Emily (Person 5 Female OC)

Name: Emily hata

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance: (Couldnt find a picture, ill make up an apperane in starter)

Rank: (if this is what i think it is, rank would total would be 10 for those bonding with her who are the wild card)

Club: Computure club, writting club, newspaper club, student coucil.

Part time job: Works where ever she can make some money, but mainily she works where she can express her love of writting

Personality: She is kinda a two-face. If you interupt her studying, she is very aggresive, but she is not unreasonable, if you are kind towards her, she will repay you in anyway she can. However once its paid, she'll be back to her study-infcient self. She does not show her emotions well.
Arcana: Chariot

Persona: Thor

(maxed)Persona: Odion

Weapon: She uses a staff, that sorta looks like a pencil (since she's a writer)
Ranged weapon: Levinson M31

Abilities: She loves to write, and usally can connect events that dont seem to connect when in a palace. Along with this, the closer she is to someone, the harder she'll fight to protect them.

History: Born into a low-rate family, her mother and father overworked themselves, and all she could do is push her education
one day, her father told her mother had an "illness" and he had to work the triple shift, exams were coming up and the school had started a program that low-rate families that had promising studets could get paid grants, so her father pushed her...to hard, so hard, she flunked all her exams, and her mom died without that grant
her father blames her...and so does she
glasses/type/colour: Glasses

Likes:reading, studying

Dislikes: remembering how her mother died, not studying
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0 | Feb 24th 2018 22:26