Juichia Roiyaru


❀ Basics ❀

◌ Full Name | Juichia Roiyaru

◌ Age | 20

◌ Sexuality | Bisexual

◌ Species | Elve
❀ Appearance ❀

◌ Hair Color | Silver/Blue

◌ Eye Color | Blue

◌ Skin Tone | Human Skintone (White)

◌ Body Type | Fit and Hourglass.

❀ Personality ❀

Juicy is a Royale Princess/Guard that is courageous in most times but some
things just make her Lose it.If something scares her its the Whole Package
of Fear.

◌ Hobbies | Hanging around the Castle.

◌ Likes | Cute Things. Plushies.

◌ Dislikes | Being Scared (cause she pees herself when scared)
Being embarrassed

❀ Backstory ❀
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16 | Oct 25th 2018 10:59