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Started by FairyBorne , Oct 29th 2023 23:19

FairyBorne - Oct 29th 2023 23:19


I haven't been here in forever. Seems it is still pretty dead. Still, I figured I would put some feelers out here for a roleplay. I am looking for something long term, detailed and romantic. The current plot is going to be modern era with gods, meant to be third person with a MxF or FxF pairing with me writing a female character. If you are interested in doing something similar or have an idea of your own, feel free to friend and PM that idea. I am into anything fantasy, science fiction and particularly dramatic. I just ask that you be over 18 irl, write for a character that is over 21, be able to write in third person in posts that are at least one full paragraph long, and be available weekly. By that last point, I mean that you have at least one time period per week where we can sit down and throw posts at each other while the rest of the week is either one or so posts a day or more sporadic.

The Idea:

Backgrund, worldbuilding, lore.

The gods that you know from Greek legend probably got it the closest to perfect. In reality the gods have always existed with different names, different identities and personalities that were always in flux and ever changing. There were times where several were imprisoned or caste away, other times when the throne room of gods was filled to the brim. Eventually the gods faded into obscurity more or less, preferring to live and rule on other alien worlds to dominant species who were much more foolish and submissive than the humans had become. Still, Earth was the home the gods loved to return to - any memories of planets prior to it were from so long ago that the only ones to remember them are the ones withered away in Tartarus.

The modern day is far more complex when it comes to blending in to the mortal world, which for most gods means that it makes life interesting. Whenever they grow bored of the other worlds, they return to Earth to experience the nostalgia of centuries past as well as the challence of a mankind run on technology with toys that could rival their abilities (albeit on a bad day, but still impressive). In order to maintain appearances but keep funds, resources, locations, and order established they have crafted a huge company shrouded in darkness called Alymm. Alymm operates completely unknown to any governments through many smaller companies, few actually know the overarching parent company name. Alymm serves to house, feed, cloth, and keep a watchful eye on any magical creature - be it god, demigod, monster, etc. It usually does so by employing a large majority of them in one way or another, even by funding or giving out loans for magical beings to start their own companies, but it also houses a huge policing force in order to keep magic out of the public eye and keep any magical being from tipping the scales.

Alymm currently only resides in working order on Earth but there are branches starting to arise on other planets as those mortal aliens grow more advances and as humans grow closer to their space age. Immortality is reserved for the few - demigods and their descendents will grow old and die while most monsters will eventually revert to different forms of life over and over until the end of time (be it plant, animal, element even). It is merely the gods that stand eternal in their same shape of a intelligent being, usually in the form of their current planet's dominant species although some gods will always choose to appear human over anything else. While they are immortal, they do age and they do die - their aging cycles are severely sluggish, usually only aging ten physical years in a half a century of time.

What happens after their deaths, murder, natural or accidental, is what makes them immortal. Instead of transferring to an afterlife of some kind or transferring states of matter into another form like monsters - they merely are reborn. Their souls travel and choose a newborn child who is about to die and then fill in the shell that the original child's soul left behind when it moved on to the afterlife. To the mortal realm on any planet, this child is never known to have died save for the occasionally situation where the godly soul comes a little late, but it is always assumed that the child survives its birth. That child then is called a Potential up until it experiences it Ascendence to godhood. Usually the Ascendence occurs just after puberty has fully taken hold of the body and the mind is over halfway to maturity - so 14 or 15.

During the Ascendence the child's physical form fully transforms to that of a gods, they will come into their powers and their aging with slow. Gods will spend the next few decades necessary to reach full physical maturity under the care of another god studying and training. Every time a god is reborn, they change a little bit and usually prefer to take on the appearance of the body they inhabit, albeit usually much stronger, taller and beautiful than a mortal could ever be. They can change their forms or craft illusions to make themselves appear older or younger, but those are acts of magic and can cause discomfort if done for long periods of time.

Potentials do not always experience an Ascendence, their are times of war in the world of gods where their deaths are so tragic and so horrific that their soul will actually split apart into shards, each one going into and fusing with a mortal soul of a newborn baby and becoming dormant. Then, with every mortal death the shards will find each other and join together before going again and again. Sometimes it only takes one generation and then all of the shards will wait until it fully forms the godly soul to then be reborn fully, other times they may go dormant through several, usually up to seven generations.

Nonascending Potentials who are also called Kommati's are classified as demigods as the shard of godly soul inside them - while dormant - gives them abilities and powers that are in line with a demigod. If a gods soul was shattered, it takes more time for its first full rebirth to go into Ascendence, meaning if a god is killed horrifically and it remains shattered for three generations - its fourth generation where it is whole and replaces the mortals soul will not experience their Ascendence at 14 or 15 but more likely around 23 to 30 years of age. For a normal life period of an Ascendence at 14 to a natural death at the physical age of 87, a god will live for 379 years without pause or break.

Even the godly mind does not take too well to being overburdened by memories and so gods will usually store them into artifacts that they have bonded to - usually each god has nine each named "The ___ of [gods preferred name]" while the greeks got the closest to things like names, personalities, relations, drama, etc not all of the gods go by those names. For example - Hades has always preferred the name Anubis while Hera has preferred to be called Frigga. The nine artifaces of the gods are as follows: Eyes (right and left), Ears (right and left), Nose, Lips, Tongue, Heart, and Mind.

Each Artifact can hold up to a thousand years of memories but at that point it becomes unstable and lifelike so the usual load is around two to seven hundred years. Artifacts can be anything inaminant that the god has bonded to which can stem from a shield to a small sculture to a piece of jewelry or even a piece of cutlery. Artifacts will never age or wither to time and hold an immense amount of power and when in the wrong hands can be weilded like a weapon.

When a god dies naturally or is murdered near the end of their lifespan anyways, they tend to divide up the memories of that lifetime accordingly or into the same artifact for their next life to find and gods tend to walk around with one or two full lifetimes of memories behind them and that is it. Other's may pick and choose from all their lifetimes, or decide on a clean slate. Regardless, these artifacts are important for them to learn from and keep documented as they switch from life to life.

When a god is killed prior to their time, something called a False Artifact is created which is a nonbonded item that is imbued with the gods memories from the last time they deposited memories into an Artifact up to the time of their death. A Falst Artifact is extremely volatile and at risk of breaking as it was never bonded correctly and primed to hold memories. In a perfect instance, will be carefully kept safe by another magical being until the god Ascends again and comes looking for it. Other times the Artifact by shatter and go missing which results in the god having to hunt down those pieces either to take in the memories again or just keep them out of the wrong hands.

Gods can almost always recognize each other as gods but if a god is in Kommati form or in Potential form pre-Ascendence, they cannot be discovered fully. Meaning other monsters can tell that that person has abilities, but they cannot be discerned from other demigods. Gods can tell the difference between demigods and Kommati or Potentials but they cannot tell the identity of the god. They always cannot tell if someone is a Kommati or a Potential waiting to Ascend. Sometimes it can be decided thrugh deduction - only one god is currently dead or several are but the others have died too recently, etc.


It is 2010 and the gods are just ending a long term of difficulty and chaos after the war that ignited WWII on Earth. Several gods were shattered, False Artifacts were scattered across the globe, several other gods Ascended with no one around strong enough to train them leaving a time period where the highest ranging godly beings were teenage appearing clueless Ascendeds who had only been alive this time around for two decades or so (as their aging slowed at 14 or 15). Now, finally after 65 years or so, several adult and well formed gods rule over Alymm and travel between worlds. Still, there are many gods being found as Potentials and Kommats working for Alymm as they live through another cycle before the godly soul forms fully. The gods that rule are searching for the last few gods, Potentials and Kommats that are still missing but there hasn't been an Artifact or False Artifact incident in over seven years.

My character is a 23 year old woman named Raeya who works for a company under the Alymm banner who is not aware of the world of magic - some companies that are more than one removed from Alymm do not only employ magical being or magically knowledgable mortals, they need too much manpower and will usually use outsource company to employ normal mortals.

She is then discovered through an event that happens based on your character - which I give you full freedom over. I am not going to list how every kind of god (Kommati, Potential or fully Ascended), monster, demigod, etc would cause Raeya to be discovered as a Potential or Kommati here. If you are interested, I do ask that you have some sort of idea for who your character is and we can iron out all the details there. The only thing that will remain the same is that your character works at HQ and has traveled to Raeya's city for some sort of vacation or quest and that is when she is revealed. Raeya, due to her newly discovered state, is "invited" (demanded/forced) to transfer to HQ and begin training, where your character works/is training/is imprisoned/heads as CEO or CFO.

Heart this

holdonsage - Nov 9th 2023 12:26

I am DEFINITELY interested!!!

Heart this

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