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The day that never comes.

Dopo l'avventura sulla Terra e la mezza litigata con Caleb, e dopo aver parlato con volpone, lei è piuttosto giù, tutto si somma agli altri problemi che aveva.
Così decide di uscire a bere, dato che tra un paio di giorni inizia il nuovo anno scolastico in Malicedom e lei si è iscritta, fingendosi una bambina di 10 anni. Crede che lì riuscirà finalmente a sentirsi al sicuro e a rilassarsi un po'.

Al momento è in un bar, una via di mezzo tra un posto di classe e il Club, e sta sorseggiando dell'ottimo Scotch.
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1 | 38 Comments | by Crow | Apr 8th 2016 17:46


Name: Mizuki

Age: 17

Weapon: Scythe (Not necessary)

Element Power: Wind and darkness

Personality: Kuudere

Likes: Being alone, sweets, reading, clear night sky with the moon, and wind.

Dislikes: Those that think they know everything when they don't, people that hurt the weak and find enjoyment from it, doesn't like being weak herself, especially dislikes those that think highly of themselves.

Background Story: Shien and Relia were Mizuki's parents. They were both from a world that Mizuki never got the chance to learn about. Both Shien and Relia had the ability to control the wind element in any way they please, whether it's defensive or offensive. After a year of Mizuki's birth, it was confirmed one day that Mizuki had also the ability to control the wind. However, the element power that she had received through her parents genes were a lot stronger than their own, almost like both their abilities had combined and were awakened within Mizuki. Mizuki never complained about having that power, in all honesty she loved it, it allowed her to do many things that just were not possible for the normal kids. Of course, she had a limit of what she could use through her parents rules. She also understood that showing the ability to humans would be chaos. For the next few years Mizuki has always tried to gain any type of information on where her parents where from and why they had that ability but they never mentioned anything and gave her very vague answers. Next few days after Mizuki had just turned 14 her parents had left to do one of their "missions" as she began to call it. However, hours passed and she had heard nothing from them. After another few days of waiting anxiously she had heard a rumour of two people being brutally killed. Soon after she had received a phone call confirming that those two people were her parents, Shien and Relia.

Bio: Before the death of her parents, she was quite an active girl, always talkative and always had a smile on her face, no matter how bad the situation was, she never cried or complained about anything. After the death, however, her whole world had flipped upside down and she never was the same again. She was cold towards people and never smiled like she used to. She didn't let anyone get close to her and always kept to herself as well. She found it hard to trust people so it isn't easy to gain her trust, it would take quite some time until someone becomes accepted. Mizuki is still quite upset about the death of her parents but doesn't tend to show it, and due to the loneliness in her heart and hatred she has slowly developed the element of darkness within her as well and it continues to grow stronger every day. She is quite determined to find out the truth behind her parents, where they had come from, how they were murdered and why, and she also wants to find out, who exactly she is and why she gained this power.
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2 | 0 Comments | by LunaTsukino | Apr 8th 2016 17:05


Name: Hayami Tsukino

Age: 19

Looks: During the day she tends to look like a normal human so she could fit in and not cause any problems for the humans but during the night when everything is quiet she reveals her true nature or even just when some emergency occurs that dangers the country.

Likes: Sweets, reading, night, gentle breeze and nature

Dislikes: Pretending, people who think highly of themselves, bullies, being useless and weak, sunsets, unnecessary bloodshed and killings, not a fan of sunshine.

Background Story: 30th April 2164, a disastrous accident occurred on the Daisan Keihin Road (National Route 466) close to Yokohama. It was just another typical morning, a family was driving up towards Tokyo in order to meet the other family members so they could all be able to celebrate Hayami's 18th birthday, which is today. Hayami and her family were quite excited to once again get the chance to get together with the family and have fun at the party but...that's when things went horribly wrong. All of a sudden the road began to crack open and everyone started to panic as a very dangerous earthquake was occurring. Cars were driving off the road, others were crashing into each other. Screams and crashes filled the air, trying to avoid that collision Hayami's father tried to get off the road carefully without hurting anyone. It wasn't meant to be. Almost like it was deliberate, the ground cracked underneath the wheels and caused the car to lose control. All they could do was huddle together and hope for the best. From that moment...everything went black. The event was being reported all over the television, many were dead and lots were injured.

Hayami woke up days later in one of the hospital beds, she managed to recall everything that had happened and looked around to see where her parents may be but there was no sight of them. "They couldn't be......" she shook her head slightly but immediately there was a lot of pain. A doctor came in and told her the entire story, what to expect? Parents died in the collisions, her injuries are fatal, she doesn't have much left to live, another good few hours and that would be 'The End'. The news was quite a shock to her but her body ached so much that she couldn't bring herself to even cry but inside she was slowly breaking. She didn't want to die yet, she had much more to live for, especially for her parents that tried to protect her.

That's when things turned around...

A couple of strange men in suits came into her room, Hayami wasn't sure what they needed, she had nothing that would be of interest. "Hayami Tsukino...fatally injured in the Daisan Keihin event, parents both dead, not many hours left to live..." Hayami got a little annoyed on how they were stating the obvious facts with no difficulty but she didn't argue. "Sorry for the interruption, we are from a secret organisation from the government and we have an offer to you which may take your interest. However, by accepting you will not be able to live your normal life, nor will you be able to tell anyone about this or else we will end you immediately. Another fact would will never die. Overall, we have been development special equipment and now we are trying to see if they work...we will be turning you into a Humanoid, you will keep your looks won't be human, what's your decision?"

There was too many shocking news for Hayami in one day but she knew that her life was ending and if she wanted to live she had to take the sacrifice, not like she had a lot of time left to think about it anyway. She nodded slowly, agreeing to the terms. Within 2-3 hours the operation took place and just like that, Hayami became a Humanoid who now looks after the country.

Bio: Hayami is usually a quiet shy type of girl, she wasn't one that often stood out nor did she seek attention from others, she just lived her life the best that she could. She always wore a smile on her face and never did she get sad that often or cause problems for anyone, even in high school her grades were pretty high. However, on that fateful day everything collapsed and it all changed. After becoming a Humanoid she had to pretend to be a normal human and could not tell anyone anything. Even though she didn't show it within she continued to break away little by little, she felt really lonely and wanted someone to talk too but she knew she couldn't. By making that choice she will now not be able to die either, her whole life depends on technology rather than so called life. At points it was interesting and fun since now she could experience many new things and do things she never did before, but mainly it was heart breaking, not being able to make friends and in all honesty, having to hide her true identity, even that crushed her as she couldn't be who she wants to be.
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6 | 5 Comments | by LunaTsukino | Apr 8th 2016 17:03


Name: Letha

Age: 18

Likes: Sweets, reading, clear night sky with the moon, wind, cats, martial arts, and sometimes being alone

Dislikes: Those that think they know everything when they don't, people that hurt the weak and find enjoyment from it, doesn't like being weak herself, especially dislikes those that think highly of themselves.

Background Story: Around the time Letha was 14 she had lost both her parents. It was just another typical night, Letha was sleeping soundly in her bedroom whilst her parents were next door. However, there was an attempt burglary that fateful night. From the noises that a group of men were making her father was woken up followed by her mother. To protect Letha her mother came and put her in a little room that was made inside the wall and told her to remain quiet. Her father had called the police before going downstairs himself to confront the men that were trying to steal from their house. However, once the group had spotted the father, out of a panic they had shot him dead. The mother saw the event and ran up to her husband, tears flowing down her cheeks and falling on his corpse. In order for them not to be caught a man also shot the mother dead and then escaped. Letha heard the gunshots but remained quiet in the room like her mother had told her to do. She had covered her mouth with both her hands and sobbed quietly not knowing what was happening but had an idea of what could of happened since no one came for her. Eventually the police had arrived at the scene and Letha came out of the room. She began to cry a lot and ran up to her parents, shaking them and shouting for them to stop joking around. The police came and took her away from the scene.

Four years later: Letha just had turned 18 not that long ago, she lives alone in her apartment. Out of fear of what had happened in her life she had learnt martial arts in order to protect herself and others who may be in danger, just so they won't have to suffer the same fate that she did or anything that could cause them to suffer in any way.

Bio: Letha is a quiet type of girl, she does her best in everything and never likes to fail. She is shy around people but does her best to fit in but sometimes she finds it really hard to do so. Ever since that day she never cried again, even when she ended up hurt she did not shed one tear, as the pain of that day was most painful. She finds it hard to trust anyone so easily nowadays and tends to avoid crowds the best that she can. She feels quite lonely as she has not been able to find anyone that she could trust so much, so everything that has happened she keeps it bottled up all the time.
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3 | 0 Comments | by LunaTsukino | Apr 8th 2016 17:01

I will be

Ha 26 anni e ha avuto un'infanzia tormentata, per il breve periodo in cui aveva ancora un po' di innocenza.

Viveva in una zona di guerra, al confine tra il nord e l'est, era un ragazzino tranquillo prima dell'incidente di percorso.
Infatti dopo la fine di una guerra i suoi genitori vennero uccisi senza alcuna pietà da Lo Khan Senior. La merda lo lasció in vita dicendogli che era la cosa peggiore che potesse fargli, dopo avergli fatto vedere la morte dei genitori live. Aveva 10 anni quando successe, e non fu più lo stesso...

Quando ebbe compiuto 25 anni sapendo di non essere abbastanza forte per uccidere Lo Khan, decise di accettare di sottoporsi ad un esperimento.

Ha 26 anni e l'esperimento sembra star funzionando, manca solo qualche mese per fare in modo che lui riesca a usare perfettamente i suoi poteri. Peró del tutto per caso, ha sentito lo scienziato che sta eseguendo l'esperimento, dire che ora che manca poco per terminare il progetto, deve fare in modo di controllare la mente di Vincent.
A lui naturalmente non sta bene, e infatti si volatizza prima ancora di aver finito di sentire che cosa vogliono mettergli nella testa. E non è rimasto abbastanza per sentire che poco prima di prendere possesso in modo definitivo dei suoi poteri avrà bisogno di delle cure, perché da lí a pochi giorni comincerà a stare male.

Ora che non sa che cosa deve fare, ora che è di nuovo da solo decide di andare a fare visita finalmente a Lo Khan.
E anche se è venuto a sapere che è morto, sa che il figlio non è molto meglio del padre, meno merda, peró comunque non tanto migliore del padre.
Così decide di fargli visita, e pur cominciando a sentire qualcosa di strano decide di andare fino in fondo.
Perciò va a cercare Lo.
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1 | 27 Comments | by Arran | Apr 6th 2016 13:11

Back to school life.

Once about every century, there is a thing she always redo, something like Cullen guys. She turns into her kid form, invents an identity and starts school all over again, from Malicedom on. In her insanely long life she has graduated in all Academies except military ones of course, multiple times and every time with a different identity and look.
And she decided it's about time to do it again. What really makes her do this every time, is fear. When some mess happens, she decides to return to Malicedom, when she can feel safer. But she also likes it in fact, even though it's all a bunch of cheating in the end, like, turn into the professor before the test to know what he is putting in it/turn into the professor while making the homework and so on. She is also pretty clever, though.

Anyhow, since she really fears that Ezekiel will get her back or who knows what, she has already prepared a few documents and all to be in the first year of the upcoming new school year in Malicedom, heck, this year she even has her real father signing stuff and covering her.

Right now, he is in Thylum, walking by the stands to buy various items needed for school, some wands, staves, knives for herbs/ingredients and so on and on. She is in her real shape, real age and all, no one makes questions anyway, but the "I'm buying school stuff for my little sister" is always ready to kick in.
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1 | 77 Comments | by Crow | Apr 5th 2016 17:54

Todd Daniel


[ CODE: 44501 ]
[ CODE: 44521 ]

Todd Daniel is a rather unfortunate individual who was born in Los Angeles, California, in the year 2241 and lived in the harsh slums of the city. His father was already an abusive alcoholic to him and his mother, and though he had gotten proper education from the nearest school, Todd's life at home remained unstable and hostile. Tensions grew as his mother would often get into fights with his father, which led to the abusive behavior toward her and Todd afterwards due to the alcohol in the father's bloodstream. His father died at the age of ten from a robbery at the local bar that his father went to, and his drunken behavior got the best of him as the suspects shot down his father to prevent further racket. His mother was devastated by the loss, and became greatly depressed. Todd wanted vengeance, and knew just what his future career choice would be. He wanted to become a detective and find out who killed his father, especially since at the age of fourteen his mother committed suicide from her depression.

After high school and being raised with his grandparents, Todd went into the police force and gained four years of experience before he was allowed to apply for a promotion, and the police chief decided it was for the best to make Todd a detective. After going through four years of college, he was finally able to become the detective he knew he would. His first case was the one that nobody solved, and resulted in his father's death and unintentionally his mother's death, and after a few months he cracked the case. Though the suspects were shot down, and though Todd claims they fired upon him, some believe the vendetta Todd had for the suspects was the reason why they were killed. Either way, the case was solved and Todd continued his career.

During one of Todd's more popular cases, the serial killer who had killed thirteen women fought Todd in an abandoned but functional factory. Though the suspect was appended by Todd, he lost both of his arms and had to have new arms. He at first hated the metallic arms, which in this day of age were just like human arms in which they can feel objects by sending feeds to the brain but they remained looking like a robot arm, but he eventually grew satisfied with them as they had quite the punch for close quarters combat. Though Todd remains a great detective in Los Angeles, a new job came that made Todd's career a bigger jump as the FBI confronted him and asked him to do a new and grander case. He was sent to Hong Kong as an undercover operative, while also looking for clues about a violent gang and if they killed the governor there in Los Angeles, and his results were very successful. However, during his escape, Todd had wounded thirteen gang members and had twenty confirmed kills with his metal hands and his skill with a handgun. This proved that Todd is a very reliable yet skilled operative who can take on quite the army, but Todd declined an offer to join the FBI but said he would be happy to help.

Todd never was good with women, and though his intelligent being and handsome looks stand out on him, he never could remain in a happy relationship due to his work. Also, Todd is bisexual and it is reported from numerous partners that he isn't quite the dominant person, but more submissive. This information though is irrelevant. Currently, Todd Daniel is single but not precisely looking, but he would accept love if it came to him. He still remains a detective in Los Angeles Police Department and is willingly to lay a hand to the FBI, and though he is now thirty one years old and still young, he is still the best detective in perhaps all of the current world.

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4 | 0 Comments | by Disconsolate | Apr 4th 2016 21:38

Zero Two

Name- Zero Two
Species- Dark Matter (Half god)
Hobbies- Bring chaos and destruction across the universe
Personalities- Became a powerful leader of the dark matter
Appearances- A giant flying angel-like eyeball, a powerful god of dark matter and anti matter, blood bleeding out of his eye and a halo with a band aid on his head.
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0 | 0 Comments | by The_Hybrid_One | Apr 4th 2016 21:28

Working class hero.

Nell'ultimo periodo ha scoperto delle cose che lo hanno lasciato perplesso, sua moglie che lo ha lasciato per Clay e che è completamente cambiata da quando si è risvegliata, e Crow che ha scoperto essere una femmina...
Di Lucyl non si importa più di tanto, ha vissuto secoli senza di lei, e sinceramente nell'ultimo periodo voleva solo cercare di distaccarsi da lei (quando era in coma.) gli sembrava ormai uno spreco di tempo starle vicino in ogni momento, doveva trovare la forza per lasciarla andare. E il suo tradimento gli ha dato la forza per finalmente lasciarla perdere.

Di Carli invece si importa, non riesce a capire come sia stata possibile una cosa del genere, lui tanti secoli fa aveva seppellito Crow non Carli. Non si aspettava che potessero cambiare il loro aspetto già dai loro primi mesi di vita, specialmente perché era all'inizio della trasformazione anche lui, e non sapeva che il suo potere sarebbe stato ereditato dalla sua discendenza. E' scioccato profondamente dalla cosa, si accorge solo ora di averla ignorata cos' tanto da non essersi accorto che nascondeva qualcosa, lui non le aveva mai fatto prendere la sua vera forma perché dava per scontato che fosse quella del ragazzino con i capelli rossi...
Chi avrebbe potuto immaginare che in realtà era una femmina? E perché non glielo aveva detto? Dopo aver passato del tempo a rifletterci decide di chiedere un chiarimento alla diretta interessata.

Lui si trova al suo castello, più precisamente nel suo studio e ha fatto chiamare Carli per discutere con lei le novità.
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2 | 32 Comments | by Even | Apr 3rd 2016 18:23

All about us.

After whatever will happen on Earth, she is most certainly convinced to return to Nortrig.
There she doesn't return to Viktor and Jeremi though. They sold her to Ezekiel like that, they will have to work on it if they want her back.

Anyhow, she took some sort of abandoned basement of a ruined house and moved there for the moment. All the opposite to what she likes and totally not her style, but for the moment it works. She wants to make the Skinwalker pay for turning her mother, she thinks they also turned her against her, she hates Barclay so bad.
She is terrified to death of Ezekiel, on the other hand and she is quite traumatized by him. She really is paranoid always feeling as if he is around, wanting to take her back.

Truth be told, for his standards, Ezekiel was even soft towards her. Not because he likes her of course, but because Caleb holds her very dear. So, for his "son"' s sake, he avoided to be as horrible as he would be otherwise. Though, his specialty pretty much is mental manipulation and when he is in mood he can be pretty good at that.
But in any case, Carlie is not really a badass or a strong person, even if it was nothing so terrible, being in his hands was enough to mess her up for good. And she sure doesn't have the courage to even think to want revenge towards Ez and the werewolves. Which is maybe why she is so focused on punishing the Skinwalkers.

In the basement she made a true lab where she created obsidian bullets and poisons, all in order to hurt the Skinwalkers and kill as many as possible.
And in order to keep a low profile, she doesn't buy raw obsidian like the various blacksmiths and alchemists, she buys an insane amount of jewels, with various different looks so that it is like many people just bought some jewels for a reason or another, perfectly normal.
And right now she is indeed walking towards a jewelry, with Meredith's look.
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1 | 23 Comments | by Crow | Apr 3rd 2016 06:33

Into the Highlands.

So, she is on Earth indeed, she couldn't take it anymore, first that horrible experience with Ezekiel then that tremendous embarassment at the meeting, she really felt as if the world was falling on her shoulders. Surely, she felt all of her certainties breaking apart.
She doesn't know how people have reacted to it, in fact, she is quite coward and that's the main reason why she fled. She thinks Conny must hate her like plague for not telling him the truth, that now probably he will just give the go to Malcolm to hunt her down. And she really fears what her father might be thinking about this whole thing, though, she is reassured he has not done anything yet.

Anyhow, she headed to Scotland, Inverness, she really wants to look super normal, no transformation, no magic, nothing. A perfectly normal -rich heiress of some lesser English nobleman- girl having some good time. Super luxury restaurants, super luxury hotels and so on. She really doesn't expect her friends to come to look for her.
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2 | 76 Comments | by Crow | Apr 2nd 2016 17:02

Plot twists

After that first meeting between (some) hunters and (some) monsters, as the alliance proceeds and more Alphas join their cause ,that kind of meetings keep being organized more and more often.
In this case, even Ezekiel is present, even though not exactly looking happy to be there. Nor like he is taking it as seriously as the others, but in truth, it's just the effect of Viktor's presence. He hates him so bad, he doesn't want to be in his same room and it's all just a natural effect indeed.
Jeremi agreed to come as well this time and of course, Crow didn't miss the chance to be there too, he wants to always be present in situations like this, even though, after his experience with Ezekiel, he is scared to death to be in his same room.

As usual it is a totally friendly meeting, so no weapons, no aggressions, no magic. And in order to make this very formal, despite their magic is really of no harm to anybody, Jeremi claims his son to de-transform, be in his normal look -as of course he was always with his Crowley look-.
«Of course, of course...» He sighs in an annoyed way, gives a slight glance to Ezekiel -who, to make it worse for him and distract himself from Viktor, is staring at him all the time with a creepy smirk-.
Now, a thing about Shifters is that, when it comes to take their real look, they have two ways: trasform into themselves, literally -which is the most immediate, so they always goes for that, but it requires to keep the magic up- or de-transform, thus just "turn off" the magic to be what they really are.
There is something about Crow nobody knows, not even his father. Even when turning into the red haired guy, that's a lie, it's not him, not quite, but even Jeremi thinks that it is so and only given the circumstances.
So, Crow immediately turns into the ginger guy, absolutely not wanting Jeremi to force him to de-transform, as being the Alpha, he has this power and it would uncover a long hidden truth.

«I said, de-transform, not transform into yourself. No magic means no magic and it's also for you.»

«Why would it matter, why this bother for nothing? It won't harm anyone if I just stay this way, come on...»

«Do I have to repeat myself?»
To that, Crow rolls his eyes and pretends to de-transform, but he can't trick his father, nor half of the Alphas there. The magic is easily felt by them.
«You seriously did it.» Meaning, trying to trick him, the Alpha. And considering that de-transforming is not such a big deal, just slightly more effort consuming than transforming, he can definitely tell that there is something weird.
Jeremi raises his hand, with its palm towards Crow.
«Father, wait, DO-» Usual ginger-guy-Crow voice. «NT» Cute, sweet...feminine voice. «What have you done...» She murmurs that and a very quick, guilty glance to Conny then covers her face and bursts in tears. Yes, Crow, is actually a girl in real. But before anybody could do or say anything -helped by that moment of shock, especially for Jeremi- she runs away from the place, feeling so tremendously ashamed and vulnerable.

Her story is quite a whole mess, from even before she was born.
Her mother, was actually pregnant of two twins, which is also what almost killed her. Anyhow, the babies were two, a boy and a girl. Naturally, they had already their powers back then, but they couldn't possibly have the awareness to control them, all over the pregnancy, they just kept switching shape one another hundreds of times until they were born.
Normally it doesn't go like that, they need at least a contact of some sort with the person they transform into, so that kind of situations can happen only with Shifters twins.
Case wants that when they were born, their shape was indeed switched. Carlie, the girl, was born as a male. Crow, the male, was born as a female. And the real male baby didn't survive. But Jeremi couldn't really think that they had switched their look and all that. He named the dead baby Carlie, to honor "her" memory, just before the corpse disappeared.

What happened to his wife, the loss of one of the baby, messed up Jeremi pretty badly and he took the fact Crow was alive and so totally healthy as some sort of negative things, almost like an offence considering what happened to mother and twin. So he really never paid any attention to his firstborn, nor really cared for or about him. He just let their servants raise him, just like that.
And even Crow was beyond convinced to be that, the ginger head kid, after transforming into someone else to troll the nanny, he would always take that shape again.
A Shifter manages to fully manage its powers when about 14 years old, prior to that, 0-6 they transform very randomly, into any kid -even from a picture- that catches their attention. 6-10 they can turn into anyone, but of their size, they can not yet change their height to match with that of the person they are turning into. 10-14 they learn to de-transform and fully shape themselves into anybody, no matter the feature.
And that's exactly when Crow got 14 that he found out the truth about herself. She was practicing, all alone in her room and after turning into one of the maids, she decided to try to de-transform, for the first time. That's where she herself almost had a stroke. In front of the mirror, she was expecting to see the usual silly ginger haired kid, instead, a girl. With super long hair, as it was never cut in 14 years. It was a great shock to her, literally, it messed her up big time, she thought she was a guy. It also scared her a lot, she couldn't explain it to herself, is it possible that she turned into the other kid while newborn and no one ever noticed she became male? She didn't even know she had a twin when she was born. And for some reasons, she really feared Jeremi's reaction to this, she didn't want him to know, even more than anybody else.

During the following days she investigated a little, sneaking inside her father's room while he was away, with the look of the maid of course. That's where she found a thingie in memory of the dead baby, a picture of a baby girl, with the name -Carlie- and the birth date. -17th April, year 136- Crow's exact same birthday. It was the clear proof, it told her everything about what could have happened. She was Carlie, while Crow died, but everyone thought she is Crow.
At first, she thought it could be somewhat fun. Nobody in the world knew her real look, not even Jeremi. Plus she really wanted to learn about herself, what she is like, what does she like? So far she lived Crow's life, liked what he would have liked and so on.
She started to sneak out of home whenever she could, despite Jeremi forbid her to meet with anybody outside their mansion. But she was curious and wanted to explore, both the world and herself. Sadly though, the fun lasted little. Those were dark times, when the Wars among families just begun, when women were treated like lessers by most men, basically, the beginning of what would bring to the Curse, centuries ahead. Crow knew nothing of it, she was always inside that mansion for her entire life, she thought out there it was all parties and fun, instead, she ended up in the wrong hands right away and got abused. To her, it was literally "day 1 as a girl, last day as a girl". It made her completely unwilling to be herself ever again, it made her hate to be a she, being a male made her always feel so much safer and protected, no one would ever do that kind of things to a man.
It took her almost 1000 years before she again turned into a woman, even though not herself. In fact, she never turned into herself again after that, until about 1052 when she headed on Earth with a friend and where she met Crowley, the real one, the one from which she took the "favorite look". She always had quite a crush on him, which is why she de-transformed back then. But after that, for over 400 more years she kept being everybody except herself. Till the day of that meeting.

**She looks pretty young despite her age, as the trauma she got back then really compromised her actual growth, also the fact she was never in her true form while growing up.

(Ofc you can freely choose whichever of your chars was present in that meeting and thus saw Crow's real shape, no need to RP here though!)
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2 | 1 Comment | by Crow | Mar 31st 2016 18:56

Nazo the Unknown

Name- Nazo the Negative
Species- ??? (Unknown)
Hobbies- Increase his own power
Goals- Become the most powerful being in the universe
Type of Villain- Destroyer
Personality- Becoming powerful, obliterate anything in his path
Appearances- A Chrome Hedgehog???
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0 | 0 Comments | by The_Hybrid_One | Mar 30th 2016 20:09

Children of the damned.

Ever since he recovered from the imprisonment, he started to summon all of the Werewolves that were transformed after his disappearance and thus never met him before. His return means that everything is going to change back to how it was before the cage and that includes his relationship with his "children".

He wants to be, for all of them, literally like a good father. Strict and fair, but also understanding and helpful. This is the result of his tremendous childhood and disastrous family, he sort of wants to be, for the Werewolf, like what he always wished to have himself. That one person in his life to guide him, protect him, help him and punish him if needed. A real father, in other words.

He even convinced Gregori to come back to him and gave him a room in his own mansion, where also Tomiel, Jack and Cora live.

Anyhow, eventually Siwang's turn arrives as well. He must admit he is both surprised and thrilled by the fact he has sort of become the Emperor of the East, he is also proud in truth, that one of his "children" had such a success.

He speaks in Lo's mind, very quietly. «Why hello there, "son". Mind to have a little talk with me?»
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1 | 34 Comments | by MORAX | Mar 30th 2016 18:25


Mom-Stephanie Mcmahon
Dad-Paul Levesque
Brother-Tommy Oliver
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0 | 2 Comments | by HoundofInsanity | Mar 30th 2016 00:43