Becky (Psychical Hero)

Name: Becky
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: psychiatrist Hero
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150
Hair Color: Golden
Hair Type: NA
Eye Color: Emerald green
Skin Color: White
Nationality: Japense
School: Graduated from UA
Year: Graduated
Distinguishing Features: a scar on her right eye....
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Fear warden
Costume: She wears a warden uniform
Quirk: Fear prison
Weapons: A whip and battle-baton
Gadgets/Tech: Special gloves that allow her to adjust the size and strength of her prisons with ease and at a distance
Likes: Helping people, seeing people smile
Dislikes: hurting people, making people scared, people dying
Habits: She sometimes opens a prison around herself while she sleeps, causing nightmares
Fears: Her own power
Family: Family....
Romantic Interests: Alfred
Allies: Herself, UA teachers...Alfred
Rivals: Alfred, herself, and those who hate her
Enemies: those she has harmed....and Alfred (Against her will)
Physical Weaknesses: She has no non-natural Muscle mass
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Her own quirk affects her, though dulled slightly
Name of your quirk: Fear prison
Description: She can make "prisons" or certain perimeters where fears become reality. She can not create fears from nothing, the person she traps must either touch the edges to send signals to her of what to create, or she must know about them...
Strength: no one can escape her prions unless they KO her, or overcome the fear, and if you become scared, the powers get stronger
Weaknesses: It can affect Becky herself...
What age did you obtain it: 8
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): She cant remember...
at age 15, Her and Alfred were dating, and were an amazing couple...until her quirk activated, on accident, and made Alfred have a mental breakdown...leading to his first kidnapping, after which he broke up, saying she set him up...and never stopping to hear the true story
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