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Disaster's Blog

Some more detail about her.

She is 23 years old.

She traveled in Xhuanghen for 4 years.

She is left-handed.

She hasn't particular talents except martial arts.

She is a good drinker but hasn't other vices.

She hasn't a pet and she is not a fan of dogs. She is actually scared.

Her eomeoni is away, traveling around and she basically lives alone in their countryside manor with a few servants.

Regardless her foolish attitude, she is very knowledgable other than skilled in martial arts.

Her Cloth has no weapons, the katana she carries is not magical, only a very good blade from Nortrig.

Her katana used to be her eomeoni's, but she gifted her after she learnt the Jian Melting Sword. It is extremely important to her.

She uses talismans and, in the limits of the possible powers for a silver knight, she can do whatever comes to her mind through them.

Thanks to her knight powers - Magic and Punishment - , she can advance her techniques in strength and speed.

Her bracelet is nothing special in materials but she deems it important too since it was her abeoji's last gift.

She is very stubborn and determined when she wants something.

Her katana is named Fire of Ziyuan.


She likes painting her nails black.

She wears revealing clothes or overall very comfortable ones and doesn't care to be judged.

She has a reputation in Xhuanghen. Not only positive rumors but overall for her martial arts skills. They call her Heir of the Dragon.
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2 | 4 Comments | Mar 12th 2021 15:51

Who's that noisy girl?

Feng MinShu. A quick, or maybe not, presentation.

Born in Jianjiu on 22/10, but left long time ago. She lived there with her parents; unluckily she doesn't have many memories of her abeoji. He was not a soldier, more a scholar, he had countless books and personal writings.
She was still very little when he died mysteriously. In more recent days, they found out he had an issue with late Generals Yung and Khan, so he got killed unfairly.
With his death, eomeoni decided to move in the countryside, still near Jianjiu. While abeoji was a scholar, she was a martial artists. She didn't come from an important, Sacred Blood family but her skills were amazing, out of this world and she decided to share them with Min.
Her childhood was not the most pleasant. Eomeoni was truly strict with her, even if it didn't help to make Min calmer and relaxed. A difficult temper to tame.
When she wasn't training, she was studying. There was no time to play but she gave Min lots of life lessons, also lots of whips.
Great-grandfather, from her side, was a very famous hero in Xhuanghen. One of the best martial artists of all times. People called him Dragon of the East and he had several secret and advanced techniques shared only inside the Sect, Tianshu. Top skills, Pushing Cloud Wings and Jian Melting Sword.

The moments she was spared from training and study, Min and eomeoni visited the Temple of all Gods and often made talismans, praying. A little tradition of Tianshu Sect.

Knowledge, magic, martial arts. She had a very good balance of the three and in time, she learnt everything she could from her eomeoni. She started to want more than that and regardless her young age, her eomeoni agreed to travel together to learn from other masters of martial arts too, but only after Min was able to win against her.

They left their countryside house and went, when she was only 14 years old. They tried to find people belonging to ancient Sects but rarely they'd share anything, they had more luck with more average masters. Regardless everything, Min grew very interested in Sects and their story, their knowledge but didn't investigate further on her own.

They returned from their travel when Min was 18. A new Min, even more skilled in different arts. Her top, Tianshu techniques, PCW in particular. It could be said she was a prodigy in martial arts world.
She found out to be also a knight when she met LaNi and WuXin. She didn't waste time and started even that new adventure, finding everything extremely curious and fascinating.
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2 | 0 Comments | Mar 11th 2021 18:58

Red Bride

Costellation: Red Bride
Star: 19
Main Star: Mur
Weapon: -

A man affected by an extremely rare sickness. An in love woman who would do anything in the world to save him.
She had already traveled a lot in order to find rare ingredients to keep him more stable but it was not enough to cure him and he kept getting worse. No doctor knew what to do with him but one of them told her about a legendary antidote gone lost that could cure any sickness. A lie, but it gave her that only hope. There was no cure for the Plague, affecting her beloved.
Just knowing it could exist brought her to look for it, make as many researches as possible and many travels, and then finally...she found a mysterious location. Voices of a secret temple, containing the greatest power in Nortrig.
She brought her beloved one with her, in Alahamor. Traveling with him in that condition was extremely difficult but worth everything for her.
She reached a temple in the deep forest when her beloved was already close fo die. A small entrance, hidden by plants. It revealed to be an ancient temple of Fiared but the door was very well protected by the most powerful of curses.
They quickly married there but she kept begging him to resist, since they were so close.
Her husband fell on the ground, while she started to cry, desperate. "No...not now...juseyo, open this door! Let me save him!"
Surprisingly, the door indeed opened. Her honesty, her good heart managed to break the curse.
She ran inside, having to go downstairs, deep down, till the very end of the stairs in the total darkness.

"Who dares to disturb me?" A sudden voice. No one to be seen. Deep, beasty tone coming from the darkness. Torches all around started to light themselves, revealing the huge hall and the massive dragon statue.
She fell on her knees. "Help him, please, help him..." At that point, she didn't care, she could have died there if there was nothing left to do for him.
Very loud noise, earth shaking, floor starting to break. The massive statue fell in the hole caused by the earthquake. And then, lava, in a scary amount but coming together as to form something. A long, red dragon. "You...auriold..." The dragon spoke. "Fell into the Spider's trap..."
She turned around, seeing her beloved on his feet, coming to her and starting to change into something horrific. Her hand started to tremble.
"You broke my defences. Kill it, before it reaches the core...destroy, before it corrupts the core."
She was shocked. A creature that big, powerful, legendary could nothing against that weak, little man?
When she moved her gaze on her beloved again, she noticed. His body was starting to fall apart to let out a horrible, huge, black spider. It also started to grow bigger and bigger. Suddenly it attacked the dragon and a massive and destructive fight started. Even the temple falling apart. She got several serious injuries in the process.
She picked up her sword and during the fight, she jumped on the Spider's back, then moving on its head.
She saw its jaws, dropping poison, while attempting to bite the dragon. She used a talisman and the most powerful curse she knew on her sword. Done that, she stabbed the Spider's head. It soon fell dead.
She was about to die too but crawled towards her beloved one first, under the eyes of the dragon, before to disappear in the darkness again and the temple to be sealed by Wolf itself again.
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 11th 2021 17:54