★Rules and Guidelines★

~First thing that I wish to get out of the way is that sometimes my replies will be a little sporadic. Whether that be because of things in my personal life, or even lack of motivation, I'm afraid that if you're someone who demands to be checked in with every ten minutes, this will not work out. I usually don't go over two days when it comes to wait time, though if anything does happen, please pitch me a message! My attention span can betray me sometimes.

~I love romance, though unfortunately, FxM has never worked out for me. I'm more than happy to do MxM, and even FxF, so if you're okay with that go on ahead! Even if you prefer FxM, we could always give it a try, but I have to warn you that I'm not entirely picky with who I block.

~Give me something to work with, please. One-liners are a big nope for me, so if you can't manage at least a paragraph I suggest looking somewhere else.

~Let's discuss things! Please don't just send me a starter, it's confusing.

~Don't be rude. Human decency is easy enough to show, and what's best, it's entirely free.

~I don't usually play dom, simply because I honestly don't find it very entertaining. Everyone has their preferences, so please respect mine.

That’s it! You may carry on with your day now. :)
Heart this
6 | Jan 23rd 2022 01:10
maim No. YOU may carry on with your day.
Thank you for being so pleasant, sir.
Rules shall be respected <3