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Oc Character - Codyn

Name: Codyn

Age: 22 ((Or depends on the role play

Species: A shade. Much like Emily Dusk. He is a sort of ice demon. Except that he is a pure blood. ((Though I have used him as a human before in the past.))

Height: 6 foot 1

Personality: Codyn is. To sum it up short. He Is a narcissistic, over indulgent c*cky and arrogant selfish a**hole that rarely cares about anyone but himself. He tends to be abusive when his in the worst of moves and can become extremely violent and unpredictable when that happens. I tend to imagine him with a bit of an accent and tends to be very sarcastic.

Hair: Short and blond hair that reaches to his ears.

Abilities: Can freeze things, run extremely fast, is a skilled fighter and has telekinesis. Well almost. What he actually can do is extend his own shadow or other shades to act upon his will creating the illusion of telekinesis. Hence one of the reasons Codyn's kind are known as Shades. ((Ill talk more about that after I get around to finishing all my OC posts))

Other characteristics: Despite his selfish personality he is really an emotional wreck, but that still doesn't give him any right to be the abusive and violent sort that he is. Though he does enjoy inflicting pain on others non the less. He doesn't like being told what to do especially from those he deems inferior. He has an dd habit of smoking a hookah but solely because it's one of the few times he actually becomes a very relaxed and friendly character. The affects almost making him opposite of who he really is.

Weaknesses: Despite his skilled abilities to fight he is a reckless fighter, which tends to get him into trouble sometimes. (I guess that's why get him killed off so often in other role plays) If not for his supernatural ability of telekinesis and freezing things he probably would be a much better fighter so I imagine these two abilities would be both a weakness and an advantage.

Strengths: His ability to move things with his mind and being able to freeze things, as I have just said is both a weakness and an advantage. His other strengths falls well into his strength and speed as well as his creativity. Both in building and torture.

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1 | 0 Comments | by Shadey | Aug 4th 2016 10:27

The mynu

Appearance of males: tall and thin that have pale flesh toned skin and often grow their hair out long. They wear fine silken clothes in order to cover as much skin as possible. They also have a colored Mark in the center of their forehead. They don't wear shoes or gloves but the adore jewlary.

Appearance of females: also tall and thin females have just chests and very curvy bodies with curved features and stunning eyes. They wear intricate head dresses and keep their long hair pinned up or in a ponytail. They wear long silk dresses and as the males don't they don't wear shoes either. They also have the colored Mark on their forehead.

Life span: they live to be quite old but retain their youtful appearance even in death, on average they live 175-200 years

Diet: they don't eat. However they do drink. They love the taste of wine. But sustaining itsnt nessecary for them because each mynu has the power of light.

Culture: the royal family are mynu. Mynu live in the palace at the center of Zoradon. The marks mentioned earlier that are on their foreheads represent the season they were born in. Winter is a blue Mark for water summer is a red Mark for fire spring is a green Mark for earth and fall is a yellow Mark for air. They grow the most powerful in the season they were born. Mynu aren't much for fighting and they often try to protect themselves over others but in grave times they will do what is best for Zoradon even if it against their will. The magic of light in them will control them in times of create danger to the land.

History: mynu were created when the royal family got lonely. The light magic granted them friends by creating an entire empire of mynu to keep the royals company.

Strengths: they are nearly immune to the corruption of the shadows and if they practice enough they can learn to manipulate Their element. Though it's extremely difficult.

Weaknesses: if their shard of light is damaged they will die. The shard is located where their heart should be.

Fears: they are scared of the dark
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Aug 3rd 2016 16:22

RULES!!!! --i hate the fact I have to have them -.

// okay hello every body! Please do me a favor and heart if you read or leave a comment whatever the f*** you want xD

Now for me I really didn't want to make rules but unfortunately due to some people's idiocy I'm forced to lay down the law xD

1: I dont know

2: I do not have the best grammar as most of you know...but the reason for that is because I am on a cellphone and it is so hard when your so excited with a reply to type it all correct because your jsut excited to send the post...which I have been working on and thank you for all those whom are patient with me!

3: this is the most confusing rule to most people... I keep my story and main post separated I don't have alot of characters but I love to do romance rps and such. So If our charscters let's say chose to be together on main posts instead of messaging then you know I focus only on them two in the main posts she stops flirting everything else. But if it's in messaging and its just in a plot that we have picked out I will still use her. It's not to make any body pissed off or say im A cheater whatever the f*** you wanna call it. I came here to roleplay not to worry about relationships!!!

4: I usually like to discuss a storyline beforehand of rping I don't like just jumping into a ro without any direction or any idea of what the hell is going on!!

5: I can play multiple characters in a rp if needed to I've played up to 6 before I believe. I can play one of my characters or if you have someone your wanting me to play if I've heard of them before I'd be more then happy to oblige!!! :D

6: I absolutely love horror and gore and such!! So I love gory vampires and werewolves don't get me wrong...I like twilight but mostly for the romance because I love my vampires to be more scary and gorier than that xD so no offense to any twilight Rper. I also am a huge action lover so that's always great to have!!

7: the romance in rps please for the love of God do not make our characters fall immediately inlove it does not work that way!! I love built up romance it gives the story more detail and sh*t. It builds it up and makes it more exciting for that one perfect moment for when they finally come together...I mean come on...the only thing I have looked at an immediately fell in love with was donuts....and pizza...and weed xD

8: Also I knownthis shouldn't matter much but yes I am a stoner...yes if you don't like it well that's really not my f***ing problem xD it helps with my depression and anxiety...and definitely helps me sleep...I also am more creative when I smoke so I write alot...which is why there is so much in my.rules right now xD but seriously...I don't push people into doing it I just mean if my replies are a bit funny that's probably because whatever I put down probably sounded funnier in my head xD

9 this is my biggest rule!!! Absolutely NO ONE LINERS i am sorry...but I can't do it I get so bored and it just takes the fun out of writing and makes me lose my creativity...honestly I understand if you can't think of anything...that's cool but I mean the we need to discuss maybe some ideas to spice it back up. I just can't deal with not having anything to work off of so if you only do one liners I'm sorry but I'm just not interested :/

10:rule!: NO MINORS:

11: PEOPLE: CHILL THE F*** OUT!: Okay you may be curious at this one. Well guys here's how it goes, there is 24 hours in a day, correct. Well here we go my friends, I have 10 hours of work, 8 hours of school and i only get 6 hours of sleep -.- so please, chill the f*** out, just because I can't respond right away, it may be because I'm f***ing exhausted and board line close to passing out alot, i love you all, which is why I take my time to regularly be on every single day, which trust me gets stressful, but I do love it here. But I suppose just have patience, please for the love of f***, just have patience.

12: please for the love of God!!!! HAVE FUN!!! I came here to rp and have create new worlds and escape my sucky life...I'm here to being cheer an happiness to anyone in need!!

That's it ^.^ I hated having to do this but guys it's jsut getting crazy I needed some order

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100 | 41 Comments | by AshleyCostello | Aug 3rd 2016 11:07

The magic of light

The magic of light is also the magic of life. It allows plants to grow animals to live water to flow and Zoradon to exist. The magic of light created the royal family and all of zoradon's children. It is not a physical power but proof of it is in the Sun. The sun is light created by the royals to keep everything alive and in order. But where there is light there is darkness. The second Sun is much like the human moon but it comes when the first sun is still in the sky. The first sun never sets or lowers for that would cause shadows to have free rein of the land. So instead the second Sun covers the first for twelve hours creating a night time that is dark but not black so that the shadows can't run free of their realm.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Aug 3rd 2016 02:40

The royal family

Zoradon was created by a human girl. She had a dream. A dream filled with light. That dream grew and stole her from the human realm. She named it zoradon after an island in one of her story books. That girl became the queen. And her dream became real. The light was a powerful magic that gave everything life. And it came to reside inside of the queen. It gave her six children. Three girls and three boys who would each become the overseer of a race in zoradon. The Prince watched the Menchies the princess manages the trusks The second prince controls the sylvix. The second princess watches the skren. The third Prince manages the kog. The third princess controls The Zendols and the queen oversees the mynu as well as everything else in Zoradon. each member of the royal family controls a bit of magic that helps them reign over their creatures.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Aug 3rd 2016 02:33

The kog

Appearance of males: average about five feet tall and at most are a hundred pounds, they have pure white eyes and use bone to make piercings they wear over various places on their bodies. They also use bone to make armor. Keep their haircut short

Appearance of females: average in size similar to males also with pure white eyes but they don't wear armor or piercings. They instead wear thin chains around their necks wrists and chests. They have soft features and long hair often coming down to their ankles.

Lifespan: 18-45 depending on of they are part of the royal guard or not.

Diet: mostly meat and are like the skren unable to consume the lecture of the trick fruit flower.

Culture: live on the out skirts of the palace in grouped up cottages. They are beast riders. They capture tame and ride creatures known as kogjil (kog-jie-al) which are more or less wolf-like beasts that average to be five or six feet tall. The males are dominate over the females because that's how the beasts act causing the ko g to act similarly. Females don't ride or fight but They are also paired with a kogjil. They speak only the common language because they work so closely with the royal family. They became the new royal guard's when the trusks were thrown out of the job. Kog and kogjil time their breeding to match up so that when a kog is born theycan be paired with a kogjil. It becomes a life long bond that will never fade. Even after death.

History: their ancesstors were small and weaker then most other races but found they had a talent for animals. They found a pack of beasts and were able to communitcate with them via thoughts and. The kog for their name because of the kogjil. So kog and their beasts gained strength together becoming great warriors.

Strengths: skilled with spears, crossbows, and daggers the kog can fight on and off their beasts. Their beasts listen and obey every comand given to them as well as the kog listen to the kogjil.

Weaknesses: they have poor eyesight and due to sheet size their beats aren't very stelthy or agile.

Fears: afraid to loose their beast.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Aug 3rd 2016 02:14

The sylvix

Appearence of males: humanoid beings with short cropped hair and colorful feathers that grow from their skin and that are mixed in with their hair. They don't have feet like a human though from the knew down they have the legs and feet and talons of a bird. Their eyes are often small and narrow and they don't have beaks.

Appearance of females: might he same as males only their feathers are much less colorful and often stick to shades of Brown grey white or black. And their eyes are much bigger. Females also have tail feathers while males don't.

Lifespan: sylvix normally live about 13-17 years. Females die after laying an egg and males don't live much longer once their mate is dead. The egg is normally hatched by The closest flock.

Diet: their diet consists mostly of water swelling creatures like fish, crabs, and one of their favorites is frogs.

Culture: sylvix can fly but for only half an hour at most due to The extensive muscle movement it takes to fly. And if they are carrying anything they can't fly as long. Sylvix live in small flocks of three or four members in hanging nests in the trees across the river from the skren. The river acts as a border. Sylvix are also very territtorial and tend to stayin their own teritory.

History: sylvix came from a far away land because it was overtaken by a great wave of water. Sylvix have evolved over the years so that they can't fly for very long because the strain their ancesstors went through to fly to zoradon killed most of their kind.

Strengths: They have very advanced lungs. They can breathe in places where air is extremely thin or where there is hardly air at all. They also fly to extremely high heights and are able to dive at flesh melting speeds and survive it. And they are good severs and fabric makers

Weakneses: They cannot swim or climb And if they loose or damage their main flight feathers they cannot fly.

Fears: any insect
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Aug 2nd 2016 21:31

Ghost. (Name will be the same as my other game cha

Age: 30
Height: 6,2
Weight: 258
Bio: "You want to learn about whom I use to be? Simple. Average worker. Back at age 20 I use to work at a local uh.. Store I guess.. Gun store.. Hell I dunno. Past flies usually.. Anyway... I'll leave most of the important things out till we bond. Relationship. Brother. Sister I dun care.. You just do your job... I do mine. Simple as that. Now... Of course to make this short.. Yes I did have losses... An they... They were pretty close... But regardless I will not take out a kid an or a family... Couple... I might... But that's it... Now get... Your starting to annoy me an I am known to even kill my own.."
Hair: medium chocolate brown an straight
Wears a hood an black bandana along with casual jeans. Black tactical silent type boots. S.W.A.T style. Fingerless gloves leatherized.
Weapons of choice.: hunting rifle, Hatchet, Shorty, nail bomb an smoke bomb. Carries always 3 medkits. Listening is very sharp. Eye sight eagle. Voice : Vin diesel based (Only cause I can't think of any other voice based scenerio.
Race: mixed of white an Irish.
Sexuality: Straight.
Relationship: Doesn't care for one. "I go alone"
Scavenging tactics: depending on location.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Dark_Sin | Aug 2nd 2016 21:02

The shadows

The shadows are the spirits of every creature to ever live in Zoradon that have passed into the realm of the dead. The shadows of the creatures that once lived in zoradon want to reclaim their homes here but they cannot do so without destroying Zoradon itself. The only way to stop shadows is by destroying them with the magic of light. Be warned though new children of Zoradon because that may mean having to kill your kin or friends in a way that they cannot come back from such as one can come back from death as a shadow. Oh and one more thing....shadows look like the person who's body they belong to only ...they lack all color and light.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Aug 2nd 2016 19:38

The war

Zoradon has been threatened. It is loosing land fast to the enemies and with it the magic that keeps the creatures living here alive at all is fading. Darkness is spreading quickly now with less magic to keep the sun in the sky. It has become the duty of every single creature in zoradon to protect their homeland. And each life the darkness take gives it more strength. This battle looms over zoradon and that's why the royal family have called out to the human realm to help.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Aug 2nd 2016 19:30

The menchies

ppearance: very small creatures only about two feet tall with pale skin the same tone humans call 'fleshy'. They have very thin angular limbs and their head is much bigger in proportion to their bodies. They have large round eyes normally of tones of green or Orange. And large fang-filled mouths that cover half their face. Menchies have noses similar to reptiles and a roles tongue much like a slitheren (snake) they also has long narrowly pointed ears on the top of their head. And short tails that and in a spearhead shape.

Lifespan: 15-20 years is the average though they are left on their own at the age of five by their mothers.

Diet: they eat rocks and gemstones. They are immune to most toxins Like the lecture of trick fruit flower that the skren cannot consume. They also eat dirt and clay but prefer to stuck with stones and rocks.

Culture: they don't settle down or live in one place. Menchies are constantly on the move and constantly trying to avoid others of their kind but are more then happy to find other creatures like trusks or the skren for they enjoy taking jobs weather it be to fetch some herbs or to hunt down a target and kill it. These little guys are white deadly though they may not appear to be much of an aponent at first. Menchies are known to be rock tunnlers. They eat the stone dirt clay or rock at qick pases and instead of getting rid of waste from the things they have eaten Menchies simply release highly flamable gasses in the form of belching or burpping. This gass is often collected and sold or used to make weapons. It had been said Menchies can make sparks by clicking their teeth together and effectively light the gas to cause small explosions of they are desprite enough. They don't have their own language they instead usually take on the language of the species they most often take jobs from but it is easy to find they know many languages. And as mentioned in the lifespan section at the she of five their mothers abandon them. They are average my born in litters of about three or four. But the strongest of the litter kills their siblings so that they dont have to share their mother. Menchies are incredibly greedy creatures with a knack for 'barrowing' items they like such as jewlary and anything shiney or colorful.

History: Menchies used to live but ightly formed groups but broke apart after the wars started. They became solo creatures that would do most anything to find a job.

Strenths: they are small and able to for through tight spaces. They have extrodenary hearing and are very crafty and good at using what they have to their advantage.

Weaknesses: aren't very quick or agile and ifsomebody managed to get a hold of their tail they panic.

Fears:menchies are utterly terrified of Zendols. Its a preditor and prey relationship
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Aug 2nd 2016 15:15

Nelle sale di Thranduil

Dopo aver preso la decisione di lasciare a Cody dell`altra libertà, decisione di cui si è pentito, perché sarebbe stato meglio che non rimanesse troppo con i nani a parer suo... Però in quel momento non aveva voglia di discutere con Jackil e voleva andare a fare una chiacchierata con Alaric, vedere Bartemius e Carlie...
Lui come prima cosa dopo essere arrivato va a porgere i suoi saluti al re, quindi va da Thranduil, quando si trova davanti al re si inchina °Jeremi Castle, al vostro servizio.°.
Quando vede chi c'è accanto al re fa un'espressione sdegnata, "Alaric" pensa, gli si avvicina e lo guarda negli occhi. Legolas abbassa lo sguardo quando Jeremi gli si mette davanti e Lord Castle gli da uno schiaffo in faccia, il ragazzo alza lo sguardo ma si limita a restare in silenzio.
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2 | 81 Comments | by Even | Aug 1st 2016 13:27


@ AlphaLari
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11 | 0 Comments | by megmdxoxo_ | Jul 31st 2016 20:05


@ vavixen_
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6 | 0 Comments | by megmdxoxo_ | Jul 31st 2016 20:04


@ Luxlocosplay
@ luxlo.iz
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6 | 0 Comments | by megmdxoxo_ | Jul 31st 2016 20:03