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(extraordinary specimen )
28 / Female / In Love
Thus I pacified Psyche and kissed her,
And tempted her out of her gloom—
And conquered her scruples and gloom:
And we passed to the end of the vista,
But were stopped by the door of a tomb—
By the door of a legended tomb;
And I said—"What is written, sweet sister,
On the door of this legended tomb?"
She replied—"Ulalume—Ulalume—
'Tis the vault of thy lost Ulalume!"

✫☼☾ Warning: Goth girl with zero tolerance for tomfoolery. ☾☼✫

Utter shame when women limit themselves to pathetic men only. Oh, how much you're missing out on, darling. ~

~ multi para - novella only. Not a fast responder. (one- perhaps two responses a day, all depending on the length)~

Rules -

Current muse ~ Aliénor

In depth details about Admins interests -

Writing example -

- formally known as cupcakesandcavities
- does not add. Only accepts
- is chronically tired (probably will fall asleep on you)
- has a bf/fiancé
- mommy goth (two IRL kiddos)
- doesn't give a hoot about you and your life
- is narcissistic and obsessive
- gives mixed signals
- has 15 years of experience roleplaying
- has a weakness for lesBian love, aDorable girls, delicious Sapphic content, please i aM begging.


~discord extraordinaryspecimen

Start roleplaying with members like Ulalume!



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PLS i had to write a poem for one of my responses and it's too good so I posted it.
3  16 hours ago

Latest Comments

---- Came by. Without realizing the danger. ----
---- She blew me away like a dozen gallons of gasoline ignited. ----
---- How? How does she do that and rock my world time after time? ----

---- Life can be such a trickster at times. ----

Ulalume, Hell.... Kon.... My God Woman, I love to read what you write. Your personality, your ideas, your poetic way of finding the words that convey through a sentence, makes my body hairs stand up again and again as I shiver when I read your replies. A direct contrast to my prosaic way of writing, makes me think about the different shades between our own poetic terms and the way in which we can channel our inner muses in order to express our creativity. You are certainly one of the most talentous person that I have come across on this website, and our experience says a lot. I've been writing for one year, while you've been writing for fifteen.

Sometimes I pull my hair thinking when I receive one of your pieces, that she's waaaaaaaay~ out of your league, Evie. You should be a quitter. But our writing styles complement each other in such an organic way that it is an amazing feeling to read the entirety of what we have done so far.

For the writing - She is a monster. If Art the Clown was the Terrifier, pushing the limits of Extreme horror, Ulalume is the Terrifier of poetry. Always pushing her ideas and her lyricism to stratospheric limits. Not only did she like my idea and the deadly world that I have created, but she also adds her own special touch to the world. Making Mary and Yasuko's world so alive, fresh and funny. That every time you answer me, it's a warm smile that comes to my face.

As far as the person is concerned, how could I not be attracted to her like a magnet to a polarized metal. Her personality, her manners, her thinking, the way she talks about her hobbies and reading preferences. I am ~definitely~ platonically in love with you, girl. <3 Responding to you always makes my day worth living. Thanks for being this amazing person and pushing me to be a better writer all the time. I really appreciate your constructive feedback so much.

~Always, yours.
May 12th 2024 00:35