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Disaster's Blog


Full name: Liu Xiao
Age: 16.
Blood Rank: Sacred.
Ancestry: Descendant of Tianshu Min and Huo XueBao.
Race: Auriold-Knight.
Ethnicity: Eastern.
Social status: Unmarried.
Children: None.

She has lived only on Earth, Korea to be specific. Completely clueless about Nortrig and anything related.
*While Huo and Tianshu Clans fought their all to free and cleanse Nortrig, they sent their heirs to another world in case things would get extremely bad for auriold kind, to preserve themselves; that world was Earth just that it was more than 500 years ago, auriold took different paths, mixed with humans and so on*

Occupation: Student.
Rank: Poor brat frequenting trash public school in South Korea.
Personality: Tough, unbothered, quiet, troublemaker.
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2 | 0 Comments | Jul 1st 2022 15:08

An egg?

She knows to be pregnant but it is still so early she is not thinking about it much. She works in school as usual and doesn't even know what's going on with MiaoTong, with all the connections with BangSul.
She continues with her everyday life. It is evening and she is having dinner with HaruYama.
"How did your day go at school?" She takes a big piece of meat.
"Average day." Haru shrugs, eating quietly.
Suddenly, during the dinner, she starts feeling pain. "Huh...what's this? Something I ate?" She heads to the bathroom.
Nothing changes and she just goes to lie down but pain continues and gets worse. She decides to call Lani first, then warns BangSul, but she finds it so strange, her belly is barely visible. She fears the worst at first.
Once he comes and makes a full check-up, figuring out she is giving birth. Things continue to go unexpectedly, as she actually gives birth egg. A blue, large egg.
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2 | 10 Comments | Jan 1st 2022 14:30

Back and forward

She is not always at home or checking what HaruYama is doing. So far, he proved to be diligent with studying, respecting the timings and such. One thing is suspicious around him, the several people visiting her home for him quite often. They just knock at the door and ask for him, then they head to his tent. The first was Li, which didn't shock her at the beginning, she said she was there only to study but Min had her own suspects already. She didn't investigate it, she just let them do but then also, among the people, ShiHao started to come over, the new one, but still, it made her slightly worried. She asked HaruYama about ShiHao coming over and he simply said they became friends. Very vague.
And then HaruYama, one evening, returned home with WuMei and they went to his tent. She noticed by luck but that definitely triggered her to tell WuXin the day after.

She finds him in school and she tells him about the strange behaviour of WuMei with HaruYama. WuXin is surprised and even a bit worried. That same evening, as she wakes up, he faces his daughter.
''Little Lady, I heard something I didn't like at all.'' WuXin crosses his arms, looking down at the sleepy WuMei, still in pajama.
She rubs her eyes, not worried at all. She heads to the kitchen. ''What is it, appa?''
''What is it? Where were you yesterday? After school, instead of returning home right away!''
''Ouh...'' WuMei gets an idea for some fun and on purpose, she makes a guilty face and starts to run away.
WuXin, triggered, runs after her to try to catch her. ''You little! Be thankful Lani is not here!"
First, all over the house and the garden (they can be still there), then outside on Shiinden stairs. WuMei simply can't stop laughing at WuXin's exasperation.
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1 | 54 Comments | Dec 9th 2021 07:06


She returns to the dormitory after dinner, to the girls' room where only she and Li stay. She finds her there already, wearing her pajamas. Li is having a video call with Zhan and Min doesn't disturb, she just greets him as she walks by.

"My marks are all high and I am making some new friend. There are also some nice Slytherin, I didn't expect it seen what I came across at the beginning." Li says, keeping the phone in front of her face.
"Tell me whoever disrespects you and I'll act accordingly..." Zhan says through teeth.
"They didn't mistreat me but a boy from Ravenclaw, I only caught them doing it. Don't jump at people's neck for anything."
They continue to talk for a while but eventually they say good night to each other. Normally, she doesn't sleep much, just a few hours each night, so she is not in hurry to go bed. She goes to lie down though. "Auntie..."
"Yes, deary?" Min says while preparing for bed.
Li looks thoughtful and stares at the nothingness. "It is that...I can't talk to dad about it."
"What troubles you?" Min approaches her bed and sits next to Li.
"Well...I heard HaoLin and Haruyama talking about the ball. No one thought about inviting me..."
"They will think about it, don't worry. Boys are a bit slow." Min snorts and wraps her arm around her shoulders.
"You think? I should wait? WonZi has already someone to go with and he seems enthusiastic so he shouldn't change his mind...I even saw her, she is very pretty."
"Wait a little longer, otherwise go to ask them yourself, who cares! Girls shouldn't be afraid to make the first move."
"But I..."

Li heads to the library to do her homeworks peacefully. It is after all the daily lessons and for now she has no plan to invite anyone, she wants to be asked.
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1 | 29 Comments | Oct 20th 2021 14:44


She is asked by WuXin to join to accompany the young ones to Hogwarts. Naturally she agreed to it, extremely happy and curious too.
They all consider it a safe occasion, perfect for her to have the chance to get used again to her powers, finally back. She even has her cloth back but it'll take training to have full control back.

Anyhow, she will probably be gone for a while because of that, so she decides to go to meet BangSul. Tell him properly goodbye and discuss the matter.
She finds the door open in their place and just walks inside, looking for BangSul.
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1 | 10 Comments | Sep 20th 2021 15:33