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Questions for MusicRose

Megadragon3000 asked the question
Q. Sorry for making a big thing out of nothing before. I am excited for us to roleplay though
A. Relax, don't worry about it ^-^
DewPetal asked the question
Q. wHy nOt B O T H ? : D
A. YAS What is your discord name? Xd
DewPetal asked the question
Q. Bro, I literally disappeared because of studies, never showed up cuz of lack of rps and then remembered you existed you crazy bastard. Jk, I still love you.
A. Holy shiz that's a lot of shiz xD I have Discord if you use that or we can try a new RP since ours is basicly dead
DewPetal asked the question
Q. I'd just like to say I love you, you sassy lady.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
A. Best TED talk *claps* but seriously where tf have you been
JennyCrimson asked the question
Q. How are you ?
A. Good you?
JennyCrimson asked the question
Q. I something wrong sarah ? you seem to not be so Active in our roleplay did it got boring ?
A. I am not Sarah :P And I dunno it is still kinda interesting but I am doing stuff all day
JennyCrimson asked the question
Q. Hello Rose .
Our Rp is going on quite a While Now and i wanted to Ask .

How do you like it ?
i like it ery much ~ and its probably my most active Rp i have right now
A. It is very fun on m side too!
JennyCrimson asked the question
Q. Its time to ask .

How do you like our Rp ?
A. It's pretty cool
SoftBoy asked the question
Q. Hello?
A. Hi!
StarryWolf asked the question
Q. Hear that? It's the sound of crickets chirping. They're asking "what happens next?"
A. What's next? We will never know because you have to answer xD