- Though he found his days in Deadlock to be representative of him at his most destructive, he fashioned his arm after the tattoo that he had. He was unable to describe what he wanted in words to Torbjorn, so it took him a day of using a computer with one hand to design the skull-plate on his metal arm in CAD. Torb helped a lot that day.

- Due to the Deadlock Gang eating for free at the Panorama Diner and living off of it for years... Jesse cannot handle Diner food anymore. It also doesn't help that most of his days spent at the Panorama Diner was him being drunk or working off a hangover.

- Reyes actually taught him how to cook. The reasoning is that it'll help McCree buy food in bulk and keep a low-profile opposed to needing to prowl around for fast-food.

- Absolutely loves Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins. Every shower he takes is to the song. He was an absolute menace during Karaoke with the team in Hanamura and tortured people by singing it. Repeatedly.

- Some of his favorite movies: Heat (1995), The Way of the Gun (2000), Unforgiven (1992), No Country for Old Men (2007), The Entire Dollars Trilogy and The Searchers (1956)

- Despite Hanzo's adamant hatred of westerns he was able to move him to tears with the Japanese remake of Unforgiven.

- Finds Hanzo intolerable personally because he simply cannot put up with his snooty opinions about things (Come on, Whiskey - unrefined? You don't know what you're talking about). Jesse tolerates him for Genji's sake, however.

- He's jealous of Genji and his relationship with Ziegler. Utterly confused as to how Genji is such a heart throb with a 75% artificial body. It hurts his soul.

- Before being released from prison, he was forced to get his GED in there to be released. It embarrasses him, but he has a prison GED if that's worth anything.

- Jokingly implied Reyes was gay. Got an asskicking of his life from Gabe.

- Jokingly implied Morrison was gay. Got an asskicking of his life from Jack.

- Jokingly implied that Oxton was gay. Got the most disappointing "yup" in a life time.

- Commented on Ziegler's body. He got his sh*t punched.

- After witnessing Jesse getting thumped by Ziegler, Ana Amari decided to teach him how to talk to girls. And shoot a bit better, of course.

- Sombra's insistence that McCree's named Joel is a petty rumor started by her. Thanks to her hacking ability, more and more files with McCree's name are suddenly becoming modified with 'Joel' as his first name. It might be his retribution for screwing up a relationship.

- Once stormed Moira's office drunkenly, telling her to "leave them damn rabbits alone". Jesse was dragged away by both Genji and Gabriel.

- Genji often shares his stuff with Jesse. When Jesse was in his first place, an empty apartment provided by Blackwatch, Genji lent him his game console.

- Legally not supposed to own a gun due to his felon status. ...Whoops.

- He can actually ride a horse. The spurs aren't for just decoration and getting caught on escalators.

Heart this
6 | Feb 5th 2018 11:49