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Cross Valentine

His name is Cross Valentine
Bio: He is a silent type. He tries to be friends with people but if he is to speak he either a likes you. B wants to kill you. Or c just doesn't care really. Not much for a bio I guess but ey oh well he is a assassin an saboteur. Also he can be used in a RWBY RP
Age is 18
Strength is modern
Weapon is Soul.
Dual wielded sickles that can also form into dual p7000 sub machine pistols.
Specialty is stealth, sabotage, and interrogation assassination.
Likes are unknown along with dislikes.
Colors are black.
Has a tattoo on his back showing a dragon that holds mysterious abilities.
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1 | 0 Comments | by Dark_Sin | May 16th 2016 20:12

Noah (Baka and Test oc)

Name: Noah (last name classfied as of this point)
Class: Class E (made it threw most the test before passing out from being so nervous, then toke a recovery test to get the scores you see below)
Age/Grade: first year
Hair: A
verage hair (kinda like my profile picture)
Eyes: Also like profile picture
Personality: Extremely hard headed, and thinks he should be in a higher grade. If war is declared, he fights to his last breath and doesn't back down.
Skin: White
(avatar look will come later, Romancce will depend on the rp)
Grade points!
Chemistry: 130 (my estimate for all these)
English: 300
Health and PE: 50
Japense history: 20
Math: 250
Modern Japenese: 0
Physics: 100
Traditional Japenanse: 60
World history: 200
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0 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | May 16th 2016 00:00

Taylor Kearney

“Cynicism is an excuse to distance yourself, but baby, you sure as hell don’t want anything to do with me.”

Character’s full name: Taylor Laine (Lane) Kearney
Reason or meaning of name: Taylor - From Latin, "to cut", Laine - Means "wave" in Estonian, Kearney - Irish, given name meaning "warrior"
Character’s nickname: Laine
Reason for nickname: Normally introduced herself as "Laine"
Birth date: December 22, 1978 (can vary)

Physical appearance
Age: 23
How old does he/she appear: 28
Weight: 112 lbs
Height: 6'1
Body build: Mesomorph
Shape of face: Diamond
Eye color: Green
Glasses or contacts: Contacts, but glasses if too lazy
Skin tone: Pale/Light
Distinguishing marks: A long, skinny scar along her forearm; has many other scars, but this is notable
Predominant features: Eyes
Hair color: Dirty blonde
Type of hair: Wavy
Hairstyle: Usually up in a ponytail, but if you're lucky out
Voice: Deeper than average
Overall attractiveness: More than attractive
Physical disabilities: Her arm with the scar can freeze up sometimes
Usual fashion of dress: Flannel, leather jacket, jeans and hiking boots
Favorite outfit: ^^^
Jewelry or accessories: Sodalite necklace

Good personality traits: Sarcastic, Kind, Funny, Understanding, Wise
Bad personality traits: Smart ass, Sassy, Sarcastic
Mood character is most often in: Indifferent
Sense of humor: Dark/rude
Character’s greatest joy in life: Hunting
Character’s greatest fear: Letting the people she cares about down
Why? Because she has the need to feel validated
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Losing the people she cares for
Character is most at ease when: A hunt has ended/is beginning
Most ill at ease when: Pressured, enslaved, cooped up
Enraged when: Someone f***s with someone she loves
Depressed or sad when: She lets someone down
Priorities: Hunting, her family
Life philosophy: "Try, even if you don't have a future."
If granted one wish, it would be: A normal life
Why? Because she hates the way she was raised, but loves it
Character’s soft spot: Emotions, family, people she cares for
Is this soft spot obvious to others? No, not at first
Greatest strength: Agility or accuracy
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Her emotions and the people she cares about
Biggest regret: Letting her brother die
Minor regret: Letting Lucifer on earth
Biggest accomplishment: Getting Lucifer back to hell
Minor accomplishment: Getting an angel laid
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: The time she told someone that she loved them when she didn't
Why? She is known for being sincere
Character’s darkest secret: Her affinity and love for watching those she hates suffer
Does anyone else know? No

Drives and motivations: To see earth remain in peace
Immediate goals: To not die
Long term goals: To not die
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Taking care of herself
How other characters will be affected: They won't have to "babysit" her, so she doesn't do anything stupid

Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Type of childhood: Travelling, terrible in terms of "regular family"
Pets: Mayhem, a German Sheppard
First memory: Her mother killing a demon in their living room at the time
Most important childhood memory: The day she taught herself how to c*ck a gun
Why: It would affect her whole childhood
Childhood hero: Robert Plant
Dream job: Author, Musician
Education: High school, a year of college before giving up
Religion: Atheist
Finances: Small amounts

Current location: All across America
Currently living with: N/A
Pets: Mayhem, a German Sheppard
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Hunter
Finances: Small amounts here and there

Mother: Jane Kearney
Relationship with her: Good
Father: Tom Kearney
Relationship with him: On and off again
Siblings: Jake (deceased)
Relationship with them: Great, but nonexistent
Spouse: N/A
Relationship with him/her: N/A
Children: N/A
Relationship with them: N/A
Other important family members: The hunters as a whole

Color: Teal
Least favorite color: Pink
Music: Classic rock
Food: Could care less as long as it's edible
Literature: N/A
Form of entertainment: Hunting
Expressions: N/A
Mode of transportation: Car
Most prized possession: Her father's '73 Ford Thunderbird

Hobbies: Guitar, sharpening knives, twirling knives
Plays a musical instrument? Yes, guitar
Plays a sport? Sometimes, volleyball
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Listening to music or driving to the next hunt
Spending habits: Food, sometimes clothing such as new hiking boots
Smokes: No
Drinks: Yes
Other drugs: No
What does he/she do too much of? Ignoring people
What does he/she do too little of? Listening to people
Extremely skilled at: Hunting
Extremely unskilled at: People skills
Nervous tics: Scratching her chin, biting her nails
Usual body posture: Upright
Mannerisms: Polite when needed
Peculiarities: Extremely tall, a weird sixth sense

Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist
Introvert or extrovert? Extroverted introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident
Animal lover? She loves her dog, Mayhem

How he/she feels about himself/herself: Confident (sometimes)
One word the character would use to describe self: Driven
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: N/A
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Badass/driven
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Hunter
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her eyes
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her height
How does the character think others perceive him/her: A terrible person, an idiot
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Her childhood

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Meh
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes
Person character most hates: Lucifer
Best friend(s): N/A
Love interest(s):N/A (at least at the moment)
Person character goes to for advice: Father
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Her brother (deceased)
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Sometimes other hunters
Person character openly admires: Her parents
Person character secretly admires: Hunters
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Her parents
After story starts: Depends on roleplay
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19 | 0 Comments | by cynicalminds | May 13th 2016 22:37

Please read this!

Alright due to a few factors I figured this would be useful information to those who actually read it. The first 3 are answers to questions I also ask before starting an rp.

1) I use third person point of view. (So if you use first I'm still willing to rp with you but I ask that you try to use him, her, he, she etc when referring to my characters)

2) I'm not that picky about the post length as long as it keeps the story moving and gives me something to work with.

3) M*tu*e content/ is fine with me though I prefer there to be some lead up to it (also swearing is totally fine with me as I have been known to swear as well)

4) I will not rp with godmod/op characters, it's just no fun that way.

5) I won't put reactions for your characters so please don't put reactions for/ control my characters (side note: If you really need my character to do something let me know and I'll either give you permission to make them do it or I'll make them do it)

6) I enjoy multi character rps and while it's not absolutely necessary, I am female and do have a bias toward playing female characters so unless the male is gay please allow for at least 2 characters (usually 1 male 1 female)

7) I prefer to play as my own characters but I also don't mind playing preexisting characters (Especially if the rp is set in an anime, cartoon, comic, video game, or manga universe. If the existing character you want me to play is original or an existing character in an original setting you'll have to let me know you want me to play that character)

I think that's just about it I may edit this later if more things come to mind.
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5 | 0 Comments | by falseReaper | May 13th 2016 19:09

visita a sorpresa.

E' notte fonda e lui si fa accompagnare a casa di Kyng, appena arrivato comincia a bussare come un matto alla porta, e a urlare il suo nome a gran voce.
Ha con sè il giornale dove parla di Cole e una cartella con tutte le informazioni che ha scoperto su di lui.
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1 | 32 Comments | by Dark_Lord | May 9th 2016 14:26


Nell'ultimo periodo in città non si parla di altro che di Colin, la sua identità è sconosciuta però quasi tutti conoscono la nuova leggenda in circolazione. Parlano di lui come un fantasma, che dà inizio ad una catastrofe e poi scompare, come è successo nell'episodio del lampadario. A Vincent non piace per niente la situazione, è molto preoccupato di quello che potrebbe succedere a Colin se scoprissero chi è davvero.

Lui è in un bar e sta cenando, quando improvvisamente un ragazzo entra nel bar tutto emozionato. Il ragazzo ha dei giornali in mano e comincia a dire a gran voce cosa c'è in prima pagina. °Venite tutti a vedere! Finalmente hanno scritto un articolo su di lui! Per sapere tutti i crimini commessi dal soldato misterioso comprate il giornale! È appena uscito e l'articolo è molto dettagliato! °
Quando sente cosa farnetica il ragazzo corre subito a comprare uno dei giornali e comincia a leggere l'articolo con il cuore in gola, e sperando che non ci sia scritto chi è davvero il soldato.

La foto in prima pagina:
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1 | 45 Comments | by Arran | May 8th 2016 14:02


Dopo aver fatto tornare Colin in sè devono decidere che cosa fare.
Dorian ha dato la scelta a lui essendo suo fratello, gli ha dato la lista dei suoi crimini e gli ha detto di pensarci su.
Lui però ha bisogno di aiuto nella deciaione perciò va da Fang Yi per chiederle aiuto.
Perciò bussa alla porta della sua stanza e aspetta che lei venga ad aprire...
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1 | 2 Comments | by Arran | May 8th 2016 09:34

My oc in a nutshell

Alex stormblood
Age:depends on the rp
Height: normally 5'8-6'3
Species: depends on the rp
Personality: kind, caring, loyal, protective, stubborn, hot headed sometimes, and a force of nature when pissed off
Abilities: depends on the rp
Likes:almost anything
Dislikes: bullies, guns, and large reptiles (Godzilla sized)
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13 | 3 Comments | by Oberon | May 5th 2016 12:58

A few events recently occurred.

>Benjamin and Amelis had their little girl, Rosemary. Needless to say, their joy -especially Benjamin's- was insane as the Curse still exists and only the most worth Auriold (doesn't involve Nimox) can have daughters.
Given his acclaimed return, Benjamin insisted that Kyng be her Godfather, also as an excuse to make him closer to the family again.
To be fast, a few months from the birth passed already, whole family was warned and invited to her welcoming to the family and Baptism. Right now she is happily growing up healthily with her parents in Shadowmoor.
She is much more similar to her mom, which makes her look like an angelic being under every point of view.

>5 months after Rosemary's birth, Richard and Reyja are proud to announce the birth of their third child, Chimien (Shimièn) nicknamed Chimìn (Shimì).
The boy looks Southern, like his mom for once, the only one of the 3 brothers so far, that doesn't look like a fotocopy of their father.
Richard asked Fabian to be the boy's Godfather and he accepted, feeling quite neat at the idea to have a Godson finally.
For him too the whole family was warned and invited to see him, they had welcoming to the family and a very rich Baptism for him as well.

>As for Fabian, in brief:
The surgery was successful of course, Christoph did a divine job with the delicate operation. Fabian had some weird dreams in which he had the chance to speak with his father, he will never know whether that meeting happened for real in the few minutes in which he was officially dead or if it was just a dream created by his mind. One sure thing is, he woke up even more motivated to offer more to the world and to do more himself.

He had to stay about 3 weeks (he should stay 1 month+ but they couldn't restrain him any further) monitored in Christoph's home but after that time he simply had to return home and get back to work. Besides, he missed his home anyway.
Problem is, he is still too weak and not really stable yet, he must be monitored and someone has to be with him in case another cardiac arrest occurs or he'll die alone. So, to avoid to chain him to a bed, they agreed that Fabian could head back home at the condition that a few people would head there with him and stay with him until he stabilizes and his situation goes out of risk.
-He also clarified with all of his brothers of course, more or less.-
Anyhow, since by now all of his children left his home and he is alone, Christoph decided to go himself, even though he will have to leave him alone each now and then to go work in Malicedom and Academies, hence why someone else's presence was needed, so that in case of emergency, they could warn him or Jackil or Doctor Robstein who would rush there to do what needed to be done.
Fabian is not too happy to take people to his home actually, he likes it to stay secret and hidden -even though knowing its location doesn't make it anywhere close to easy to access it- and he also doesn't fancy to have to change his habits -which he will never do anyway- so, without expressing any preferences he just lets his nephews choose which of them would like to come have a little holiday by him.

Right now, he and Christoph are standing in front of Christoph's mansion, waiting for the others to join so that they teleport to the location to be able to reach Fabian's home.
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2 | 66 Comments | by Dobermann | May 5th 2016 12:31


Name: Alexander
Nickname: Al or Alex
Bio: was raised mostly by his mother because his father and mother were divorced so he stayed with his mother due to the fact that his father was abusive to his mother but he would always stand up to him not scared of what would happens to him as long as his mother was safe he also has the ability to turn into a black wolf with a slightly grey color
Likes: dogs, drawing, and the number 96 also his mother
Dislikes: his dad, cats, and mean people
Age: 18 (depends on rp)
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4 | 5 Comments | by DemonWerewolf | May 4th 2016 19:33

Hell's Bells.

One thing that is still unknown (by everybody except Kyng) and that Fabian surely is not happy about and doesn't speak of lightly, is that he has a very serious heart problem coming from the fact it is heavily damaged and since it happened many years ago, by now there is no way to fix it, assuming there could be a chance to do so even back then.

When he was on the street, actually the same exact evening of the day in which he went to beg his brothers to donate that bit of money to him to craft his prototype and have the chance to be forgiven by their father, his rotten luck reached the top.
While he was all curled up on a half dry spot near the street -since it was Autumn II and the city was literally into a lake of mud-. trying to fall asleep and to forget that woeful day, an old and rather mad, uber drunk tramp arrived. There was a couple more of those there, who didn't move nor rose a finger, just watched.
The drunk man started to hit and accuse Fabian to have stolen his spot, and the young Riddle had absolutely no intention to let him mistreat him and steal that spot from him out of a ridicuous statement. He argued back and it became quite fiery, he couldn't imagine that the other tramp had a knife and even less that he would use it. In that situation, he got stabbed and right through the heart. As soon as that happened, all of the tramps including the drunk one fled, leaving him alone to die in the mud, and he was absolutely sure it was over for him, he fell on the ground and tried to keep his eyes open, but he couldn't manage to, he passed out in minutes.

It is totally mysterious how he managed to survive but probably some Zimox had something to do with it, it was probably not his time to die, he had still to fullfill his purpose back then.

He woke up hours later, alive, to his greatest surprise and with the wound on his chest stitched up in a very poor, dirty, cheap and messy way, but at least he wasn't bleeding anymore. Though, the damage inside, that of the heart was there and already paining him badly.
He took it as the definitive proof he had to leave the North forever, and also what makes him feel the worst towards his brothers nowadays: had even just one of them opened his heart to him that day, his heart would have never been damaged and he could live a full life. He can't help but blame them for it.

His heart problem causes:
-Very unstable heart bits;
-Very weak heart, great and constant risk to get an infarct;
-Must take medicines his whole life to reduce the risks; (and the medicines he takes would insta kill him if he drank any sort of alcoholic drink after or before taking them. For that, when he knows he will drink, he avoids to take them, making himself very vulnerable.)
-Must avoid to run, do sports and such as it would bring too much effort to his heart; (even stairs are an actual problem for him)
-Avoid excessive stress. Spook him is definitely a bad idea.

The last evening he spent to the North for the fair before having to leave for a conference in the South the next morning, something messy happened.
He stayed till way too late in a pub, drinking with his fans. (In the 3 days he didn't take his medicines once)
He went out of it alone, totally unaware of the fact that Benjamin and William were waiting for him there.
They didn't have any ill intentions obviously, they only wanted him to be forced to listen to them to fix things, since he never let them approach otherwise. And neither they could imagine of his heart problems, heck they all are convinced that Fabian faked his death, it was the most reasonable thing to believe after he appeared on all newspapers a fake name. (Since investigations were made and the tramps who witnessed the stab had their minds read. Their conclusion though was that he had some way to change their memories considering he was alive all the time and that blow would kill any Auriold. Needless to say that situation just contributed to create even more tension as thinking he faked his death pissed everybody off big time. But they are going to find out the truth very soon.)

As he went out of the pub, Ben and Will approached him, but very childishly, he immediately started to run away, quite spooked by their attempt.
No medicines plus drunk plus scared and agitated plus run are the most lethal mix for someone in his state.
The brothers just facepalmed and gave up, going away while he headed to some dark alley in which he collapsed, in the middle of a heart attack pretty deadly. Luckily for him a tramp nearby noticed the scwne and started to call for help, dragging the attention of someons who knew what to do. Basically, doctor Robstein was called with urgency and Fabian was transferred to his clinic where the doctor saved his life and then moved him to his own mansion for monitored convalescence since he is still at risk.
And it is while there that Christoph gets to learn about the truth about Fabian.

Christoph was summpned by the Master Doctor to be warned they will have to postpone the upcoming exam of a member of the Academy of Medicine due to an urgent case he can not leave unmonitored.
They spoke right in front of the door of the room in which Fabian was. And it was a luck as while talking, the two heard a wprrying noise from the room and stormed in, finding Fabian on the ground undergoing another cardiac arrest.
Loris and Christoph performed the delocate surgery together, in fact the Anatomy professor was the top cardiologist pf Nortrig and despite he is no longer a doctor he still is the best. (Loris Robstein is the top expert is transplantations while Jackil the top pediatrician)
They managed to save his life a second time, but the whole thing left Christoph upset like never before.
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2 | 16 Comments | by Dobermann | May 3rd 2016 18:22


Lui ha appena sentito di quello che è successo a Fabian e da fratello amorevole quale lui è decide di andarlo a trovare, ma non immediatamente perchè non gli va di vedere tutti i fratelli. In realtà non vorrebbe vedere neanche Fabian, ma ci va solo perchè è malato.
Si teletrasporta davanti alla casa del dottore e bussa alla porta.
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1 | 14 Comments | by Dark_Lord | May 3rd 2016 16:35

Adelina Snippet

Arianna grinned at her husband as he played with their daughter. He was trying really hard to be the best father he could, and he was doing spectacularly. It had been almost six months now since Adelina was born, and while he was still awkward at times (they both were) he was catching on quickly.

"She really likes your wings, you know," she mused.

"I can tell, she keeps grabbing the feathers," he laughed. "Soon enough hers will grow feathers too."

"I know. But in the meantime she'll keep playing with yours," she smirked at her husband.

He didn't seem to mind it, anyways. He /loved/ that little girl, she was so precious to the both of them. Arianna wished she could stay that little forever. She listened to her daughter laugh, and joined Lucifer in playing with her. She was small, and adorable, and had her fathers eyes. Her mothers hair, of course. She was so, so beautiful.

"I love you both," she smiled.

"I love you both as well, dear," he chuckled, poking Addie's nose.

"Luh ya," cooed Adelina. Her first (sort of) words, were her trying to tell her parents she loved them. It was amazing.
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1 | 1 Comment | by TheMeridianSea | May 3rd 2016 14:37


Name: Diana
Race: dragon rider and icefire bender
Dragon: Xavier (black dragon with ruby eyes)
Personality: protective of her dragon, rebellious, caring
Likes: drawing/sketching, her dragon, and wolves
Dislikes: people who try to kill her dragon and cats
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3 | 0 Comments | by DemonWerewolf | May 3rd 2016 12:09


William Valentine Riddle, è il fratello gemello di Richard, loro due sono l'esatto opposto. Lui ha sempre adorato lo sport, i combattimenti, picchiare chi non gli andava a genio. Al contrario di Richard che era quello che faceva i compiti per entrambi, e che doveva anche farli in silenzio.
Perciò già da quando erano piccoli lui si dimostrava propenso alla violenza, che poi diventerà il suo tratto distintivo.
Gli anni del Malicedom per lui sono stati come una pacchia, non gli importava di studiare, e si faceva fare i compiti da Richard. L'unica cosa sul quale si impegnava era la materia di indirizzo, adorava battlefield specialmente perché poteva essere violento quanto voleva. Perché lo aiutava solo a vincere, infatti lui ha stabilito il record più alto di vittorie nel gioco. Quando era sul campo di battlefield era inarrestabile, e la gioia di vincere era impagabile.
Dopo essere uscito dal Malicedom espresse subito al padre la sua volontà di entrare nell'accademia militare. Assieme a lui venne costretto anche Richard ad andare, per William quelli della scuola furono gli anni migliori della sua vita. Richard non terminò l'accademia militare, non era proprio per lui e di certo il fratello non lo aiutava ad alleviare la sofferenza dello stare in quel posto, anzi gli peggiorava le cose. È andato così finché non hanno portato via Richard dal campo, e lui ha dovuto terminare l'accademia da solo.
Dopo essere uscito dall'accademia il padre gli affidò il ducato di Lustig. Per lui la sua vita era perfetta, andava a puttane aveva un castello enorme e poteva fare quello che voleva.
Solo che poi il padre gli comunicó che doveva sposarsi, all'inizio William credeva che avrebbe potuto scegliersi una moglie. Ma il padre gli disse che dato che era una scelta importante, la avrebbe presa lui al suo posto.
Organizzò il matrimonio e lui non potè vedere la moglie fino al giorno delle nozze. Quella fu una delle poche volte in cui il ritardatario fu lo sposo, lui non voleva sppsarsi specialmente con una sconosciuta. Infatti prima di andare valutó l'idea di scappare, ma alla fine prese la decisione giusta e andò al suo matrimonio.
Sua moglie di chiama Cassandra Woolfstox, e al contrario di come pensava è una vera bomba.
Negli anni a seguire scoprirono di avere delle cose in comune, ed esattamente 20 anni dopo il matrimonio decisero di impegnarsi ad avere un figlio. Lei rimase incinta poco dopo e da lì a qualche mese nacque il loro bambino che decisero di chiamare Frederic come il fratello scomparso di William e Abel come il padre di Cassandra.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Dark_Lord | May 2nd 2016 12:38