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Forum > Fandom > Rare Fandom Request: Ninjago

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Started by xDuchessx , May 20th 2023 17:52

xDuchessx - May 20th 2023 17:52

Hi friends! I am currently searching for a rare fandom to RP: Ninjago!

I am most interested in a long term partner who would classify their writing style as literate, advanced literate or even novella!

OC x Canon pairings are preferred though doubling is something I am very interested in and encourage!

I do have a few plots and am also interested in brainstorming to come up with something new to fit both our interests. Romance is a must while I also love angst, drama, action, etc.

Please feel free to message me with any interest (I am happy to plot/rp/chat here or over discord if it's easier) and I hope to hear from some of you! :)

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vanillahimbo - Aug 11th 2023 09:46

Hey, I was just searching for a Ninjago roleplay partner on the forums. Maybe we could write together sometime! ^^

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