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Bakugou_Katsuki's Blog

Characters & Ships I'll rp(updates likely)

Anime Characters:

Katsuki Bakugou
Izuku Midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Eijirou Kirishima
Tsuyu Asui
Fumikage Tokoyami
Death the Kid
Arthur Kirkland
Feliciano Vargas
Mega Lucario

Movie/TV Characters:

Steve Rogers/Captain America
Loki Laufeyson
Kenny McCormick/Mysterion
Kyle Broflovski/Human Kite

Real Characters:





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1 | 0 Comments | Jul 20th 2018 18:28

A Roleplayer's Guide for Good Manners

1. Never assume anything. Ever. It makes you appear as pushy.

2. If you want to incorporate something into a roleplay, be sure to ask the other person if they're cool with it first. For example, if you're doing a yaoi rp, and you want to take things past kid-friendly content, you would ask the other person if they're comfortable with making things sexual.

3. If you won't be able to log on the site for an extended period of time, always make sure to let the people you're currently roleplaying with know that you won't be on for however long BEFORE said absence occurs.

4. Say please, thank you, and the like.

5. Try to be as flexible as possible when it comes to characters, topics, etc. If you truly dislike something, let the other person know.

6. When it comes to choosing characters to roleplay as, ask the other person who they would like to be first. It's a nice thing to do.

7. If the person you're roleplaying with doesn't respond for a while, don't harass them to respond, don't nag them about ignoring you. Things happen, and you don't know what might be going on; maybe they lost their device as punishment, maybe something happened to a family member or friend, maybe they are just very busy. Remember, there's a person who has a life to live on the other side of that screen.
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2 | 0 Comments | Jul 11th 2018 17:46


Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Name: Rebel
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Eyes: Golden yellow
Hair: Dark purple, shoulder-length, wavy
Class: 1A
Quirk Name: Lycanthropy
Quirk Details: Has retractable claws in fingers, sharp canine teeth, fluffy black wolf ears and tail, can transform into black werewolf under two circumstances--nights with a full moon, or after consuming blood--, enhanced sense of hearing, taste, and smell, and is very strong. When in werewolf form, strength is doubled and claws can tear through most solids.
Likes: Drawing, video games, reading
Dislikes: Large crowds, misspelled words, disorganization
Romantic interest: Katsuki Bakugo
Heart this
2 | 0 Comments | Jun 18th 2018 16:08

South Park OC

South Park OC-
Name: Kana Broflovski
Age: Depends
Gender: Female
Eye Colour: Light Aqua
Hair Colour: Reddish-brown (same colour as Kyle's)
Other Appearance Points: Has a flame-shaped scar around each eye
Clothing: black bandana on head, dark purple leather jacket, black fingerless biker gloves, necklace with three claws on it, black leggings, dark grey boots
Personality: Cold and indifferent, is easily angered, but severely loyal to friends and family
Abilities: Is able to control all forms of heat and flame; when angered, the tips of her hair change from regular, to light yellow, to orange, to bright red- scars around eyes glow red and orange, and eyes go blank
Other Notes: Kyle's adopted sister, comes from Britain, accidentally killed parents by setting house on fire
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 15th 2017 12:51

General Roleplaying Rules

1. I'm open to most genres of roleplay.
2. I use whatever knowledge of a fandom I currently have in my roleplaying, so if I'm behind on something or I'm not roleplaying a character in the most current fashion, please don't get upset.
3. I prefer to roleplay yaoi ships, and if you want to take the roleplay into 18+ areas, I will most likely agree.
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3 | 0 Comments | Jun 15th 2017 12:42