Roxanne Mason

*+*+* General Information *+*+*
Full Name: Roxanne Mason
Nicknames: Roxie
Reason for Nickname: Just a shortening of her name
Gender: Female
Age: 18+
Ethnicity: Australian
Spoken Languages: English
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Alan Mason-Archer (Father, Alive), Tyler Mason-Archer (Step-Father, Alive), Alison Ryans (Mother, Alive)
Occupation: Musician, only small at the moment but had big dreams of becoming a star one day.

*+*+* Personality *+*+*
Personality: Roxanne is that quiet girl in school who becomes loud and proud when it comes to her passions. She is incredibly passionate when it comes to the things and people she loves. Despite being quiet and typically keeping to herself most of the time, she is full of energy and is always up to do something new, even if she seems nervous at first. She is a little self-conscious about her weight, considering she doesn't fit social beauty standards but all the same she loves her body and feels like as long as she can be who she wants to be, without needing to change the way she looks, she can inspire others to do the same. She wants to be able to influence the world in some way and if that's all she can do then so be it.
Hobbies: Playing the guitar (Electric and acoustic), singing and performing.
Likes: Absolutely loves music and singing, chocolate flavoured drinks, cold days, dressing up in warm clothes, making friends, concerts, writing music and lyrics, camping
Dislikes: Beauty standards, feeling insecure, judgemental people, hot days (unless going to the beach), being told what to wear based on her body type, bitter things
Fears: Being cheated on like her father

*+*+* Appearance/Health *+*+*
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Green
Height: 5'6
Body Type: She is a bigger girl, chubby and curvy
Skin Tone: Pale peach
Notable scars/marks: Stretchmarks on her stomach, some on her thighs and a little on her arms and breasts- These are mostly faded but still visible. Scars on the tip of her right thumb from her guitar. She also wants a tattoo but is hesitant to go through with it.
Accessories: Basic lobe piercings, she switches out the earrings often, liking to keep things fun. She also wears whatever accessories go with her outfits.
General Health: Great
Physical Illnesses: None
Mental Illnesses: Mild anxiety, typically leaves her feeling insecure about her body and causes some stage fright from time to time.
Takes Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Drinks: Sometimes

Bio: Roxanne was born to Alan Mason and his wife at the time, Alison Ryans in Australia. They were a happy family at first but as Roxanne grew, her parents began to fight. It started off as every now and then, then got worse and worse until they filed for divorce. As Roxie discovered later on in life, her mother had cheated on her father and ended up pregnant later on with that man's child. So she didn't really want Roxanne.
When she was about eight years old, her father met an American man named Tyler Archer who was on vacation. Roxanne met him after a couple weeks and he introduced her to a couple musicians she had never heard of before and she fell in love with their voices and the styles. Because of him, even after he went back to America and stayed in contact through video chat and many calls, she came to love music- it became her passion.
After a few more years, Alan and Roxie moved to America so Alan could be with Tyler and they became a family, even though the two men were unable to technically get married, they changed their last names and had everything else they needed to be a married couple- just without the legal document. Rings and everything, they intend on getting married when they can and Roxanne is going to be their wedding singer. Now in high school, Roxie joined the school band and used music as her way of expressing herself and remaining confident. She hopes to go as far as possible with her music.


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