Amanda Roza

*+*+* General Information *+*+*
Full Name: Amanda Roza
Nicknames: Mandi
Reason for Nickname: Shortening of her name
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Ethnicity: English
Spoken Languages: English and pieces of other languages
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Eric her little brother
Occupation: Mercenary for hire

*+*+* Personality *+*+*
Personality: Head-strong, stubborn, brave, playful, tends to be a bit of a tease, only really serious when she’s working. She can be a bit lazy and is in no way a lady unless she must be. Is a major flirt towards most people. She tries not to emotionally connect to situations as she feels it will give her some kind of weakness. She doesn't want to be effected by things she cannot control.
Hobbies: Reading, target practice
Likes: Weapons, calm days, star gazing, hitting on people, her job, money
Dislikes: Being betrayed, supernatural beings, missing, being shot down, liars
Fears: Drunk men

*+*+* Appearance/Health *+*+*
Hair Colour: Dirty blonde
Eye Colour: Green
Height: 5'6
Body Type: Slim, a little muscular, small to medium bust
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned
Notable scars/marks: Some from odd jobs
Accessories: Silver necklace, silver ear piercings, silver bracelet and a silver cross usually attached to her hip
General Health: Pretty good
Physical Illnesses: None
Mental Illnesses: Mild trauma from her past
Takes Drugs: No
Smokes: No
Drinks: No

Bio: When Amanda was a child, her family lived on very little money, just barely getting by. They were happy for a while until, when she was 10, her mother was murdered on her way home from the markets. Her father was absolutely devastated and turned to drinking. Like any cliché, he began to abuse Amanda and Eric who was only five at the time. She put up with this torture until she was 16 when she ran away with her brother. They lived on the streets for a few years and one day, when Amanda was 19, she woke up without her brother by her side. She searched for him for a long time, having no idea where he could have gone. Most of her past from there is a blur so it isn’t known to anyone how she became a mercenary.

~ "You know that feeling you get when you thought you knew where something was, but the next time you look at it, it's not there? Yeah, try living with that for the rest of your life and you'll understand me."
~ "I swear to god I will tear you to shreds if you bring that bottle of poison any closer to me!"
~ "I don't drink my problems away. I find a vampire and empty ten rounds into it's head."

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