Shawn (MHA OC

Name: Shawn Refecto
Gender: Male
Age: 25-35
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Pro-hero
Height: 6'1
Weight: 150
Hair Color: no special coloring
Hair Type: NA
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: white
Nationality: NA
School: UA (Teacher)
Year: Teacher
Distinguishing Features: He is a shorter male, but uses illusion tricks to make himself appear taller, and by thet im you realize its not him, its to late.
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Shard
Costume: He wears a very simple costume with mirror-like gauntlet made from his quirk
Quirk: Mirror
Weapons: NA
Gadgets/Tech: His gaunlet's
Likes: his fellow hero's
Dislikes: Villians
Habits: He tends to drift to close to his old days as an underground hero
Fears: his quirk not being useful
Family: His mother and father are deceased (murdered by a fail breaking and entering, with Shawn witnessing the whole thing as a teenager no older then 13) and he has no known relatives
Romantic Interests: None (He thinks Romance is a distraction)
Allies: Storm (Hero name) Chi (Real name) Margret (Real name) and Clay (Real name)
Rivals: Storm and Chi
Enemies: the league of Villains
Physical Weaknesses: He is not physically strong
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Reminding him of his mother/father's death.
Name of your quirk: Mirror/reflection (Still deciding on the name)
Description: His body itself is a mirror in many senses. For one, he can reflect attacks back, but only if its a projectile, along with this he can "reflect" a person's being onto himself. In a limited capacity he can copy a person's appearance and even Quirk. He must Look at the person in order to get an "image" of them
Strength: His quirk has nearly endless possibility since he is not a student and has trained with it his whole life
Weaknesses: He must lock eyes with the person, if its interrupted, he will retain what he got. Along with this, he can only have "reflect" one person at a time
What age did you obtain it: 5
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): It was the night his parents were murdered...His father, whose quirk is unknown, rush to defend his family and failed , his mothers objective was to get Shawn to safety....two bullet were coming towards them ,and wanting to save himself, and his mother, Shards body reacted...and reflected them back! the two were in awe, but then toke to running..However it was short-lived, Shawn's quirk was young, so when they were surrounded , his mother used her quirk; teleportation, to teleport him somewhere far away where he'd be safe...and taking the full blunt of multiple bullets...He rushed back to his house as soon as he could...but i was burned to the ground and hero's were on the scene, he identified himself as the child of the two who once lived in the house...and then was taken to an orphanage, he was never adopted, but did work towards his dream of being a hero....
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0 | Apr 15th 2021 17:25