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Forum > Fantasy > Asylum (OPEN)

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Started by Karma333 , Aug 29th 2017 21:07

Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 21:07

This is the one and only asylum here in this town... and you are lucky enough to be sent to it

1. Romance is allowed, but please None of that er*t*c sh*t. Nobody wants to ready it.

2. Obviously, cussing is allowed

3. Do not overpower your character!

4. I have the right to kick people and deny characters.

5. Please follow the plot and don't go off and do your own thing.

6. Do not kill without permission!

you can be a doctor or a patient there.
IF..... IF you are a doctor please PM me so i can give you more detail and there are assistants

Docter fourm:
volunteer or Doctor
looks (in photo

Patient fourm:
Why are they in the Asylum:
how insane are they: (1-10)
looks (in photo)

If you want tell me the cell you want to be placed in and if you wanna be with someone...

Edited Aug 29th 2017 21:52

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Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 21:15

Patient fourm:
Name: Kyrin
Gender: Male
height: 6,0
Why are they in the Asylum: many resons mainly for being an exparement and how he has killed pepole and has insomnia and other things
how insane are they: (1-10): 4... 7-8 if you provoke him
Bio: he use to be unnoticed by everyone even his family, but let's just say things took a turn for the worse, he was token out of school just to be locked up. He was fed and things like that, but he was the one used for stress relieving... by abuse from his father. His father was cruel and mean. He was usually stressed from work and needed to relieve it, and Kyrin was the first on his list. He was abused everyday and when he was deemed useless by his so called father... they sent him off to be experimented on. He was used for many things. And eventually they got shut down but he is one of the 2 surviving there experiments. He is good at fighting and defending. He has fears of needles and being held down. He can go insane, but you would have to push him a lot to do so. he also has a bio-hazard sign tattoo on his neck he does know sign language aswell for when he completely lost his voice he also hates the light
looks (in photo)

Edited Sep 2nd 2017 18:48

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Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 21:35

(accsepted and do you have a prefrance of where you want to stay))

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Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 21:50

(Ok that works do you want to be places with or with out someone else))

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Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 22:30

(I feel like Kyrin and him might get along... and it's obvious your staying away from most people unless they throw one of us in to see if they can calm yo down or something)))

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Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 22:36

Ya but still))

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Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 22:44

Hmmm interesting.... accepted so you will both be in the same cell and in a normal one))

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Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 22:46

And they have no knives or fire)))

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Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 22:49

(Sorry we can't risk that))

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Karma333 - Aug 29th 2017 22:52

(Ok then there going into a cell with no windows...)

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