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Questions for happypills

daylily asked the question
A. :')
daylily asked the question
Q. Goodnight my love ❤️
A. Goodnight
daylily asked the question
Q. I know it’s hard, and I don’t expect it to be easy for you. But I’m proud of you for doing what you love and not letting it push you back
A. :')
daylily asked the question
Q. For opening yourself. And I know you’re still in pain sometimes from your accident but I’m proud of you for not letting it stop you from doing things you love
A. I know that's what you'd want from me so I don't let it stop me. Even if some days are harder than others
But the same for you. I'm proud of you
daylily asked the question
Q. I’m proud of you
A. For what exactly?
daylily asked the question
Q. ❤️❤️
A. :)
daylily asked the question
Q. I adore you
A. Well hi
daylily asked the question
Q. I want you to know I’m so thankful for you. Thank you for being so comforting and caring. It really means more to me than you’ll ever know.
A. Mmm you're welcome
cinematics asked the question
Q. I know but Marcel it’s not good to bottle things up
A. I can just let it out when I get home and can ride my bike again
cinematics asked the question
Q. Do you need to vent? You know you’re more than welcome to
A. You know I don't do that