Father Murphy

{TW: Mentions of sexual abuse and self harming}

{“And you want me to do…what exactly?”}


Full Name: Atticus Shayne Murphy
Nicknames: Father, Father Murphy
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Birthday: April 20th
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual {closeted}
Spirit Animal: Cat
Accent: American

Drinks: Sometimes (secretly more than he'd like to admit)
Smokes: Sometimes (secretly more than he'd like to admit)


Body Type: Lean to average, not super built
Height: 5’8
Hair: Dark brown/black, short on the sides but longer on top, usually forgets about haircuts/gets a bit fluffy
Eyes: Dark brown
Skin: Pale to fair, a few beauty spots here and there
Scars: Scars on wrists {old}, stripped scars on back {old/from flogging}
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Scent: Clean and something sweet like wine

Face Claim: Andrew Scott


General Personality: +intelligent, +calm, +problem solver, -naïve, -smartass, -possessive

Bio: Atticus was truly the star child. He was a catholic parent’s dream. Growing up, Atticus was always proper and prim, reading his books, doing his studies. He was intelligent and relatively kind, if not a bit snarky at times, but it wasn’t horrible. Atticus took care of his brother on the long business trips his parents would make, but he wasn’t young enough to be left alone with him. Aunt Rachel would come and watch them too. She was always a close family member, sweet and caring, the “fun” aunt. That’s how she was on the outside. But deep down, she was just a monster. Up until Atticus was old enough to stay home alone with his brother, she watched them when their parents were away, a few times a year at most, but that was all it took. Those late nights when the house was quiet and everyone went to bed, Atticus would always hear his door opening and he’d do his best to pretend he was sleeping, keeping as quiet as he could, trying to level his breathing, but she knew he was awake. And she’d crawl into bed behind him and her hands would move against him. He was just a child, a child who felt like he had absolutely no power, who didn’t even fully understand what was happening so just…let it. It wasn’t till years later after Atticus had grown so old and Aunt Rachel had moved so far away that Atticus started to understand what happened to himself and even than it was still so confusing. All he knew how to do was suppress it, keep it a secret. His brother unfortunately found out after walking in randomly one night to catch Atticus just crying, his older sibling just blubbering out everything. Andy wanted to do something, to tell someone but Atticus stopped him. He didn’t want any more problems than there already were.
That’s when Atticus found the church, looking up to it so fondly. Atticus didn’t want anyone to feel the way he did, go through what he did. He wanted to help everyone, heal everyone. And this was the only way he knew how to do it. After a long few years of getting a degree, going to a seminary, and being ordained, Atticus was finally able to help people. Abstaining from sex wasn’t too difficult, no one could practically touch Atticus without him jumping or flinching. There had been a few hard moments during school, when Atticus felt he had a connection with someone, one that was more than just physical, one that was emotional. But every time things did get physical, that’s when Atticus pulled away, ran away. And he would punish himself for even thinking about it. Slits on his wrists, flogging his own back. But he had learned now. Now he was good. Now he was perfect.

Habits: Zoning out, tapping fingers
Phobias: Understanding himself
Likes: Cold drinks, dancing, loud music
Dislikes: Being hot, whispering, anything quiet
Turn ons: Masochist, bondage, hair pulling, fear of getting caught
Turn offs: None established
Position: Switch, submissive {extremely inexperienced}


Father: Richard Murphy – hard working, proud of his children, a bit on the stricter side but still caring, knows nothing about what happened to Atticus
Mother: Mabel Murphy – hard working, proud of her children, a bit on the stricter side but still caring, knows nothing about what happened to Atticus
Brother: Andy Murphy – a couple years younger than Atticus, knows what happened to his brother, tries to connect with him but is constantly pushed away {FC: Colin Morgan}
Aunt: Rachel Murphy – sister to Richard, sexually abused Atticus for most of his developing years, eventually moved away

Song: Sick of Losing Soulmates - dodie

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3 | Apr 24th 2020 23:57