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Disaster's Blog


She convinces TianQi to teleport her in Cloud Recesses without telling anyone but once there, she is immediately told about what happened to WuNing. She rushes to his room to see him and remains by his side for a while, not leaving Cloud Recesses.
Even QiTan hears of it eventually and visits him right away but there is little he can do for him, with his knowledge. He makes sure he has necessary nourishments and moves him from time to time to help his muscles.
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2 | 36 Comments | May 18th 2021 14:30

Late mother's day.

She is indeed late because she ended up in prison, but she still wanted to bring her gift to her mom.
When she returns in the late morning, she goes straight to the House of Snake, in the special room. She has a little talk with her mom and leaves the flowers in the shrine. They disappear not long after, meaning the soul they were meant for accepted them.
She gets a little emotional but doesn't burst into tears. After the tiring night, she heads to the House of Dragon to sleep.
She lies down on one of the couches in the library, not even feeling like to do more stairs to reach her bed. She remains there to sleep for some hour. The mint vase placed on the short table near her.
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1 | 60 Comments | May 11th 2021 17:52


It is not her first time but before she had more confidence by her side. She insulted a prince, she probably got punished so little only because she is a Sacred Blood and woman.
Night in jail. She had to earn the respect of other jail-mates to avoid to be touched but luckily she had her ring and gave them a proper lesson. Like, she shouldn't fit so well in that environment but she actually does. XD
She has no very close relatives except cousins but IG hear she is a knight, so they warn Shiinden she is there and someone has to come to let her out.
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1 | 28 Comments | May 9th 2021 17:59


After the battle with the Hai, she passed out and slept for days in Dragon's Nest. She couldn't join the new battle as she was still downed.
When she managed to get up, she wanted to join them. It took some time but eventually she moves to Obsidian Vaults.
It surprises her the situation is so stable already but she is glad.
She comes across WuXin first and he asks to have a word with him privately. They walk in one of the rooms and WuXin closes the door. "MinShu. Can you finally explain me what happened to you? I'm getting worried. You have been sleeping for three days after what you have done."
"Yibo...what do you know exactly?" She drops any formality.
"I saw you fighting Zhuliu, then I saw those fanatics attempting to burn you alive..." WuXin shuts his eyes.
" probably know already. He took my powers..." Min looks away. "I lost my cloth, my powers, even the most basic. Please don't tell anyone." She is not the type to hold grudges, nor to remember random people such as Zixun but her hate for Zhuliu for what he has done is serious.
"They'll notice, that I speak or not. Maybe we can find a solution, don't be pessimistic..."
"What solution there can be..." She is extremely ashamed. A total disappointment for her Sect, that she thinks she won't be able to rebuild. "Thank you, Yibo, but I can handle it." Min aims to approach the door and leave.
"...what did you use if you are completely unable to use magic now?" WuXin eventually asks, before she proceeds.
Min stops, remaining thoughtful. Eventually she takes off her necklace, showing her ring to him.
WuXin touches it but he gets a bad feeling in doing so, it even hurts him to make him step back. Even she is surprised by the reaction. "Are you alright?"
" it an artefact of Fiared? Where did you find it?"
Min hides the necklace under her clothes. "In the Temple. It appeared to me."

Eventually they end their conversation and Min starts to take a look around, exploring Obsidian Vaults.
Ziyuan notices her and approaches suddenly. "Ni Hao, little girl."
"Ni Hao." Min blinks, looking at her. What does she want? - she thinks.
"About time you arrived. I need to ask what are your plans for the future of Long Sect." Ziyuan says.
Unexpected question. "I'm not sure yet. I don't know if I'll have the patience to start it all over, I'll probably stay with Shiinden. Or return to the Empire. I have a lot to settle." Min takes a breath.
"You are giving up on it so easily. What would your ancestors think of you?" Ziyuan raises an eyebrow.
"I'll let you know when it'll be your business." Min says, looking up.
"It is more my business than you think. I didn't think Tianshu Clan would fall in ruins but it probably had to do with people like you. An ancestor of yours gave her everything for a world of peace for that Sect."
It is not easy to anger Min but Ziyuan seems to be very skilled to do so. "It was already all gone as I got there! No disciples, no clan, the only chance will be continuing its history through Shiinden. I'll be leaving."
Ziyuan wants to figure Min out better and see her Sect skills. She attacks her out of nowhere and they have a little swords fight.
Eventually Ziyuan stops, quite pleased by her basic skills. "You can show something better." Talking about advanced skills but Min starts to leave for real, not wanting to reveal she can't. Plus, she notices Ziyuan's technique look very similar to Long Sect's.
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2 | 0 Comments | Apr 21st 2021 07:44

Sect Long

She and Shion proceed with their own plans, without looking behind. If she knew, she'd definitely join others but she is clueless.
Finally the time for Long Sect arrives. Min is really looking forward to it, for obvious reasons. She prepares a little army of elementals this time, less fire as she doesn't want to destroy the place. She only plans to free it from invaders.

With her elementals and other powers and Shion's, they attack the place. It is another victory for them but almost in the same moment as when they start to gather and imprison the remaining adepts from Zhi Sect, the group of SangPil arrives.
Min stares at them, inside being truly happy but an army of elementals is really difficult and tiring to manage. She collapses on the ground, the elementals do not die yet but they don't look threatening at all towards others.

It takes her days to wake up, due to how much power it took to make that many. She sleeps in one of the bedrooms in Dragon's Nest, clueless what happened around her.
When she wakes up, she feels dreadful and stunned. She looks around, to figure out where she is, then at herself. She is in underclothes and she feels so relieved as she realizes her ring is still there. She takes it off and wears it back as a necklace, tying it to a thin wire.
She aims to get up but she is still weak. She approaches the pile of clothes left for her and wears it. It is an old uniform of Long Sect, short red hanfu with tight sleeves and dragon decorations in orange and purple. Black pants.
After looking at herself on the mirror for some time, she heads outside, even if she should be still resting.
She doesn't know what happened but it has been a few days.
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1 | 51 Comments | Apr 13th 2021 15:10