totally mysterious how he managed to survive but probably some Zimox had something to do with it, it was probably not his time to die, he had still to fullfill his purpose back then.

He woke up hours later, alive, to his greatest surprise and with the wound on his chest stitched up in a very poor, dirty, cheap and messy way, but at least he wasn't bleeding anymore. Though, the damage inside, that of the heart was there and already paining him badly.
He took it as the definitive proof he had to leave the North forever, and also what makes him feel the worst towards his brothers nowadays: had even just one of them opened his heart to him that day, his heart would have never been damaged and he could live a full life. He can't help but blame them for it.

His heart problem causes:
-Very unstable heart bits;
-Very weak heart, great and constant risk to get an infarct;
-Must take medicines his whole life to reduce the risks; (and the medicines he takes would insta kill him if he drank any sort of alcoholic drink after or before taking them. For that, when he knows he will drink, he avoids to take them, making himself very vulnerable.)
-Must avoid to run, do sports and such as it would bring too much effort to his heart; (even stairs are an actual problem for him)
-Avoid excessive stress. Spook him is definitely a bad idea.

The last evening he spent to the North for the fair before having to leave for a conference in the South the next morning, something messy happened.
He stayed till way too late in a pub, drinking with his fans. (In the 3 days he didn't take his medicines once)
He went out of it alone, totally unaware of the fact that Benjamin and William were waiting for him there.
They didn't have any ill intentions obviously, they only wanted him to be forced to listen to them to fix things, since he never let them approach otherwise. And neither they could imagine of his heart problems, heck they all are convinced that Fabian faked his death, it was the most reasonable thing to believe after he appeared on all newspapers a fake name. (Since investigations were made and the tramps who witnessed the stab had their minds read. Their conclusion though was that he had some way to change their memories considering he was alive all the time and that blow would kill any Auriold. Needless to say that situation just contributed to create even more tension as thinking he faked his death pissed everybody off big time. But they are going to find out the truth very soon.)

As he went out of the pub, Ben and Will approached him, but very childishly, he immediately started to run away, quite spooked by their attempt.
No medicines plus drunk plus scared and agitated plus run are the most lethal mix for someone in his state.
The brothers just facepalmed and gave up, going away while he headed to some dark alley in which he collapsed, in the middle of a heart attack pretty deadly. Luckily for him a tramp nearby noticed the scwne and started to call for help, dragging the attention of someons who knew what to do. Basically, doctor Robstein was called with urgency and Fabian was transferred to his clinic where the doctor saved his life and then moved him to his own mansion for monitored convalescence since he is still at risk.
And it is while there that Christoph gets to learn about the truth about Fabian.

Christoph was summpned by the Master Doctor to be warned they will have to postpone the upcoming exam of a member of the Academy of Medicine due to an urgent case he can not leave unmonitored.
They spoke right in front of the door of the room in which Fabian was. And it was a luck as while talking, the two heard a wprrying noise from the room and stormed in, finding Fabian on the ground undergoing another cardiac arrest.
Loris and Christoph performed the delocate surgery together, in fact the Anatomy professor was the top cardiologist pf Nortrig and despite he is no longer a doctor he still is the best. (Loris Robstein is the top expert is transplantations while Jackil the top pediatrician)
They managed to save his life a second time, but the whole thing left Christoph upset like never before.
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2 | 16 Comments | by Dobermann | May 3rd 2016 18:22


Lui ha appena sentito di quello che è successo a Fabian e da fratello amorevole quale lui è decide di andarlo a trovare, ma non immediatamente perchè non gli va di vedere tutti i fratelli. In realtà non vorrebbe vedere neanche Fabian, ma ci va solo perchè è malato.
Si teletrasporta davanti alla casa del dottore e bussa alla porta.
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1 | 14 Comments | by Dark_Lord | May 3rd 2016 16:35

Adelina Snippet

Arianna grinned at her husband as he played with their daughter. He was trying really hard to be the best father he could, and he was doing spectacularly. It had been almost six months now since Adelina was born, and while he was still awkward at times (they both were) he was catching on quickly.

"She really likes your wings, you know," she mused.

"I can tell, she keeps grabbing the feathers," he laughed. "Soon enough hers will grow feathers too."

"I know. But in the meantime she'll keep playing with yours," she smirked at her husband.

He didn't seem to mind it, anyways. He /loved/ that little girl, she was so precious to the both of them. Arianna wished she could stay that little forever. She listened to her daughter laugh, and joined Lucifer in playing with her. She was small, and adorable, and had her fathers eyes. Her mothers hair, of course. She was so, so beautiful.

"I love you both," she smiled.

"I love you both as well, dear," he chuckled, poking Addie's nose.

"Luh ya," cooed Adelina. Her first (sort of) words, were her trying to tell her parents she loved them. It was amazing.
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1 | 1 Comment | by TheMeridianSea | May 3rd 2016 14:37


Name: Diana
Race: dragon rider and icefire bender
Dragon: Xavier (black dragon with ruby eyes)
Personality: protective of her dragon, rebellious, caring
Likes: drawing/sketching, her dragon, and wolves
Dislikes: people who try to kill her dragon and cats
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3 | 0 Comments | by DemonWerewolf | May 3rd 2016 12:09


William Valentine Riddle, è il fratello gemello di Richard, loro due sono l'esatto opposto. Lui ha sempre adorato lo sport, i combattimenti, picchiare chi non gli andava a genio. Al contrario di Richard che era quello che faceva i compiti per entrambi, e che doveva anche farli in silenzio.
Perciò già da quando erano piccoli lui si dimostrava propenso alla violenza, che poi diventerà il suo tratto distintivo.
Gli anni del Malicedom per lui sono stati come una pacchia, non gli importava di studiare, e si faceva fare i compiti da Richard. L'unica cosa sul quale si impegnava era la materia di indirizzo, adorava battlefield specialmente perché poteva essere violento quanto voleva. Perché lo aiutava solo a vincere, infatti lui ha stabilito il record più alto di vittorie nel gioco. Quando era sul campo di battlefield era inarrestabile, e la gioia di vincere era impagabile.
Dopo essere uscito dal Malicedom espresse subito al padre la sua volontà di entrare nell'accademia militare. Assieme a lui venne costretto anche Richard ad andare, per William quelli della scuola furono gli anni migliori della sua vita. Richard non terminò l'accademia militare, non era proprio per lui e di certo il fratello non lo aiutava ad alleviare la sofferenza dello stare in quel posto, anzi gli peggiorava le cose. È andato così finché non hanno portato via Richard dal campo, e lui ha dovuto terminare l'accademia da solo.
Dopo essere uscito dall'accademia il padre gli affidò il ducato di Lustig. Per lui la sua vita era perfetta, andava a puttane aveva un castello enorme e poteva fare quello che voleva.
Solo che poi il padre gli comunicó che doveva sposarsi, all'inizio William credeva che avrebbe potuto scegliersi una moglie. Ma il padre gli disse che dato che era una scelta importante, la avrebbe presa lui al suo posto.
Organizzò il matrimonio e lui non potè vedere la moglie fino al giorno delle nozze. Quella fu una delle poche volte in cui il ritardatario fu lo sposo, lui non voleva sppsarsi specialmente con una sconosciuta. Infatti prima di andare valutó l'idea di scappare, ma alla fine prese la decisione giusta e andò al suo matrimonio.
Sua moglie di chiama Cassandra Woolfstox, e al contrario di come pensava è una vera bomba.
Negli anni a seguire scoprirono di avere delle cose in comune, ed esattamente 20 anni dopo il matrimonio decisero di impegnarsi ad avere un figlio. Lei rimase incinta poco dopo e da lì a qualche mese nacque il loro bambino che decisero di chiamare Frederic come il fratello scomparso di William e Abel come il padre di Cassandra.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Dark_Lord | May 2nd 2016 12:38

C*cktail party.

Indeed the following day, he organizes a massive, full optionals c*cktail party in the biggest hall of the most luxury restaurant of Thylum, which he booked for the occasion. Naturally chefs and waiters will do all the job with drinks and appetizers, all he really did was to pay for it and provide some entertainment. He made sure there would be some good and loud music, played by a very promising band of young of their world -even though they will play mainly AC/DC and Iron Maiden songs, as he claimed-
The room is huge, there is all the space to dance and make mess, tons of food and different drinks both alcoholic and non, though there is not that apathetic atmosphere of some party for high nobles, it's all young and messy, all about fun, certainly not obnoxious, exaggerated manners. The party perfectly matches his style, always hyper and excessive, but on the funny side, not the boring one.

He made sure to invite all nephews, but nephews only, not even half other relative apart from Kyng, which he strangely got to like in fact.
He is quite amused already and before others arrive he is there to joke with the waitresses of the place who are setting the tables.
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2 | 59 Comments | by Dobermann | May 1st 2016 08:00

Green Plr

After meeting at the fair (let's say it happens the next day after the "brothers' reunion" by Benjamin), he and Kyng decide to have dinner together by the usual super luxury and sophisticated restaurant of Thylum.
Fabian has obviously no idea that his brothers are still even trying to fix things with him, he considers them a "turned page" of his life by now, also since ever since he took distance from family it is as everything turned much better for him. Plus, there is a big detail that nobody knows about that last day he was in the North before leaving permanently to head West, something he never told to anybody and it is sort of what burns him the most, since it happened the same evening of the day in which he went to beg help from his brothers.
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1 | 38 Comments | by Dobermann | Apr 30th 2016 09:15


In qualunque modo la riunione andrà, dopo di essa, quando tutti gli altri se ne sono andati, restano soltanto Wylliam e Benjamin. Loro sono i più cattivi verso i loro fratelli e specialmente Benjamin sente il bisogno di fargliela pagare almeno un po' a Fabian per il suo comportamento del cazzo. Nulla di serio, vuole solo fargli prendere un bello spavento e costringerlo a chiarire con loro invece che continuare a evitarli e a svignarsela dalla sua famiglia.

Lui si versa un bicchiere di Vodka e si avvicina al camino. «Io dico di fargli una sorpresa inaspettata, ora che è quì nel Nord, fuori dal suo buco sperduto.»
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1 | 23 Comments | by Dream | Apr 30th 2016 09:10

Galacta Knight

Name-Galacta Knight
Species- Nephilim: half demon, half angel
Items- Amulet: A red jeweled amulet that is a memento of his father and his mother, and a key to open the Demon World
Family- Brother of Betrayus, Son of Sparda and Eva
Weapons- A Lance and a Shield of his mother; The sword of his father, Sparda. The strongest blade that can form into 5 weapons: Scythe, Axe, Spear, Trident, and the sword itself; and a Devil's Arm of his brother, a powerful arm that grants the user more power by killing powerful demons.
Abilities- Summon swords, sent out powerful lightning, summon a powerful tornado, use his lance to cut through the time and space continuum to send out a powerful beam in it, and will be extremely piss off and unleash his full anger upon his enemies.
Weaknesses- Using someone he loves against him.
Personality- Claim to be the Strongest warrior in existence, Defeated the enemies that were strong as him. Trapped in a crystal for eternity and was set free to looked for a new opponent to fight against.
Appearances- Normal human skin color, yellow demon horns, a white mask to hide his identity, fusica hair, pure white armor with redish pink on it, angelic wings, and pink eyes.
Backstory: Galacta knight life story beings with this. He was given birth from his angelic mother. The mother give birth to another baby, is brother, Lord Betrayus. Their mother's name is Eva, a beautiful angel woman that gave love to her family. He was born with angel wings and a Nephilim tattoo as his brother was born with demon wings and a different Nephilim tattoo. His father was a demon who betrayed his own kind to save the human and angel races. Their father's name is Sparda, a legendary demon that was ruler of the demon world, but betrayed his own race. Their were the Nephilim family. They live with a happy life on their own. The family lived in a mansion far away from a kingdom or town. On their seven birthday, the Nephilim twins practice sword training and battling each other. They learn how to fly with their full grown wings. Their mother gave them a precious amulet to bond their mother and father. Galacta knight kept the red amulet as Betrayus kept the blue amulet. On their tenth birthday, galacta knight grow small yellow demon horns and have darker pink hair and Betrayus's hair went from black to silver/white hair. Sparda gave them their first weapon. Betrayus had a sword with a skull on it. Galacta knight was given a lance and shield. On their twelfth birthday, Sparda took the twins when their mother wasn't expecting it. Sparda got small hell creatures and told them which one they want. Betrayus went for a demonic six star, one eye demon name, Black Doom. Galacta knight wasn't sure which to pick until he found the one. This demon only have legs with sharp toes, pure black scales, and a mouth with no eyes. this demon's name is Imprisoned. Once they picked their pets, the pets spirit went in their bodies as they received tattoos in between their wings. Once they got back home, Eva was not impressed when Sparda take the boys without telling her and was scared when she sees the tattoos on hers sons backs. That night, a horde of demons charged after them as Sparda let Galacta and Eva run away. Leaving Betrayus with him to fight along. They failed as Sparda's sword went to a regular sword. They took Betrayus and Sparda back to the demon world with them. Galacta knight's memory was washed away and only remembers his past without his brother. He kept a promise to her and remember it everyday. He travel through the time-space continuum and train more from different worlds and heavens. He was the strongest knight there ever was. During his training from the gods, they gave him pieces of white, platinum armor. The white knight with angel wings, a lance and a shield. He only know that his blood was angelic, both also demon blood run in his veins. He forget about the demon tattoo on his back, but he can still feel that demon powers in his vessel. His mother was killed by demons as part of his demon power triggered. He killed the demons as his mother disappeared without a trace. He held on to his mother's amulet and remembered the promise that he kept to himself. He looked at the moon every night and remembered his mother.
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1 | 0 Comments | by The_Hybrid_One | Apr 29th 2016 23:43


Findabhair Bannan- Irish. Very, very Irish. Bilingual, English is her second language. She has long pin straight strawberry blonde hair, sharp green eyes, and lots of freckles. She's wiry and lanky, long legs, but still on the shorter side at 5'5". She's sharp tongued when you manage to piss her off, and pretty stubborn, but sweet and loyal, and not shy at all. However, she can't flirt to save her life, because as outgoing as she is, she's awkward. She's skilled in the violin, for normal hobbies. However, because she's a mutant and has had attempts on her life, she's skilled with bladed weapons as well, and sometimes loves to show off. She's a telekinetic as her primary mutation, and her secondary is healing. ((tbh when she heals it looks like regeneration energy, because it's gorgeous, lmao.))
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0 | 1 Comment | by TheMeridianSea | Apr 29th 2016 16:15

Wake me up when september ends

Lui ha ricevuto la lettera della riunione e sinceramente dopo averla letta, è stato spinto adandare più alla gioia di allontanarsi un po' da casa, piuttosto che dall'irrefrenabile desiderio di rivedere i suoi cari fratelli.
Lui è nel luogo prestabilito nel giorno prestabilito nell'orario prestabilito, e sta aspettqndo gli altri.
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2 | 37 Comments | by Dark_Lord | Apr 29th 2016 14:39

I wanna be rich and I want lots of money...

Since the "Inventors' Fair" will last for a few days, he is going to remain in the North for the time being. He of course hired himself the most expensive room in the most luxury inn, to make his stay the most comfortable it could be. He has no intentions to have any dealing with his brothers and actually intends to avoid them like plague. He doesn't find it easy to forgive them and for the moment has no intention to, if they met, for the most, it would just turn out to be a big bunch of arguments, especially with Benjamin.

Anyhow, being a very known celebrity all over the world, wherever he goes he is followed by a little crowd of people trying to befriend him to get some advantages/to convince him to hire them/help them become famous or simply get an autograph or a picture with him. It doesn't disturb him one bit, he actually loves it, makes him feel even more important.

In the evening, after the Fair, -he returned to his room hours before- he goes out to head to a nice restaurant for dinner, but of course gets stopped by the bunch of people who were waiting for him right out of the inn and there he simply starts to sign autographs, happily.
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1 | 50 Comments | by Dobermann | Apr 28th 2016 17:54