*+*+* General Information *+*+*
Full Name: Shichiro Izumi
Nicknames: Chiro or Chiro-San
Reason for Nickname: Shortening of his name that the young residents of the forest call him by
Gender: Male
Age: Around a thousand years old but he has long lost count by now.
Ethnicity: Japanese
Spoken Languages: Japanese but as a yokai, he is capable of understanding others and making them understand him.
Species: Kitsune
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: A mother he hasn't seen since he was a child, his father, four older sisters and two older brothers. He is the youngest of seven children.
Occupation: Technically has no occupation but acts as a guardian for the forest he lives in.

*+*+* Personality *+*+*
Fears: Dogs

*+*+* Appearance/Health *+*+*
Hair Colour: Brown. The fur of his ears and nine tails is a white and pale blue on the inside and tips respectively.
Eye Colour: Honey brown
Height: 6'2
Body Type: Slim, pretty lanky but does have a bit of visible muscle under his yukata
Skin Tone: Peach
Notable scars/marks: No scars or marks that are visible but he is known for being covered in bandages at all times, excluding his feet, hands and head. Under his bandages is an array of burn scars
Accessories: The bandages
General Health: Pretty good
Physical Illnesses: None
Mental Illnesses: It isn't obvious at first but he has a depression and anxiety, topped off with a mild paranoia due to his past. Due to this, he acts cocky and confident to hide it- more or less putting up walls to protect himself.
Takes Drugs: No
Smokes: Has in the past and does occasionally
Drinks: Yes



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2 | Jan 15th 2021 03:14