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25 / Male / Single
Texas - United States
Contrary to my previous biography, I believe that I will stick around here, no matter how distantly. As a result, here is what I am looking for, so as to not waste your time.

I am looking for a very limited number of roleplay partners, if I had to estimate, I will have time for approximately three roleplay of any substantial length. I will try to reply at least once a day to every roleplay on weekdays and likely more on weekends. With this being the case, I will be highly selective on who I choose to roleplay with; however, not who I add as a friend.

I have an interest in two specific roleplays set in two of my worlds. One is a variation upon my Cyberpunk Red campaign, set in a world heavily inspired by both the cyberpunk core books and William Gibson’s Neuromancer. The second is a personal passion project of mine with heavy themes of death, resurrection, and a very niche power system. This would be an incredibly unique roleplay experience; however, it does unfortunately necessitate me having a small amount of discretion over your characters backstory and abilities. Though, do not worry, there will be far more than enough room to make your character your own. This could best be summarized as a very very slow burn, which even a kiss might be out of the question dependent on the length of time we spend engaged in roleplay. I do not have a third roleplay I am interested in, instead, opting to engage in something of your choice. In constructing such a roleplay, please look at my interests below to see if I would be an appropriate fit for your idea.

Additionally, as a matter of personal preference, I will only roleplay with women over the age of 18, ideally closer to or older than myself in age. I do realize this is likely very alienating, but it is my preference in partner.

In order to help clarify my availability, the counter below indicates how many available roleplay slots I have open. If you have any interest in filling one of these slots, please add me and make an inquiry about doing so.

Available Roleplay Slots (1/3)

I believe I have summarized my situation well enough. I think it only fitting to share information about myself. Personal details are largely irrelevant, but my experiences, interests, hobbies, and other such things are reasonable to share.

I have been a roleplayer for around 13 years now. This is largely off and on, as my schedule will allow. I wish I could commit to more, but between work, travel, and other responsibilities, I cannot in good consciousness commit to more. I am a fan of honeyed language; however, I am of the belief that language is not a fine tool, but akin to a sledgehammer. Meaning can be conveyed without excessive vocabulary and pretentious phrasing. In fact, it is a greater testament of skill to make different characters have linguistic quirks, patterns, and mannerisms that defy the norm. Though that being said, proper grammar is pleasing.

I am the DM of a Cyberpunk Red campaign and have a deep affinity for the genre of cyberpunk. I would love to have an rp based off of this, but have struggled in the past to garner interest.

I have a minor in Ancient Greek language and an affinity for the classical civilizations.

I have fenced for many years now, fencing all 3 weapons, both right and left handed. My preference is Sabre fencing and I would love to incorporate refined sword combat into any relevant roleplay.

I enjoy the process of creation, from metal, to wood, to leather, et cetera.

I dabble in LLMs(think chat gpt). I would advocate for several for roleplay purposes; however, it is necessary to say that while they are on par with the quality and creativity of many human roleplayers, the partners that surpass them, do so unquantifiably and with ease.

I am a fan of the Final Fantasy franchise and have been playing through all the main numbered games(as well as a few extras here and there.).

I am a firearms collect and a hobbyist gunsmith, so I would be happy to add detailed firearms knowledge to our roleplay.

Finally, while my hobbies and interests seem uptight and perhaps intimidating, I do promise I am approachable. I really am looking for someone intelligent, talented, and of course kind. I sincerely hope that you will add me as a friend if you have read this far. Time is too short to waste it on missed opportunities.

Of course, if I find you stalking me and have an interest, I will add you myself. I am liable to be selective if presented with the opportunity, so do not let that discourage you. You are on here for a reason, we all love this hobby and are here to create memorable stories.

A Pioneer of the Mind.

Start roleplaying with members like Psychonaught!



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Latest Status

For the next 60 minutes, I will be utterly free as I get a flat repaired as I am apparently too lazy to repair it myself. I would love to speak or roleplay with any of you, so please don’t hesitate to deliver me from the hell of a tire shops lobby.
Mood: bored
1  May 31st 2024 10:15

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