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FALLOUT group rp
“Well I ain’t got nothing else to particularly do anytime at the moment. So yeah I guess I could do this job. Have anyone in mind for rest of the group? Hopefully not any yellow bellies.” Boyd replied in a slight snarky tone to mister fancy pants over there.
Dec 13th 2024 19:42
FALLOUT group rp
Name: Eleanor Vendrell
Nickname: Ella, Ellie.
Age: 17.
Gender: Female.
Relationship Status:
Species: Human.
Personality: Mature for her age.
A brave and curious 17 year old, Eleanor has grown up in this harsh world and adapted well. She has learned to not have a soft heart anymore.
• Switchblade
• Bowie Knife
• 9mm Pistol
• Silenced .22 SMG
Bio: Born to Dennis and Asmita Vendrell is Bakersfield California in 2066. She was only 14 when the bombs dropped. She and her mother were hours away from their home in Bakersfield at the time. Asmita didn’t survive long after the blast, succumbing to radiation poisoning. Eleanor was taken in by a group of survivors after that. For the next few years she learned essential skills of surviving nuclear fallout. Scavenging, crafting, and self defense.
All this time she wondered what happened to her father. She knew it was very likely he didn't survive either, she wanted to go back home to see what was left of her former life. Traveling the wasteland would be a tough thing to do, especially all alone.
Former: N/A
Height: 5’3
Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Green.
Dec 13th 2024 19:37
FALLOUT group rp
“Heh can’t just admit that you can’t handle it all by yourself? I’d be interested in this job if the pay is good enough, you quit with your ghoul hating attitude you got there and I’ll will just have to take your word that you ain’t a filthy backstabber.” Boyd wouldn’t be surprised if this was some kind of trap this city boy was trying to lead him into.
Aug 27th 2024 20:57
FALLOUT group rp
Dennis looks up at William when he notices him approaching and the dog following along behind him. “Gotta keep the gun like new, even in this hellhole.” He says as he pets the dog’s head as she sits on the ground beside of him.
“You might have some luck this time William. I’d come with you but I’m going to hang around here and find some work. Edith might come along but I think she still likes me better.” He adds watching him leave.
Edith is a spayed female harlequin Beauceron of about 4 years in age. She was well trained before the bombs for protection work and livestock working. She stands about 27 inches at the shoulder.
Aug 12th 2024 21:03
FALLOUT group rp
The ghoul didn’t answer immediately, “I’m Boyd. Who are you and why are you hassling me, besides having some apparent work you haven’t really gave any details on.” Putting his right hand on his hip, hiding curiosity and a little suspicion in his dark eyes.
Clarice points out a flaw on the rifle she’s looking at to the seller. He offers a discount but she declined, selecting a different rifle. “This one will do, how much?” She asks flipping its smooth stock over in her hands. A small engraving caught her eye on the butt. They come to an agreement with the price, paying up she walks away from the stand with the rifle and some additional ammunition for it. Gunshots in the distance catch her attention, tearing her away from her thoughts. A bellow of a Brahmin rings out in the direction of the gunfire. Travelers or maybe a caravan under attack? Others don’t usually travel with the hulking mutated cattle besides those two types.
Aug 1st 2024 21:42