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Forum > LleysXD

looking for someone to play draw roleplay

LleysXD replied to LleysXD's topic

Hello, I just arrived here and I'm looking to do some draw roleplay!(means roleplay,but you write, I draw)
Unfortunately, it seems that I couldn't ping anyone on the other side when I posted, so I kindly ask you to check this post to see if there's a reply for you.

Warning This post may contain:
- Graphic images
- Scars
- Unknown creatures
- Self-destructive tendencies

- Responses will be one-on-one.
- Please react in accordance with the actions of your original character.
- It's a roleplay, I will respond with drawings.
- You do a text roleplay, and I will respond with drawings and roleplay.

Roleplay scenario:
- You encounter "white lake" in a forest. It seems to be eating something and hasn't noticed you yet (you didn't see what it was eating).
- The reason for coming to the forest could be: camping or hiking/ investigating nearby cases/ seeking refuge in the forest/ not knowing why you ended up in the forest.

Supported languages:中/ENG
编辑日志:2024/1/20 周六 创建

Jan 19th 2024 19:50