Jasmine Espeza

Birth name: Jasmine Espeza
Family name: Espeza
Social rank: middle upper
Date of birth:5/10/1995
Age (apparent):23
Age (actual):25
Zodiac: Taurus
Gender: female
Species: human

Profession/occupation:She works for the mafia under the title ‘succubus’
Skills: Persuasion, manipulation, seduction, sewing
Speciality:Persuasion, manipulation, seduction

Body type: curvy
Distinguishing marks:her eyes and tattoos
Tattoos: a few tattoos of hearts along her back
Piercings:Ears, Breasts, Lip, stomach
Other modifications? n/a
Scarring:she has scarring above her breasts from herself, and a large scar on the back of her leg
Hair: Soft and bouncy
Style: always let loose, although she loves buns
Length: medium, shoulder length
Colour: Black
Eye color: Heterochromia, one green, one brown
Skintone: tanned
Flight possible:n/a

Accent: her voice is rather firm usually
RL reference:Troian Bellisario

Clothing: she usually has to wear showy clothing on the job, but she really like sweaters and turtlenecks
Weaponry: she uses a pocket knife, or a regular blade usually

Ethnicity: Mixed
Birthplace: Los angeles, California
Current place of residence: Charlotte, North Carolina
Languages known: English, spanish, russian

Talents: Manipulation, sewing, small arms training
Hobbies: shooting, sewing, dancing, roller skating
Fields of interest: shooting

Parents:Tiana (mother) Jonah(father)
Siblings:Shawn(baby brother)
Adopted relatives:n/a

Addictions: she smokes
Positive characteristics: intelligent, protective, good sense of humor, amusing
Negative characteristics: manipulative, persuasive, egotistical, rude

Religion: pagan
Sexual orientation:Lesbian
Dominant/submissive:Dominant, switch

Personality:Shes very uppity about herself and feels she deserves a lot more than she does. She really hates her job but being able to kill people in the process is sure as hell entertaining, especially when she gets to save pretty girls from creepy people. She knows how to use her skills and shes trained in shooting a gun.
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1 | Oct 14th 2018 12:28