A Roleplayer's Guide for Good Manners

1. Never assume anything. Ever. It makes you appear as pushy.

2. If you want to incorporate something into a roleplay, be sure to ask the other person if they're cool with it first. For example, if you're doing a yaoi rp, and you want to take things past kid-friendly content, you would ask the other person if they're comfortable with making things sexual.

3. If you won't be able to log on the site for an extended period of time, always make sure to let the people you're currently roleplaying with know that you won't be on for however long BEFORE said absence occurs.

4. Say please, thank you, and the like.

5. Try to be as flexible as possible when it comes to characters, topics, etc. If you truly dislike something, let the other person know.

6. When it comes to choosing characters to roleplay as, ask the other person who they would like to be first. It's a nice thing to do.

7. If the person you're roleplaying with doesn't respond for a while, don't harass them to respond, don't nag them about ignoring you. Things happen, and you don't know what might be going on; maybe they lost their device as punishment, maybe something happened to a family member or friend, maybe they are just very busy. Remember, there's a person who has a life to live on the other side of that screen.
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2 | Jul 11th 2018 17:46