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Forum > Fandom > Hogwarts School

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Started by TroublesomePerson , Jan 7th 2017 20:04

TroublesomePerson - Jan 7th 2017 20:04

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...

A school for wizards and witches. Where you can be with you're own kind and learn and cast spells.

The school made 4 groups or houses as they call it. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.
A magical hat will put you in one of those groups and you will be in it all of you're school years.

A letter will be sent to you with the necessity needed. You will be meet at the train station at the platform 9 3/4.


So rules!

-The rp doesn't really have an ending.
-Please don't put too much drama...
-You can have up to 3 characters (Cannon or Oc's)
-Do enjoy yourself and don't be shy to ask a recap. That is of course people want to give you one.
- It be better if we all start off in the platform
- If you joined later one you can just pop in if there is an opening.
- You can be a Cannon character do not be shy to ask.



Age: (11- 16)


Chosen Pet:


Apperance: (A description or Picture)

Edited Jan 7th 2017 20:06

Heart this

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