Rules And Preferences

1) Do not expect replies on Saturdays. I am usually unable to come here on Saturdays, and when I am able, it's usually not for a sizable part of the day.
2) No first person, please.
3) I do not accept all friend requests.
4) If you friend me, please try sending the first message.
5) Don't send me a starter right away.
6) I usually do one-liners and semis. Your replies can be as long as you want.
6B) I can do semis inconsistently. If you give me enough to work with, I can do them consistently, and, if you give me a lot to work with, I can flex the full power of my creative muscle and let loose the might of paras and maybe even multi paras.
6C) Giving me stuff to work with means details and length, not just one or the other. Detail helps me out immensely, though I will probably restate some things frequently.
6D) I'm getting better at longer lengths now.
7) Doing a romance roleplay does not equate to actually romancing you. I'm not interested in a relationship.
8) I almost always do straight romances; I will do MxM on rare occasions, so if you reaaally want to do that with me, you can try hitting me up.
9) I don't discriminate based on gender, orientation, etc.
10) Do NOT use text speak. This is not negotiable.
11) I will not involve myself in drama (intentionally.) Please respect this, and do not attempt to get me involved.
12) If you have any problems with anything related to what I am doing, just let me know. The chances are I'll be able to accommodate for you and change it.
13) If you read these, just let me know via the mail system. Or just heart it like everybody does.
14) Since this site bans tons of people I enjoy roleplaying with, I'm going to start asking for your Discord if you don't have rules against it, if I remember to. Discord's just... way more convenient for me. Or I might not. I have a big dumb goldfish brain. Glub glub.
15) Okay, I've been burnt enough by this crap. Don't resort to blocking me as your first choice. I can change to suit your needs. Seriously, tell me what's wrong. Makes me paranoid if I get blocked out of the blue. Also, prevents me from learning from my mistake, since I'm never told what it is. I can't really stop you from breaking this rule, but like... Give me the courtesy, please.
16) If you're going to unfriend me, please tell me, and preferably give me a chance to fix whatever is wrong first. Again, can't stop you from breaking this, but please give me the courtesy.
17) I am not going to be a number on your friends list; if you friend me, you need to message me.
18) Yes, I'm male. No, I'm not creepy. I've had encounters with those sorts of people myself.
19) I do accept people with non-anime profile pictures. I just haven't encountered anyone that doesn't have one and who I want to roleplay with for a while.
20) I will not roleplay as a furry, but I will roleplay with furries.
Heart this
42 | May 16th 2019 16:05