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I Saw Red

MajkHenry105 replied to Spartan203's topic

Henry suddenly seen a f***ing bug run up the wall, it had f***ing blood in it so why f***ing not?! Henry just barely catches the f***ing thing, he couldn't tell what the f*** it was, he was just so f***ing thirsty! He quickly stuffed it into his f***ing mouth trying not to think about what he had just put in his f***ing mouth! The bug tasted of mostly f***ing ash, with little to no blood, did he seriously just eat the f***ing thing for nothing? What the f***! Henry made his way slowly to another house, a dog began to f***ing bark in the moist f***ing dark air, he looked at the dumb f*** dog who was about to become a f***ing snack. Henry grabs the f***ing dog as it attempts to bite him, lucky this damn dog wasn't very big, only about 20 f***ing pounds. He sinks he teeth into the dogs warm neck, the blood just tasted so f***ing good! After done he made his way back to the f***ing house he had left, before he was seen. Henry still looks like a skeleton, but one that hasn't been f***ing dead for f***ing decades!

Dec 30th 2019 04:26

I Saw Red

MajkHenry105 replied to Spartan203's topic

Reaching the top of the f***ing stairs, that he had basically f***ing crawled up he finds another f***ing obstacle how f***ing hard was it going to be just to get out of this mother f***ing basement?!? Henry then attempted to open the f***ing steel f***ing door but he was still too f***ing weak, but finally he began to budge it. At f***ing last he got it f***ing open just enough for him to squeeze through it, he wouldn't have been f***ing able to if he was f***ing 'heathy'. He looked around this strane house that seemed to be a f***ing maze! He had no f***ing clue where he was, or where the other f***ers were! Them f***s must of moved to another house and took him then f***ing forgot about him, them ass f***s!! Henry pulled his f***ing skeleton of a pirate vampire to his feet, he began to make his way around the huge house, using the wall as if it were a f***ing cane.

Dec 28th 2019 00:12

I Saw Red

MajkHenry105 replied to Spartan203's topic

As Henry f***ing panics he some f***ing how breaks his coffin, it almost f***ing collapsed on him but luckily enough for f***ing him he burst out of it before so. Henry could barely f***ing stand, he was like a f***ing walking corpse of a pirate! He stumbled to the wall, falling into the f***ing thing before he tried to get up the stairs. Poor f***ing guy, couldn't barley walk and had to struggle up a f***ing staircase!

Dec 23rd 2019 13:09

I Saw Red

MajkHenry105 replied to Spartan203's topic

Henry had just awakened in his cold, stone coffin. It was silent in the darkness of his coffin, he had been asleep for years and wasn't sure of what was really going on. Was he still f***ing dreaming or was this his poor cold sore f***ing existence? He was infact in his f***ing stone coffin and he wasn't f***ing sure he could move the heavy f***ing stone that lay above him, he was very f***ing weak after all. Moving his thin lifeless f***ing arms he attempts to move it, but he couldn't even budge the f***ing thing! He began to panic!

Dec 23rd 2019 02:12

I Saw Red

MajkHenry105 replied to Spartan203's topic

Name: Matt Jensson

Nickname: Henry

Master: William

Age: 219

Height: 5'11

Gender: Male

-Being A Idiot
-Annoying People
-His Style
-His Mustache

- His Name
- People who don't like his Mustache
- That he can't drink alcohol anymore

Bio: Henry was born in 1799 in Spain, he is a Swedish-Australian. He was born in to a average family, he was a single child but had many friends at school. In 1812 Henry became a pirate and set off to sea, then one night in 1827 they were attacked by a larger stronger ship, they all had been killed except Henry who had jumped off into the cold dark water. He managed to get to the shore of Sweden, that wasn't that far. He was critically injured and wouldn't survive. He was found by William and turned. He returned to the sea a year later and met Willam on the way to America many years ago. But he had taken a long nap before Luna had joined them.

Personality: The idiot of all idiots!

Appearance: Profile picture.
Henry has
Very dark brown hair,
Electricish grey-blue eyes,
Has a very stylish mustache,
He stands about 5'11.

Dec 23rd 2019 01:56