
Name: Tibone
Gender: Male
Age: 15-18
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Hero in-training
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120
Hair Color: White
Hair Type: NA
Eye Color: White
Skin Color: White (pale)
Nationality: NA
School: UA
Year: 1
Distinguishing Features: his skin is a little bit...see-threw
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Skeleton
Costume: He wears a very light suit that has many openings to allow his quirk to be able to be used at 100%
Quirk: Bones
Weapons: Himself
Gadgets/Tech: He has yet to see the need for something
Likes: He has yet to discover that about himself
Dislikes: People hurting, people's sadness, his own sadness...being alone, being seen as a freak
Habits: He has none
Fears: People will never accept him
Family: He doesn't have any; to his knowledge
Romantic Interests: He wants to find someone, but no one seems to like him
Allies: None
Rivals: He sees himself as his biggest rival
Enemies: and enemy
Physical Weaknesses: He is only physically stronger in defence, since his bones are tougher due to his quirk, but in muscle, he is average.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: calling him a freak
Name of your quirk: Bones
Description: His bones are x5-x8 tougher then the average human and can take a lot more before they break. Along with that his bones can physically ripe threw his skin and sharpen to be like blades, they can go back in as well, though it is a painful process. The alternative is that his bones can be broken off and thrown, though it will take time for his body to regenerate the bones, or rather heal what needs to be healed. If the thrown bone is re-covered it can be re-inserted into him.
Strength: it is very hard to break his bones, and his bones also act as a weapon
Weaknesses: If he is to throw his bones, he is without those bones are a given time. His quirk is also its own weakness, as if you grab a bone sticking out you CAN force rip it out.
What age did you obtain it: unknown
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): he doesn't remember, and he has no one to ask...
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0 | Apr 18th 2021 14:36