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Aspiring chef.

Name: James
Age: 26 - late twenties
Occupation: Aspiring chef
- has never really had much money growing up.
- had loving parents who supported him
- was very good at making hearty meals with limited ingredients
- got his first apartment.

- Noodles, of all kinds!
- Being under pressure, but he's working on it.
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by netcore10 | May 30th 2024 20:21


(Reply to this blog with reviews)

Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by BuildAGirl | May 30th 2024 20:00

tsuna .



❥ basic information.

name ;
▓ tsuna .

age ;
▓ it is unstated , though , she resembles a woman in about her early to mid twenties .

nicknames ;
▓ tsu , suna .

gender ;
▓ female .

sexuality ;
▓ pansexual ; she doesn’t seem to mind the gender identities of others at all .

pronouns ;
▓ she , her .

birthday ;
▓ april 1st , which is ironic to her trickster persona .

species ;
▓ kitsune .



❥ Appearance.

weight ;
▓ 129 lbs .

height ;
▓ about 5’5” .

body type ;
▓ average ; hourglass .

hair colour ;
▓ dark plum , nearly black . purple highlights in certain lightings .

skin tone ;
▓ fair .

eye colour ;
▓ amber .

hair length ;
▓ long , past waist length and nearly to the back of her knees .

hair style ;
▓ typically down .

scars ;
▓ none .

tattoos ;
▓ none given , though she has markings scattered over her body . typically hidden and usually naked to the ordinary eye .

piercings :
▓ none .



❥ personality.
▓ tsuna is quite known by many , whether through tales throughout history or from personal experiences and gossip through the townsfolk . her playful demeanor is almost always on display , she never means to jest rudely though she often can’t help herself from teasing or playing tricks upon people . she can be considered quite lighthearted usually , and seems to care a bit for the opinions and feelings of others . though , she meets more in the middle on whether people debate if she is truly good or evil .

— she doesn’t preform out terrible or heinous acts , at least intentionally . though , when angered she does show to be a quite intimidating individual . it’s common for the woman to be seen a bit sour when her playful mood is dampened , but when truly angered it’s almost like she’s a different person . ruthless with a sharp tongue , she doesn’t take kindly to those who tamper with her nerves .

— however though , she shows to be quite lively on a usual basis . not quite taking her role all too serious , especially with some going as far to say her abilities and semi-immortality nearly puts her on a godly like level . she likes to toy with individuals she finds interesting , and if she grows to be a fan of you , she might even be considered clingy .

positive traits ;
▓ lively , playful , confident , extroverted , lighthearted .

negative traits ;
▓ teasing , cunning , childish at times , reckless , unpredictable .

likes ;
▓ tea , sweets , rainy weather , cats , reading ; specifically poetry and older scriptures of writing , jewelry and elegant clothing .

dislikes ;
▓ radishes , spicy foods , hot weather , loud and annoying commotions , insects .

habits ;
▓ humming , typically when amused or in a playful mood .

▓ having no personal boundaries, like, at all ; typically towards those she is close to .

hobbies ;
▓ reading , meditating , and widening her knowledge on tea .

fears ;
▓ she . . does not like dogs .



❥ powers and abilities.

powers ;
▓ kitsune physiology ;;
— tsuna hold attributes , characteristics traits and abilities of a typical kitsune . a fox spirit who is often perceived as intelligent beings , varying from tricksters to guardians depending on the tale . gaining power as they live out long , lengthy life spans . the more tails , the more powerful .

— tsuna holds multiple , and has been around long enough to be considered as a being of powerful . some consider her a deity of sorts , and others consider her tricky nature at times to be very bad omen-like . however , she doesn’t care for the downfall and turmoil of others it seems .

abilities ;
▓ the given notable traits , the basics per se . though , it should be noted that she has a powerful affinity for lightning . her multiple tails shows her to be of high status as well , despite barely making use of her abilities often .


weapons ;
▓ a singular blade , the hilt is wrapped in seals of some sort . . she often channels her lightning through it .



❥ backstory and extras.

themesong ;
▓ n/a , at the moment .

▓ musashi ; azur lane .

small backstory ;
▓ semi-immortality . the blessing of living to see how things in life progressed but the curse of losing those same things that surrounded you . tsuna didn’t quite expect it to be as harrowing as many said for it to be . being so simple minded back then , clouded about the benefits of surpassing her peers and gaining much more wisdom and power . . yet life grew plain . mundane schedules continuing on and on until she couldn’t count any further . the concealment of her traits , to blend in better amongst the rest . . .

— at a certain point , she couldn’t care much more for such a bleak lifestyle . so onwards she went , another decade came and off she traveled to a new village for a new start . the concealment of her fox like traits , and her small abilities at the time were no more . she made a name for herself and over time tales have been spun of the woman . as she created a name for herself , she also made that place a home . with mere gossiping spreading far of the fox spirit who one day appeared and rained amongst the rest like it wasn’t anyone’s business . her newfound confidence overcame her past sadness of watching things change around her . the rumors and talks of her presence only brought many from afar to even get a glimpse at the woman , it somehow even brought people to seek her out for their personal woes . treating her as she were someone of high power with each tail she gained .

— present time , she still sticks around that simple village . mingling and spending her time getting into small acts of mischief . still some think so highly of her , while others often question the alignment of the woman . despite not seeing such horrid wrath from her . .
Heart this
7 | 0 Comments | by elysian | May 30th 2024 19:29

rules .

˚ ◌༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ

♡ eighteen and up (1*8+) users only !!

♡ you add , you message first ! same for starters , as i’m tired of being ghosted after someone adds me , and i write a lengthy starter for them to ghost me .

♡ patience is a virtue , and i have a life outside of roleplaying . whether it be during plotting or not , don’t spam or pester me please and at least give me up to fourty-eight (48) hours to respond !

♡ third (3rd) person is heavily preferred , or at least i’ll be using it for my side .

♡ i don’t care for one liners personally , but i’m surely fine with shorter responses . it happens , just at least give me something to work with .

♡ on the topic of giving me something to work with , this also goes towards plotting ! if it’s all going to be one sided , or repeated answers of “ i don’t mind / care / know “ , then this won’t work out too well ! i like communication , and if you’re not really into that , especially while plotting , then we won’t make it too far !

♡ brainstorming is also quite welcomed , but as i said , let’s not make things one sided .

♡ female character / cleavage / revealing aspects ≠ immediate passway for m*tu*e themes . “ you don’t do straight up pnp ? the horror ! “ yeah , quite horrific ain’t it ? sure , i don’t mind m*tu*e themes ( if our characters even hit it off well ) , but i’ll always choose a plot with build up over a plot with no build up . . it wouldn’t be much of a story at that point and writing it out will simply bore me .

♡ singular character account and only that . been seeing a bit of a rise of these lately so here’s me joining in the fun .

♡ love darker themes as well , but don’t bother with gross taboo things . even i have a limit , but things like that can always be discussed throughout dms .

♡ within preference , i prefer to keep things here on this platform as that’s what the site is for . though , if all goes wrong , and if i really enjoy our chatting and story , i’ll surely give out my discord . no , i won’t give it out to you straight away , unless if it’s after plotting and you’ve really caught my interest .

♡ keep ic and ooc separate .

♡ i’m rather laidback and do tend to be a chatterbox at times , so please don’t think i’ll ever bite . ooc at least . if you have any further questions , or any concerns , feel free to be a dear and approach me .

˚ ◌༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
Heart this
13 | 0 Comments | by elysian | May 30th 2024 19:29

[ Astra Gilmore ]


Full Name: Astra - Gilmore.
Nicknames: Spots.
Age: 24.
Gender: transwoman (she/they).
Sexuality: Bisexual with male leaning.
Birthday: March 7th.
Species: Human.
Ethnicity: Korean.
Languages Spoken: English and Korean.


Height: 5 foot 2.
Weight: unsure.
Hair Color: Orange-ish brown with dark brown roots.
Eye Color: left eye is a lighter green than her right eye.
Skin Color: tannish.
Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): several scars along her wrists and thighs but usually keeps them hidden.
Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc): has little fangs.
Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): -
Other Forms: -
Additional Notes (optional): -


Brief Description: very monotone and a little sarcastic.
First Impression: they seem a little bitchy, but open to learning about the person.
Once you get to know them: she can be sweet at times, just a little awkward and very detached at times. Doesn’t know how to handle relationships.
Default Expression: a bored expression.
Habits: messed with her hair in thought or picks at scabs on their knees from constantly falling on adventures in the woods.
Fears: -
Intelligence: very smart, just doesn’t express it.
Pet Peeves: -


Voice Description: very soft and bored.
Head-Canon Voice: Sawyer from Monster Camp.
Accent(if any): -
Speech Patterns: -
Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): in a mocking way.
Most used phrases/words: -
Swearing?: a bit but not all the time.
Do they think before they speak?: not really.
Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: not at times.
Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): lots of shrugs, taps of the finger, or eye rolls.
Humor: questionable.


Occupation: works in a record store in the mall and occasionally sells certain..items for extra cash.
Thoughts on occupation: doesn’t mind it, gets her money in the end.
Dream Job: they want to be a music producer or a video game maker.
Education: still in college.
Past Relationships: didn’t really have relationships like that.
Current Relationships: -
Family: doesn’t speak to anyone after their transition.
Hometown: -
Current Residence: lives on campus.
Room/Housemates: -
Financial Status: has what she needs to get by.
Source of Money: work and her ‘side gig’.
Health: pretty healthy.
Current Life: -
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 19:28

[ Sophia Hathaway ]


Full Name: Sophia Lilac Hathaway.
Nicknames: Soph, Marshmallow, Short Stuff.
Age: 22.
Gender: Female (she/they).
Sexuality: Bi-curious.
Birthday: December 23rd.
Species: Human.
Ethnicity: White.
Languages Spoken: English, Korean, and Spanish.


Height: 5 feet tall.
Weight: unsure.
Hair Color: brunette.
Eye Color: dark-ish green.
Skin Color: pale.
Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): some small scars on her hands from art projects.
Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc): small tooth gap but straight teeth from braces.
Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): her left pupil is almost shaped like a heart.
Other Forms: -
Additional Notes (optional): -


Brief Description: very very shy and hesitant about everything.
First Impression: she kind of squeaks out her name and runs the other way most of the time, like she was scared of meeting the person.
Once you get to know them: once she opens up, she’s very sweet, like a younger sister. Loving wise, she’s not the best in a relationship, all clumsy and confused with things.
Default Expression: very big eyed and nervous.
Habits: messes with her glasses which had led to various broken pairs, or she’ll bite at her nails without realizing.
Fears: almost everything.
Intelligence: she’s extremely smart, one of the smartest in the whole school.
Pet Peeves: -


Voice Description: very soft spoken and gentle, like she’s afraid to speak up.
Head-Canon Voice: Raiburu Fumetsu from Yandere Simulator.
Accent(if any): -
Speech Patterns: she stutters a bit at times, especially when she’s nervous or embarrassed.
Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): only if she’s trying to process what they’re saying.
Most used phrases/words: “sorry”, “um”
Swearing?: never.
Do they think before they speak?: all the time.
Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: always, she gets scared even saying ‘hi’ to people in fear that it’ll upset them.
Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): lots of hand movements and light swaying motions.
Humor: nerdy references that people usually don’t understand.


Occupation: she works downtown at a cat cafe.
Thoughts on occupation: she adores it, she just gets sad when she can’t bring any of the cats back to her dorm.
Dream Job: a fashion designer, surprisingly enough.
Education: still in college.
Past Relationships: never had any.
Current Relationships: -
Family: her parents are very supportive of her and she has an older sister she rarely sees due to her being in the military.
Hometown: some small countryside town.
Current Residence: lives on campus.
Room/Housemates: -
Financial Status: has what she needs but has a lot in savings.
Source of Money: work and occasionally her parents.
Health: very healthy outside of her asthma but always has an inhaler.
Current Life: -
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 19:14

[ Becca Granger ]


Full Name: Becca Star Granger.
Nicknames: Bec, Puppy, Bright Eyes.
Age: 25.
Gender: female (she/her).
Sexuality: Bisexual with female lean.
Birthday: November 2nd.
Species: Human/puppy hybrid.
Ethnicity: White.
Languages Spoken: English, learning French.


Height: 5 foot 6.
Weight: unsure.
Hair Color: blonde.
Eye Color: blue.
Skin Color: tannish.
Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): a few small scars on her upper shoulders.
Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc): little upper and lower fangs and sharp canines.
Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): she just has big puppy eyes.
Other Forms: -
Additional Notes (optional): Her ears and tail are the same color as her hair and typically react with her emotions/reactions. With her ears, she is more sensitive to loud sounds and dog whistles.


Brief Description: she is very energetic like a puppy and typically a lot to take care of.
First Impression: she’s so excited to meet new people, bouncing all over the place to meet them.
Once you get to know them: she can be inseparable if she likes the person enough. Her love language is very gift giving, always giving out random gifts with excitement.
Default Expression: big eyes and a bright smile.
Habits: usually chases god knows what without even realizing and messes with her tail whenever she’s anxious.
Fears: being used by someone.
Intelligence: doesn’t have a thing going on in that sweet head of hers.
Pet Peeves: people touching her tail or ears without asking.


Voice Description: very ‘valley girl’ without realizing.
Head-Canon Voice: Sonata Dusk from Equestria Girls.
Accent(if any): -
Speech Patterns: says a lot of “like” in her sentences and tends to over-exaggerate her tone at times.
Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): oh, all the time. She loves repeating phrases she finds funny.
Most used phrases/words: “like”, “totally”
Swearing?: rarely.
Do they think before they speak?: not at all.
Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: all the time but never realizes if something she says is offensive.
Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): lots of movement, especially with the hands, tail, or things like bouncing on her feet.
Humor: god knows what, she finds almost everything funny.


Occupation: works at a local clothing store in the mall, occasionally does babysitting gigs.
Thoughts on occupation: she really likes it, especially when meeting new customers.
Dream Job: she really wants to be a fashion designer or a daycare worker.
Education: still in college.
Past Relationships: had a ex boyfriend who she dated for a year but they broke up because she was ‘too much’.
Current Relationships: -
Family: her and her mom are shopping buddies and her dad left when she was young.
Hometown: some little place in New York.
Current Residence: lives on campus.
Room/Housemates: -
Financial Status: she’s wealthy, especially with the spare money from her mom.
Source of Money: work and her mom.
Health: she’s extremely healthy.
Current Life: -
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 19:03

[ character specific plot ideas - ocs ]

[ Liam Thanatos ]

- any of the older man/younger character ideas suit him with his age -

1: monstrous love. Liam had a rocky past with relationships. His ex wife left him broken in that department, and he found it hard to rekindle himself. After a LOT of convincing from his friends, he eventually made a dating profile, remembering how he stared at his screen with disappointment at himself. After several swipes and rejections, he was starting to grow unhopeful, until he found [b]. It was clear he was nervous with how gentle he acted and how antsy he was with showing his face, but it was clear the big guy was smitten from the beginning.

2: ”cheat for me. Please.”. Liam and [b] were friends through who knows what, probably a shared friendgroup, and he loved them. A lot. More than he should’ve honestly. Problem was…[b] had a partner. Liam despised their partner, always butting himself into their hangouts, ignoring them and strictly focusing their attention on [b]. It was wrong, but god, he wanted them to love him. So, after a few drinks and a swerving ride to [b]’s house, he found himself all over them, practically begging for them to love him. Poor thing didn’t even know what he was saying.

3: -based off a audio- daughter’s friend. Liam’s daughter and [b] had been friends since the beginning of college, always coming over to spend nights together before heading off to classes in the morning. Liam knew it was wrong, so wrong, but god he loved every aspect of his daughter’s friend. So, when [b] got a partner, he was practically seeing red when hearing how sh*ttly they treated [b]. So, he was their shoulder to cry on when things went bad, and he found himself offering some…special treatment to show how much better he was than that ‘pathetic kid’ [B] was dating.


[ Dohyun Bak ]

1: autistic love language. Dohyun and [b] had been friends for a few months, and he found himself falling and hard. He would do things like giving them random pebbles and rocks he found, sending tiktoks of cats saying ‘us’, surprising them with handcrafted things of [b]’s special interests. But, he didn’t know how to love properly, despite his occasional one night stands and hookups. So, he wanted to learn how to love by asking [b] in hopes to make them love him in his own dorky way.

2: friend’s older brother (ages him up to 27). Dohyun’s little sibling had met [b] in their first year of college, and while they wanted to hang out, they were nervous for one reason. Their brother, Dohyun. And it was clear why, given the first time him and [b] had even met, he was already all over them, practically slobbering like a dog. Dohyun could make them keep a secret, right? God knows what his sibling would say.

3: -based off an audio- fire alarm. Dohyun and [b] were roommates in college, and he didn’t mind it. At first. Once the stupid f***ing fire alarm started beeping and continued to do so for weeks after several requests for it to be changed, Dohyun couldn’t stand it anymore. So, that’s why he had barged into [b]’s room to start an argument over them never listening, and his offer was to ‘drill some sense into their pretty head’. If they wanted, of course, cause even he knew damn well he could’ve changed it himself.


[ Spencer Sullivan ]

1: jock/nerd trope. Spencer wasn’t an a**hole. At least, not ALL the time. That’s why he didn’t mean any harm behind calling [b] a nerd or teasing them about their size compared to him. He meant it in his own loving way, he just…couldn’t express it properly. But, he protected [b] with his life and always made sure whoever made them cry paid for it.

2: oblivious himbo. [b] had fallen for Spencer hard, but all of their flirting attempts fell on deaf ears. The guy seemed to think it was just ‘bros being bros’ laughing it off and slamming his hand onto their back in a playful way. [b] was starting to get pissed off by their rejected flirtations and stormed into his dorm, yelling about how they wanted to be with him. After some piecing together, Spencer was a grinning mess and went on about ‘how they could’ve taken him from the start’. Seemed the guy did notice the flirting.

3: -semi based off an audio- experiment (mainly an mlm idea). [b] wasn’t sure if they were gay or not. They hadn’t been in a lot of relationships before and didn’t even know where to start. So, they turned to Spencer, their closer friend. Spencer was…hesitant at first, mainly because he didn’t want to leave them with a bad experience, but he finally warmed up to the idea. Who knew some experimenting would turn into a full blown romance.


[ Astaroth Mortimer ]

- the backstage love idea is for him -

1: secondhand smoke. [b] was a innocent thing, never having smoked or drank or gone to parties despite being in college. Astaroth thought it was cute, in a pathetic sorta way. That’s why he was a little surprised when [b] asked to share his cigarette. He knew taking a straight hit from it would bother their poor little lungs, so he took a drag and shared the smoke inbetween gentle kisses. Considerate, right?

2: bandmates to lovers. [B] and Astaroth had been in the band together for a good while. From small gigs to simple performances back in school, they had always been there for each other. Astaroth was pretty open to the idea of [b] coming over to his place for private lessons for a upcoming gig, and it was fairly innocent at first. But, their lessons became more…hands on after a good while, and eventually, the instruments weren’t even involved. Time to hide their secret from the band.

3: -based off a Poe bot- next door punk. [b] had moved into town a little while ago and had met Astaroth when they ran into each other during the move. They were hooked on each other in seconds, but…[b] was a goodie twoshoes and their parents practically forbade them from even being near Astaroth. But, he wouldn’t accept that. So, that’s why when it was the dead of night, he’d find himself crawling into [b]’s bedroom window and making sure they stayed quiet so their deadbeat parents didn’t hear.


[ will add more eventually! ]
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 18:40


Roleplay genres: Fantasy, dark fantasy, romance, royal, drama, horror

Name: (lord) Magnus Roman Cohen

Age: appears to be in his late twenties, early thirties

Race: vampire

Nationality/heritage: Korean Russian and Danish

Sexuality: pansexual

Appearance description: standing at 6'2 Magnus dons dark curly strands of hair cascading over his face, a sullen dead pan expression, a strange burn mark on his neck that he claims was from a house fire as a child. His skin pale and dark circles around his eyes that he blames on lack of a good nights rest. Handsome in a peculiar way.

Voice claim: viktor from league of legends Arcane on netflix ( )

Biography: Magnus lives in a mansion secluded away from society in a thick forest, it is said that he inherited the mansion from his great grandfather and has been there since. The mansion holds many secrets, much like Magnus himself. Residing in the mansion besides Magnus are a few maids and butlers. If you havent figured it out yet, Magnus isnt a normal human. He was bitten long ago by a vampire and turned, his true story and identity arent known. He feeds secretly on the maids and butlers who have devoted their lives to him under the belief that it is for a greater good in the form of some religious cult. Which has led Magnus to hide his true form under a disguise of being a devout and holy man.

Every once in a while, he will allow visitors, they often come to his mansion to aid their studies of the bible and grow closer with god. Magnus does a good job at hiding his nature while he has visitors, but if any get too curious and dont listen to his rules of the manor, they could surely find what he has been hiding at the risk of their safety in this Mansion.
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by TheDevilsAngel | May 30th 2024 18:25

Rules/ OOC Notes

▶ This is strictly a single muse & single ship roleplay account.
▶ No minors. Trust me, I can tell.
▶ Don't take control of my muse or assume things we haven't talked about yet, either as admins or as our muses;
I'll offer the same courtesy to you.
▶ No drama just for the sake of it;
If it's for our rp it'll be accepted ONLY if it's justified.
▶ No r**e or inc*st.
I'm fine with gore, violence etc but everything has to be talked about beforehand.
▶ We have a different timezone;
Keep that in mind when I'm taking hours/days to reply.
▶ I work a morning job.
▶ Real life comes first.
▶ For now that's all.
Thanks for reading and let's have fun roleplaying.
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by King_Steve67 | May 30th 2024 18:22

A very small short unnecessary introduction.

Character Introduction:
Name: Steve Harrington.
Occupation: Employee at RadioShack. (Again, it varies.)
Birthday: 24th April.
Age: Varies depending on the RP. (Usually between 20-24)
Height: 5' 11" (180cm)
Gender: Male.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Born & Raised: Hawkins, Indiana.
Other names: Stevie, Dingus.
Relationship Status: Single.
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by King_Steve67 | May 30th 2024 18:21

Characters (+18 infos)

Vladimir and Neil (the twins) : power bottoms

Andros; switch bottom

Anrelio: switch bottom, sub leaning
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | by Bloody_Rose | May 30th 2024 18:12

[ plot ideas - n/sfw/horror-ish ]

1: enemies to lovers. [a] and [b] are constantly at each other’s throats. They despised everything about one another, always fighting wether it be physical or simple yelling matching, talking sh*t about one another behind each other’s back. One fight landed them both in after school ‘detention’ of sorts, the professor saying they’d be back eventually after being called to the office for god knows what. Tension was high and anything could happen in that room.

2: innocent sort of stalker. [a] and [b] had become friends through a mutual friendgroup, and [a] couldn’t be more obsessed. It started off innocently, really, from sneaky little pictures or stopping by their work from the shadows just to see them. But, they got real risky one night and snuck into their bedroom only to fall and bust their ass on the floor due to their clumsiness. Whoops! [a] doesn’t seem to understand how love is supposed to work, so now they’re spewing out apologizes and hoping for the best.

3: not so innocent sort of stalker. [a] had seen [b] from across the street one day, and you’d think that they were paralyzed with how they stared. Pulling a few strings, they found out more and more about [b] to the point that all their brain could think about was [b]. Leaving little notes outside [b]’s house, maybe even the occasional gift inside the home like a photo of them or their favorite snacks. It was supposed to stay as a little hobby, honestly. They didn’t mean to kidnap [b]! But, [a] couldn’t help themselves, they just needed more.

4: older man/younger person/revenge n/sfw. [a] found themselves stranded in the middle of god knows where after they got in a fight with their partner and got kicked out of the car. It’s freezing and drizzling and their phone is dead. But, as they’re losing hope, they see a car and practically fling themselves in front of it. After some scolding for acting so stupidly, [b] finally decides to give [a] a ride, figuring it was the least he could do. He wanted some form of payment, and from those eyes [a] is giving him, he’s starting to piece together what payment they have in mind.

5: friends with benefits with a twist. [a] and [b] made an agreement that they would be each other’s flings, no attraction and no emotions behind it. That was how it started, that is. Over the time, though, [a] started to get more addicted, finding themselves going out of their way to see how [b] was doing, getting them their favorite food or spending some extra time with them after their activities. [a] was starting to say screw it to the agreement, and began to think about forming an actual relationship with [b].

6: backstage love (mainly has to do with Astaroth). [b] has been a huge fan of Astaroth for god knows how long. So when they got gifted with tickets to his show, you can’t even imagine how excited they were. The performance was perfect as always, but during a specific song, their eyes had locked and it was clear Astaroth was hooked within seconds. After the show, he found himself hunting for [b] and once he found them, he was practically dragging them off to his dressing room for a ‘encore performance’.
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 17:45

[ plot ideas - sfw/romance ]

1: a simple slowburn. [a] and [b] could’ve been childhood friends and separated for a few years due to one of them moving away for some unknown reason. Eventually, in their hometown, they both run into each other during an old festival they used to attend together. They reconnect and it slowly buds into a romance.

2: enemies to lovers trope. [a] is well known as the campus bully and chose [b] as their target, teasing them every chance they get, chasing them between classes just to mess around with them. But, [a] slowly realizes there’s more to their actions, and they find themselves starting to try and redeem themselves as an apology for their actions.

3: childhood promise. They promised each other as little kids that they would go to prom together if they never found a date for themselves. The years passed and they kept on that promise, and they found more than friendship in that slow dance they shared together.

4: love at first sight. It’s a crowded concert and [a] was already a little riled up from all the music and the busyness, not watching where they were going before running into [b]. After several apologizes and cleaning up, they find themselves searching for one another throughout the concert to know more about one another.

5: -can be sfw or n/sfw- [a] is a younger character (obviously over 18) and has always had major daddy issues. Never being able to find love through their campus, they find themselves on a dating app to see any potential older men. That’s where they run into [b], the man who is everything they could ask for and more.

6: strangers to friends to lovers/grumpy x sunshine. [a] is the black sheep of the school, avoiding everyone and focusing on their studies. You’d think looks could kill just by looking at them. So why did they get so close with [b], the golden retriever of the school? They would never know, but they sort of..liked coming out of their shell like they were.
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1 | 0 Comments | by multifacedclown | May 30th 2024 17:30

Rules ~

First and foremost – if you're going to be expecting constant replies and for me to be at your every beck and call? This isn't the place for you. I'm not here to be harassed by people who can't seem to take a hint.

Second – I have a full time job that deals with the public all day (retail, iykyk) so I don't always have the energy to be here. All I ask for is a little respect, I promise the wait is going to be well worth it.

Third – if you're going to add me, I do hope you intend to message me first because it's common courtesy and I certainly will be doing the same.

Fourth – this is a DRAMA FREE ZONE. We're all adults here, so let's act like it, hm? I certainly do reserve the right to block anyone who is risking my peace without an explanation. Don't like it? Well... that's your problem.

Preferred Genres – romance, drama, slice of life, supernatural, fantasy, crime/mafia.

Limits – I'm open to exploring most anything, but I draw the line at... Scat, vore, vomit, feet.
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4 | 0 Comments | by Misty | May 30th 2024 17:01