The ring and the cards

At birth, everyone is given a deck of an element and a ring, using the power of the ring you open a realm where the cards work for powers...
The cards work as follow:
Spells: power up yoursel/weakend oppent
Field: can be destroyd to damag oppenet or used for other effect
Equip: powers up for 1 to 5 moves
Avatar: makes you an imdoiment of that element, making you immune to getting hit by the element
Summon: allows you to summon a pet to attack
Trap: Rare cards, no one really knows what they do
Unlike The town of ranking, this society isnt based on your rank, but your pure power. Whoever has the best cards win
Allies? Friends? will these mean anything when your life is at stake?
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0 | Jul 19th 2018 00:25