
Name: Koro
Gender: Male
Age: 14-18
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: UA student / Hero in-training
Height: 6'5
Weight: 140
Hair Color: Silver
Hair Type: Fur-like (Due to his quirk)
Eye Color: White (like little moons in his eyes)
Skin Color: Its hard to tell because of his fur
Nationality: NA
School: UA
Year: 1st year
Distinguishing Features: He almost always looks pissed off, but he only is 50% of the time
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Werewolf
Costume: He wears a jacket to conceal his muscles but overall when in beast form he prefers to not wear anything unless its needed
Quirk: Beast (Wolf)
Weapons: a knife he keeps hidden
Gadgets/Tech: He wears a mouth bracer to boost the power of his bite, and gauntlets on his hands to boost his claws power and reach.
Likes: The full moon, the night, being alone, his sister
Dislikes: Daytime
Habits: Walking around alone at night
Fears: His sister dying
Family: His twin sister, his mom and his dad, though his parents are dead to him
Romantic Interests: None
Allies: His sister (Kella)
Rivals: His sister (Kella)
Enemies: His parents
Physical Weaknesses: He is nearly impossible to out-muscle if its student to student when he's in beast form. If he is in human form he is a bit above average
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: He is very mentally weak and can be taunted very easily
Name of your quirk: Beast (wolf)
Description: Allows him to shift from a humanoid form to the form of a large wolf-creature. Gains power in the moonlight for unknown reason, and decreases in the sunlight.
Strength: He is unstoppable in the moonlight
Weaknesses: In the day he is barely above average
What age did you obtain it: 6
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): He was running from his parents with his sister and they were catching up, but at that moment, the moon came into view and he felt a rush of energy as his body morphed and he was able to run on all fours, carrying his sisters, and allowing them to run...his stamina was only so much though, since the Quirk had just awoken
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1 | Apr 15th 2021 19:26