A little character guide

Here are all of my characters in a little list so it’s more convenient. This list provides mini descriptions and links to their original profiles. It is listed from newest to oldest scrolling down. Which one will you choose? (づ•ヮ•)づ

Hi, hi future me cutting in: From Aaron Roth to Brody McKinley, their visual appearances are gone. For the time being I'll leave it to your brilliant minds to imagine them until I've, remade them or given them a make-over. I apologies to those who prefer the visuals but please bare with me until then. Take care ^^

Name: Theodore Montgomery
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Human
Age: 25
Role: Dominant
Brief description: An ordinary baker for his family's quaint little bakery. However, most think of him to be odd—not eccentric like most would think. However, it was his strange silence that seemed throw people off. It was a good thing his warm smile seemed to melt the hearts of the weak-willed. Despite that, he's considered to be quite normal... Well, if seeing ghosts were considered normal.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/255443

Name: Royce Chester Redmond
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Human
Age: 23
Role: Dominant
Brief description: A young prince with an obsession with beauty—to bad his is only temporary. Being the first born child of seven is difficult but having a curse on top of that, is a nightmare. Ever since he was young, he's been followed by possible suitors and brides; Only for him to brutally reject them. "I want someone to be as beautiful as me." Too bad that same line got him cursed... Maybe this young prince should have been more humble.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/254894

Name: Benedict Strauch
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Human
Age: 20
Role: Submissive
Brief Description: Benedict was born a bastard child of the most influential family known to be the greatest beast killers. After being sold off to his father by his birth mother he was tossed into a new world of ferocious monsters and even more brutal hunters capable of slaughter. Despite his small body, he beheaded a werewolf rogue on his entrance exam to Premorce Academy (with only a little help). Currently in his division he’s known to get things done, whether it be a report or a monster causing a ruckus. It’ll get done one way or another, days before it’s deadline. However, he does have a love for big stuffed animals and fluffy oversized sweaters.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/253381

Name: Dominick Lucifer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Demon
Age appearance: 24
Role: Dominant
Brief description: Just a lazy demon with too much money from his dear old dad. He’s sick and tired of being the baby of the family for the simple reason he’s considered ‘weak’ for a demon. That’s why he often resides in the mortal world just crawling with sinners—whom he despises. However, he can lift a building with just a single hand alone so what’s a few measly ants gonna do?
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/250954

Name: Dylan Finnley
Nationality: Australian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Age: 24
Role: Dominant
Brief description: A polite pizza shop owner by the beach. He lived in a small beach town until the age of twelve after his parents’ divorce. However, after finishing high school he wasted no time in moving to the beach side. He’s owned his grandmother's shop since the young age of 22 despite his older sister’s ridicule. Siblings are such a chore.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/250653

Name: Captain Alcott Darth
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Age: 21
Role: Submissive
Brief description: Alcott is a young pirate with manners of an English gentleman. After years of yearning to be by the side of his courageous mother he finally became fully part of the crew at 15 years old. Ever since his mother’s tragic passing, he’s been captain since his eighteenth birthday. Good thing he had his best friend biscuits to keep him company. Despite that, Alcott inherited his mother’s heart of gold and earned the respect of her crew members ever since he was but a cabin boy.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/248647

Name: Erin Fedegan
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Witch
Age: Appearance 21
Role: Switch (Could play either role however)
Brief Description: Erin had lived for centuries with his best warty friend, Sir Fredrick Bablebiz, by his side. Just like his magic, he’s sporadic with unnaturally exquisite taste. Other than spending his leisure time in his library, he can be found in festivals and or thrift stores. However, his library doesn’t only sell books but also charmed trinkets and potions. It really depends on what he wants as he assists in human affairs. All one needs to do is look past what is ordinary.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/247363

Name: Aaron Roth
Nationality: German
Sexuality: Homosexual/gay
Species: Vampire
Age: appearance 25
Role: Switch (Could play either role however)
Brief Description: An arrogant model with a love for peaches. Despite his family's pristine heritage, all his money was earned by him. He struts the city streets in branded high heels and fur coats with a trail of Poodles following him. A full time model and actor with the personality of a spoiled Chihuahua. Careful though, he bites.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/246386

Name: Ryder Sean
Nationality: Australian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Werewolf
Age: 17
Role: Dominant
Brief Description: A young werewolf with a fear of saying “you too” when a waiter says “enjoy your food”. Other than getting incredibly hairy on a certain day, he is as ordinary as any trouble-making high school student. He was a mischievous little delinquent when he was young, it was a miracle that he found Rufas—his bestie since childhood. After many years however, he’s grown to be a quiet and mature young man, well, mature enough to not end up in jail.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/246377

Name: Tori Flincher
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Human
Age: 16
Role: Submissive
Brief Description: A silver tongued bookworm with a mangled face. After experiencing a deadly car crash at the tender age of six, half of his face has never been the same. Two-face is what the kids used to call him but they ended up in hospital not long after. Many foster homes later he was adopted by his current mother, Jenna, when he turned 10. Now 16, he can dish out as many burns as he can answer math equations.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/246331

Name: Casey Garcia
Nationality: Spanish
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Human
Age: 16
Role: Submissive
Brief description: Casey, a wannabe non-binary bad boy. Although he has the temperament of a volcano, he gives no f***s whatsoever. Say anything and it’ll go one ear and out the other. However, a good spanking from his mum will leave him crying to his room (Angry tears though). Despite his ‘juvenile’ acts, there is more to his cheap sunglasses than meets the eye.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/246254

Name: Brody McKinley
Nationality: American
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Age: 16
Role: Dominant
Brief description: The walking stereotype of a dumb jock—maybe just a little bit nicer. His IQ is as big as his 7 year old sister but regardless, he has morals. If there was someone in need of help, Brody would be there, even if all odds are against him. As cliché as it was, varsity jackets will always remain his favorite.
Link: www.roleplay.me/blog/246244

Heart this
2 | Dec 6th 2021 17:39