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Rain (Prince)

Full name: Rain Nakamura
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: white
Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 6’2
Hair color: White
Eye color: purple

Personality: Rain can be very shy in the beginning when meeting new people, but he is the kindest man to everyone. He can be sometimes over protective to his Older sister Yuki, but will always respect her.
Hobbies: Archery, writing, reading
Dislikes: Being told what to do, nuts (allergic)
Likes: practicing his fighting skills

Origin: Rain Nakamura grew up with just a father and his sister as he never knew his mother from her passing of his birth. Rain was raised by his older sister who taught him how to respect others and led him into his interests. Rain disliked his father from never being in his life and being a poor ruler. Rain would always sneak out of the kingdom to train with the knights of the kingdom growing his love for fighting. He trained to one day become a powerful warrior to protect his kingdom. He knew has didn't have much importance as his older sister, but wanted to prove them wrong.
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0 | 0 Comments | by CinnaCat | Jun 9th 2024 17:08

Carla Wright - Domineering lawyer.


"Say she likes when I play king
A little play thing
Yeah my girl like the way I wear my crown~"


Carla Wright, a vision of confidence and poise, strode into the courtroom, her sharp jawline and piercing green eyes commanding attention. At 29, she had already earned a reputation as a formidable lawyer, with a tongue sharp enough to slice through even the most complex of legal arguments. Her raven-black hair, always immaculately styled, framed her heart-shaped face, drawing attention to her full, sensual lips, which seemed to curve into a perpetual smirk, as if daring the world to disagree with her.

Her voice, a husky, whiskey-smooth drawl, sent shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned opponents, as she dissected their arguments with the precision of a surgeon. This was a woman who had long ago mastered the art of not giving a damn, and her very presence seemed to dare anyone to try and take her on.

Outside the courtroom, Carla's confidence translated into a dominating presence in her personal relationships. She was a lover who took what she wanted, when she wanted it, and her partners were often left breathless and bewildered in her wake. Her lovers, always women, were drawn to her like moths to a flame, helpless against the allure of her sharp wit and razor-sharp tongue.

But beneath the tough, emotionally unavailable exterior, Carla was a natural charmer who wore her heart on her sleeve, even if she didn't always show it. She had a way of making her partners feel like they were the only ones who mattered, of drawing out their deepest desires and making them feel seen and heard. It was a delicate balance, one that only a select few had ever managed to navigate successfully.

Carla's past was a labyrinth of broken relationships and shattered expectations, a trail of hearts left in her wake like so many discarded playing cards. She had a way of picking partners who were already broken, already wounded, and somehow, she managed to make them feel whole again, if only for a little while. But ultimately, she was a woman who had given up on the idea of forever, content to take what she wanted, when she wanted it, and moving on when the thrill was gone.

Her apartment, a sleek, modern oasis in the heart of the city, was a reflection of her personality - all clean lines, sharp angles, and a dash of sophistication. The walls were adorned with art that was as much a reflection of her personality as her wardrobe - bold, daring, and unapologetic. It was a space that screamed, "I'm Carla Wright, and I don't give a damn what you think."

And yet, despite the tough exterior, there was a vulnerability to Carla, a softness that only a select few had ever seen. It was a glimpse of the little girl she used to be, the one who had been broken and remade, forged in the fire of her own making. It was a vulnerability that she guarded fiercely, only revealing it to those who had managed to crack the armor of her confidence.

Who would be the woman to finally weasel her way into Carla's heart, to find the softness beneath the steel? Only time would tell, but one thing was certain - Carla Wright is a force to be reckoned with, a whirlwind of sass, sensuality, and sharp wit, and anyone who dared to take her on would need to be prepared to get burned.

* Obviously - a sm*t heavy character.

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3 | 1 Comment | by Ulalume | Jun 9th 2024 14:56


He wakes up, not in the best of situations, but it becomes clear rather quickly it is a lucky time. He kills an hornet and it explodes, then one by one face the same fate. He finishes to clear all the beasts and teleports to the House of Dog where he completes his work, finally. He wraps it well in cloth, not wanting to damage it in any way.
He finally returns home when it is already evening. He is all dirty but his mood is very good compared to his usual. After a proper bath, he sends a message to Jing Yuan, to warn him he will have to take a free morning tomorrow. And in the end, he lays down on the couch, shutting his eyes.
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1 | 52 Comments | by Yingxing | Jun 9th 2024 14:43

♱ Dinark E. Rothmore

| General |

♱ Full Name: Dinark E. Rothmore
♱ Nickname:
- Din, exclusively for family
♱ Title: Arcane Counselor for the ( X ) Kingdom
♱ Age: True-Age is Late Seventies, Physically, Mid-Thirties
♱ Place of Birth: Rothmore Castle, West Wing
♱ Sexuality: Bisexual, No preference
♱ Species: Human, ancestral ties to elven

| Likes | Dislikes |

♱ Likes:
- The Weave
- Old Tomes
- Wine
- Jasmine
♱ Dislikes:
- Annoyances
- Restrictions
- Pork

| Appearance |

- Pale Skin, Cold Undertones.
- Dark hair, typically trimmed short.
- Dark eyes, like the color of a storm.
- Tall and lean, broad shoulders.

| Scarring |

- Runes are etched into each one of his palms, a common ritual for spellcasters.
- Minor 1-2 inch cuts, now scarred over, are dotted on both his arms, from sparring.
- A burn on the left of his chest, about the size of a fist, from a battle in his youth.

| General Personality |

♱ Positive Traits:
- Loyal; his unwavering commitment to his role, and to his kingdom. He believes what he is doing is genuinely important and just.
- Wise; Dinark has seen much on his seventy something years of being around. Don’t let his c*cky attitude fool you, he does, sometimes, know what he’s talking about.
- Trusting; Dinark believes he can see through most deception, and therefore determines if someone would even be worth the time. If they are, he doesn’t hold back on his words, and sometimes ends up talking more than he should.
- Resilient; Magic wasn’t always his first choice, he had tried many options before settling, and even still, magic didn’t come to him easily. He worked on his craft for decades before coming to master it.
♱ Negative Traits:
- Arrogant; with his title, and noble lineage, Dinark does believe that he is far superior than most, and that’s his downfall most times. He goes into some battles and scenarios thinking he’s the hardest hitter, and comes out wounded.
- Impatient; he hates having to wait to see how things play out, he’d rather get it finished, and see it done leading him to sometimes make some rather rash, and impulsive decisions.

| Hobbies |

- Reading ancient tomes that he often buys from the slums.
- Studying and documenting spells, potions, and different forms of magic,
- Drinking, normally when there’s gorgeous men and women involved.

| Weaknesses‍ |

- Himself.
- Knowledge and experience, he’d always put his studies over even his life at times.
- His youngest sister.

| Miscellaneous |

♱ Fears:
- Death, who doesn’t?
- The end of his bloodline, his family’s history.
♱ Addictions:
- Drinking
- Knowledge Seeking
- Mana absorption
♱ Most Treasured Possession: A leather bound book that he carries on his person at all times, it’s typically in a custom holster strapped on his hip.
♱ Signature Scent: Nostalgic and Dusty with a dash of Jasmine.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Fan | Jun 9th 2024 14:18


► I give two days after I accept your friend request to message me before I remove you from my friend's list.
► After about two weeks from my last reply, if you have been online and haven’t responded, I will remove you.
► However you can add back if you are deleted for whatever reason!
► My activity may say that I’m online, but it’s possible that I’m off doing something else or got distracted. Be patient with me!
► Do not rush me, please. If you send me a bump 10 minutes after you sent your first reply, I’m probably not going to respond until later or worst-case scenario, delete you.
► Don’t start in character with me, please! I prefer having a story set that we’ll both enjoy.
► Do not ask me to play any canon characters. I will rarely play another character from a canon verse.
► IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 DO NOT ADD ME. If at any time I find out that you are underage, I will promptly block you.
► If I say no to a certain plot, please do not force it on me. You will be blocked.
► Do not interact with me with the sole intention of bringing drama, please!
► No homophobia, racism, etc. will be tolerated.
► After reading, please like my rules. It often gives you a better chance of being added.
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0 | 0 Comments | by sublimity | Jun 9th 2024 14:09

A Diamond In The Rough

NAME : Jewel Morrison
DATE OF BIRTH : August 10th
AGE : 21
SEX | GENDER : Female
SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Bisexual (Strong feminine lean)
BIRTHPLACE : Shizuoka, Japan
CURRENT RESIDENCE : Chicago/Depends on plotline
OCCUPATION : College Student Majoring in Business Management

HAIR COLOR : Dark Violet
EYE COLOR : dark brown
HEIGHT | WEIGHT : 5’5” | 130 lbs
—Changes often, seeing as she prefers following trends closely
— Enjoys wearing flowy outfits mainly; plenty of skirt and dresses
SCARS : none
TATTOOS : none
BIRTHMARKS : A beauty mark underneath her left eye

MENTAL HEALTH : Could be considered shaky
— Narcissistic Personality Disorder
— Other Undiagnosed issues

— Hardworking, Intelligent,Quick Problem Solver
— Stubborn, Competitive, Hotheaded, Materialistic
— Repeating herself more than once, Things not going her way
— Attention (Positive or Negative)
— Hearing her own voice
— Sea Otters

— Being late
— Being compared to others
— Losing

— The description of Jewel has varied among many people, but what always seems to be present is the fact that the woman has an air of snobbism that surrounds her. This was no doubt a result of the social status she had been born with and the fact that everyone seemed to respect her and follow her rules either to get in good with her or one of her parents. She quickly understood the power that her social status could hold over those she dubbed lower than herself. She was also aware of why most people avoided her; after all, she is seen as a part of the high class it would be disrespectful to even speak to her. In this sense, she felt as though she could do whatever she wanted, without being punished.

Despite trying to come off as a well-mannered young woman, it often slips through that she is a very obnoxious and arrogant person in the way that she carries and thinks of herself. She is easily swayed by compliments and often doesn’t react well to criticism, believing that no matter what she does she is in the right. Jewel also has a habit of lying or even manipulating others to get what she wants, when she wants it, often paying no attention to how it could affect those around her as long as the outcome for her is positive.

— Naoko Morrison (Mother); They get along quite well, despite her mother's attempts at correcting Jewel’s behavior that often falls on deaf ears.
— Anthony Morrison (Father); Out of the two, he pampers to the girl's needs the most, often turning a blind eye to her deeds.
— none


— Growing up, Jewel had always had a silver spoon in her mouth. Her mother, a well-known political figure in their city, and her father, a well-known businessman, both adored their daughter and provided her with anything and everything she could have desired. Much like any other parent, when she needs them most, they are the first to have her back, even in situations where she is very obviously the one in the wrong. Being their only child, the two couldn't seem to ever believe that their Jewel could ever have done any wrong and was ultimately always the victim if things were to go awry. It was at this point that it finally began. Growing up in a wealthy household, being spoiled rotten, and her parents' influence in their community gave her the ability to get away with anything without consequences. They thought their daughter never purposely meant to do any wrong. They'd come behind her and always clean up the mess she could have possibly made. Jewel was raised thinking she deserved everything good, and never once thought there might be something beyond those expectations she was given.

In her early teenage years, it would become increasingly noticeable that she had developed a superiority complex because her parents treated her as nothing less than royalty and she was often given attention by others merely for her looks or the status she held. She would begin to look down on others she decided weren't worth her time, often using them as playthings for her amusement, placing them through certain situations simply to get a laugh at their outcomes. Other times, she would begin to use them as tools for furthering her goals and abandon them once she had no more use for them. Lying and manipulation became extremely useful skills she'd eventually use in her everyday life to make sure she was certain to get precisely what she wanted when she wanted it.

Despite all of this, there were very few who would try and question her way of doing things. Only being met with the praise of those around her who wanted to remain on her best side, Jewel would begin to fully believe that there was nothing that she could have ever possibly done wrong. She was a completely perfect vessel that so many could only dream of being and so much more. While not only developing a superiority complex, the woman would also come to struggle with a few undiagnosed issues. However, she'd prefer not to spend much time even considering something of the sort, seeing as it clashes with the vision she has built for herself, growing defensive if even the possibility is hinted at.


— Jewel has been in a few relationships, however, they were used simply to gain something to her advantage.

— In her earlier school years, Jewel drove one of her classmates to hospitalization after severely bullying her due to Jewel believing the woman made an attempt to make a fool of her.
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0 | 0 Comments | by sublimity | Jun 9th 2024 14:08

F and K (explicit)

A highly in depth list of interests of mine.

♡ no men allowed ♡

~ "Readers beware, you're in for a scare" ~

Abduction as seduction
Acarophilia ( scratching, being scratched)
Accidental Stimulation

Breath play
Br**st/n*pple torture+worship

Clothed s*x

Dacryphilia ( Tears. Lots of tears.)
Dirty talking

Edge play

Face sitting
Face slapping
Fire play
Food play


Haematomania ( overwhelming desire for blood )
Hybristophilia ( Interest in those that commit crimes)

Impact play

Jerk off instructions

Katoptronophilia ( mirror self pleasing )
Knife Play ( HUGE YES )

Medical Play
Mess Fetish
Mixophilia ( viewing exposed bodies, usually in the form of photographs)

Narratophilia ( highly interested in storytelling wink wink)
Needle Play

Org*sm Denial

Pecattiphilia ( s*xual gratification from doing something sinful )
Phobophilia ( the psychological love of fear )
Play piercings
Pygophilia ( butts. I repeat. BUTTS )

Rhabdophilia ( high interest in being beaten )

Sensation Play
Sensory Deprivation
Stigmatophilia + Stygophilia ( extreme love for body mods - piercings, tattoos, etc )
Strap- on ( I prefer to be the user )

Trichophilia ( hair hair hair hair. Specifically long, silky hair. Let me tug on it. Let me play with it. Can I stuff my face in it? Please please please. )
Tripsolagnophilia ( s*xual gratification during massages )

Wax play
Weapon fetish

♡♡♡ Play with the professionals, darling. ♡♡♡
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3 | 0 Comments | by Ulalume | Jun 9th 2024 13:49

Many worries.

His classes are small and he cannot help but be getting closer to every student he is teaching to so closely. Coco in particular, with their several experiences together. He is worried by the fact he went missing but doesn't want to throw him to the guards; he finds an advertisement of the Wolfspiders and decides to go to talk to them. He has a meeting with Miko and he is positively impressed by her professionality, so he decides to go ahead and assign them the job of finding Coco discretely. He insists on the fact they don't have to hurt or capture him, but rather, give him a letter he prepared, so he might decide to come to meet him by his own will.
He has to warn Qi he'll have to postpone his appointment to visit Coco. And last but not least, finally the day of the meeting with Jing Yuan arrives.
He is making sure everything in the house is in order even if the ground floor is not his own. He bought several snacks to offer and a good bottle of wine.
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1 | 32 Comments | by Pantaficus | Jun 9th 2024 13:33

los carros de F1..

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0 | 0 Comments | by leclerc | Jun 9th 2024 13:09

son más rápido' en persona

.. tbd
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by leclerc | Jun 9th 2024 13:08


Please keep in mind that I, like you, have other obligations in life, and so there will be times I will be unable to respond to any messages I may have pending in my inbox.

I'm a patient individual, but do inform me should you have need to go away for long periods of time.

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation is a beautiful thing. Please, do your best to stay away from "txt" talk.

I'm a man that enjoys the affectionate touch of both men and women, so...that means certain scenarios will be present.

No kids are allowed in any circumstance.

I do not interact with anyone that uses the photograph of a real person.

I have no interest being a bottom, or submissive to a man, or a woman. Thank you.
Heart this
5 | 0 Comments | by silent | Jun 9th 2024 12:21


1)RPG/RPG Media

A)Final Fantasy
1.Strangers of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin
2.World of Final Fantasy
3.Final Fantasy Type-0
4.Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII
5.Final Fantasy VII Remake
6.Final Fantasy X
7.Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy
8.Final Fantasy XIV (and it's expansions)
9.Final Fantasy XV (base game and first 3 expansions as well as Kingsglaive movie)
10.Final Fantasy XVI (and its dlc)
11.Dissidia 012
12.Dissidia NT
13.Final Fantasy XIV Eorzea Academy Manga

B)Kingdom Hearts
1.Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix
2.Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
3.Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
4.Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (Manga & Game)
5.Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
6.Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
7.Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance
8.Kingdom Hearts 3 + Re:Mind
9.Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

C)Tales of
1.Tales of Berseria

1.Nier Replicant
2.Nier Autoamata

E)Dragon Age
1.Dragon Age Origins
2.Dragon Age 2
3.Dragon Age Inquisition

F)God Eater Universe
1.God eater 3
2.God Eater Resurrection


2)Anime/Anime Related Video Games

1.RWBY Vol 1 - 9
2.RWBY Chibi
3.RWBY Grimm Eclipse
4.RWBY Arrowfell

1.Fate Zero
2.Fate Grand Carnival
3.Fate Stay Night (2006)
4.Fate Strange Fake -Whispers of Dawn-
5.Fate Samurai Remnant & DLC 1
6.Fate Extella link
7.Fate Extra Last Encore
8.Fate Apocrypha

1.Danganronpa 3 Despair Arc
2.Trigger Happy Havoc/Danganronpa The Animation
3.Ultra Despair Girls
4.Goodbye Despair
5.Danganronpa 3 Future Arc
6.Danganronpa 3 Hope Arc
7.V3 Killing Harmony

D)Other Anime
1.ONIMAI: I’m Now Your Sister!



A)Dark Picture Athology and Horror Games Made by them
1.Until Dawn
2.The Quarry
3.Man of Medan
4.Little Hope
5.The Devil In Me

B)Resident Evil
1.Resident Evil Zero
2.Resident Evil 3 Remake
3.Resident Evil 5
4.Resident Evil Revelations 2
5.Resident Evil 6
6.Resident Evil 7
7.Resident Evil 8

C)Other Horror Games
1.Little Nightmares Series
2.Bendy and the Ink Machine
3.Dead By Daylight


4)Other Games, Shows about Games, and Youtube Media

1.Gravity Rush Series
2.Ratchet & Clank Series

1.Super Mario Series

1.Sonic (1991)
2.Sonic 2
3.Sonic 3 & Knuckles
4.Sonic 3D Blast
5.Sonic Adventure
6.Sonic Adventure 2
7.Sonic Heroes
8.Shadow The Hedgehog
9.Sonic Unleashed
10.Sonic Colors
11.Sonic Generations
12.Sonic Mania
13.Sonic Forces
14.Sonic Frontiers & Final Horizon DLC
15.Sonic Riders
16.Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
17.Sonic Boom
18.Sonic Superstars


5)Other Movies/Shows

A)Super Hero
2.Spider-Man (Sam Raimi Trilogy)
3.Watchmen (2009)

1.Code Lyoko

1.Pirates of the Caribbean



A)Other Games/Franchises

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2 | 0 Comments | by Ruby_Rose | Jun 9th 2024 11:34

.:He Is My Religion:.

There you were, when I least expected it. When I gave up on believing and hoping that you would ever show up. I wasn't looking for forever when our worlds collided, but now forever is all I want! As long as it's with you. I've never felt more at peace than when I'm with you. I have an insatiable urge to merge with you, turning atoms into molecules, till our very hearts beat as one. I love you are three words that barely sink to the depths of what I feel for you. When you're around, I'm stuck in a constant state of bliss, but when you're away, those lows hit, the overthinking sets in, and I feel lost again.

One look into those haunted hues, and I just knew. Meeting you was like finding something I'd been missing. My soul longs to intertwine with yours, till it's hard to tell where you end and I begin. I wanna melt into the very marrow of your bones. I wanna know what lurks in that beautiful, twisted head of yours. What makes your heart thunder and those bats come alive in your belly? What you love? What you fear? I wanna become so well versed in the art of you that I would know you, blind or deaf. In this life and the next. You make me wanna live again, and I haven't wanted to live for a very long time. Kinda like my life really didn't start till you were in it.

So, thank you, my sweet killer, for existing and loving me. Thank you for giving me a chance to love you with every bit of my soul. Thank you for opening up and showing me parts of you that few know. Your darkness doesn't scare me; it's comforting, like home. You don't have to hide or play a part with me. I see all of you, baby, down to your very core, and it only makes me love you more. When you kissed my skin with your knife, chaos and love swirling in those apocalyptic eyes. It confirmed what I already knew: you were made for me, and I was made for you. You are my muse, a dark deity I devote my entire soul to. I worship at the altar of you. Every breath, every kiss, and every touch is in the name of you. I am yours forevermore.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Your little witch ♡
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by _akasha_ | Jun 9th 2024 02:59


== Results from b* ==
100% Master/Mistress
100% Rigger
100% Sadist
100% Exhibitionist
100% Degrader
96% Dominant
96% Voyeur
93% Experimentalist
93% Rope bunny
84% Owner
71% Switch
66% Submissive
55% Brat tamer
49% Primal (Hunter)
43% Non-monogamist
27% Primal (Prey)
13% Daddy/Mommy
10% Masochist
10% Brat
7% Vanilla
1% Slave
0% Ageplayer
0% Degradee
0% Boy/Girl
0% Pet
Heart this
0 | 1 Comment | by Psychonaught | Jun 9th 2024 02:52

The "stuff"

Light bondage
Forced exposure
Hair pull

Toilet stuff
Anything brutel
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4 | 0 Comments | by YourServant | Jun 9th 2024 02:08