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mlox's Blog

Mirabella Eireda

My Plots

Here are links to all of my forum post plots. Ordered chronologically to when I created them.

*Pay attention to STATUS [Open/Closed]. I will most likely NOT write a closed plot with you, however if you come with enough enthusiasm and ideas, I may consider it *

#. Title (themes) [status]

1. Road Trip (realistic, romance, adventure) ____________________________ [Closed]
Our characters go cross-country across North America as their last hurah before college.

2. Boys Like Him Spell Trouble (realistic, romance, drama) ________________ [Open]
YC is the new kid, though not so innocent. YC started dating MC best friend, despite her distaste in the relationship. MC knew YC would do something to hurt her friend. (could also be college)

3. Lost Kingdom of Ice (fantasy, adventure) ____________________________ [Closed]
MC is the assumed dead princess of a kingdom destroyed and taken over by YC's kingdom. Now, MC is here to take what belongs to her back.

4. Coincidence (realistic, romance) ___________________________________ [Open]
MC's friend convinced her to go to a friends band performance at a coffe shop. YC is in the bad, and MC catches their eye. Later, YC ends up in the hospital, where MC is a nurse.

5. New Kid (realistic, high school) ____________________________________ [Open]
MC has been homeschooled all her life, but senior year, she decided to go to a public school. It's YC job to introduce her to public school culture.

6. High School Sweethearts (realistic, romance, private high school) ________ [Open]
Our characters have been friends since starting high school, and have only grown closer since. They've dated since sophmore year, but senior year, with stress and familial issues, they drift apart, arguing more, and falling apart. Who will keep who up? Will they last?

7. On Melancholy Hill (fantasy, romance, adventure) _____________________ [Open]
Our characters meet on Melancholy Hill. They grow close and decide to run away together, make their own lives.

8. Back in Town (realistic, romance, drama) ____________________________ [Open]
My character (MC) and your character (YC) had dated years ago, until a messy break up involving YC leaving, looking for a better life. Fast forward a couple years, and YC comes back, expecting to reinsert themselves in MC's life again, as if nothing had happened. Or mabye you came back to try and convince MC to come back and join YC.

9. Something Witchy (fantasy, adventure, romance) _____________________ [Open]
Maya Raswuan is a Reaper Witch. Several plots including friends, strangers, and enemies to lovers while our characters find their ways around each other and their differences, whether magical or not.

10. Of Ink and Dreams (fantasy, realistic, drama, romance) ________________ [Open]
Soulmates are rare, and it is speculation over whether the bond is actually a soulmate or something else – a spiritual connection meant to be nothing more than friendship, a specific person who is meant to save you once but never to see you again, a flirtation with what could be, but no promise given. The worst kind of love to break. Soulmates can be marked in many ways: by pin pricks, flowers, words, dreams. No one knows what the differences are, just that it’s a part of life.
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3 | 0 Comments | Feb 23rd 2020 16:59

Phebe Laurent

Name: Phebe Laurent (fee-bee)
Nickname(s): Pheb(s) (Feeb)
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Orientation: heterosexual

Eyes: dark brown, nearly black with a constant gleam in them
Hair: thick, reddish orange
Height: 5'8
Body: thin, muscled, dancers body
Skin: pale, pinkish cheeks
Tattoos/Piercings: she has a tattoo of a cherry pair on her right ankle after her grandmother, Cherry with the words 'ma cherie' in her hand writting beneath

Smokes/Drinks/Drugs: will drink, isn't opposed to getting high on occassion, but no drugs really
Health: she has struggled with depression

Being praised (who doesn't)
Children (5-10year olds specifically)

Being alone
Feeling alone
How she criticizes herself
Becoming attached to something she can't have

Personality Traits: Phebe is hard working -- to an extent. She's very smart and has her life in order, but only so much that she gets by with wiggle room. She is the girl that never studied but never failed anything, passing in as the top ten of her class. She was good at many things, but never the best. It always seemed to be the more she worked for something, the worse she got. She picks things up easily, and has an inquisitive mind, but something always goes wrong. Phebe has grown to always expect the worst out of any situation. That way, there's not much to be disappointed in. Unless, of course, it was herself, then she could be disappointed all she wanted.
Phebe loves to please people, she loves bringing a smile to others faces, she loves being the one people turn to for advice or a joke or help. Despite this, she isn't very prone to turning to others for their help. Instead, she internalizes a lot, and only speaks about her truest problems to those she trusts with everything. It's easy to get to know her surface level, not so much her inner workings.

Background: Phebe's mother grew up in France, her father is American. He had been stationed in Germany, and they had met while on vacation. They married after two years, and had Phebe five years later. They moved around, from Germany, to Italy, though she spent a good portion of her later life in the United States.
When Phebe was young, her grandmother Cherry, her fathers mother, had convinced her parents to sign her up for ballet. Phebe had always been a graceful kid, and took to it nicely. It kept her active and content. She had formed a friend group, she had fun, and she was good at it, really good, so her parents had kept her enrolled, even as they moved about.
Cherry served as Phebe's support through dance, and she told the woman nearly everything. Cherry went to every recital, took her to any practices she needed to, and taught her off to the side. Cherry did ballet when she was younger, but she would watch videos online to get tips for techniques. Phebe was climbing the ladder, and had promise. That is, until Cherry died. It had been a sudden progression. Cherry had been diagnosed with cancer when Phebe was seventeen. That had been the worst time of Phebe's life, and she fell into a deep depression, eating little, working more. She barely made it through the rest of her high school years. She graduated in the top ten, but she hadn't applied to any colleges, she didn't have anything set up for her future. She fell into a hole. She had dance... until she didn't. Phebe's mother had cut her off from dance, for the better. And Phebe did get better, for the next two years, she didn't touch dance, and she saw specialists. She got healthier, stronger. But things don't repair themselves so easily.
Phebe returned to dance at nineteen, working with local productions. One of the directors had convinced her to apply to the The Paris Opera Ballet School. On a whim, she did. And, it seemed on a whim, she got in.

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1 | 0 Comments | Feb 18th 2020 22:44

All OC's

Name • Orientation • Age _________ [status]

Avira Hannelore • Hetero • 20 _____ [closed]

Alexia LaReine • Bi • 18-21 _______ [open]

Alyssia Orane • Bi • 19-22 ________ [open]

Emry Velenato • Bi • 19 __________ [closed]

Lia Powers • Bi • 18-23 __________ [open]

Maya Raswuan • Bi • 18-21 _______ [open]

Mirabella Eireda • Bi • ~ __________ [closed]

Phebe Laurent • Hetero • 21 ______ [closed]

Valarie Abner • Bi • 20-25 _________ [open]

[Ignore] Character Sheet Format [ignore]



Health (mental/physical):



Personality Traits:


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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 29th 2018 10:46

Valerie Abner