Charles Fero

Name: Charles Fero
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Hero/Hero-in training
Height: 5'9
Weight: 135lbs
Hair Color: brown
Hair Type: normal
Eye Color: blue
Skin Color: white
Year: 1
Distinguishing Features: he has odd gloves that seem to produce a easily craftable material.
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: The sculptor
Costume: He wears a suit that looks like its made of clay, on his gloves he produces a clay-like substance that he molds in and hardens into a weapon.
Quirk: He produces clay, then is able to Quick-heat it enough that it can be used, he can also channel energy threw the clay to mold it as he throws it.
Weapons: Whatever he can sculpt
Gadgets/Tech: His gloves that help him heat up his clay
Likes: Teasing his brother, picking up girls, flirting
Dislikes: Getting rejected, being outmatched, people picking on his little brother
Habits: Teasing Noah to the point he fights back, getting himself hurt
Fears: Noah may die and he'll be powerless to stop him
Family: Noah, his mom and his dad
Romantic Interests: He likes all girls, as long as they like him
Allies: His brther, his brothers best friend
Rivals: His brother
Enemies:all the women whose hearts he has broken
Physical Weaknesses: He has no actual muscle and relies on his weapons that he sculpts
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: He is very sensitive if you thretean to kill Noah or someone he loves
Name of your quirk:Sculpture
Description: He is able to make a clay-like subtance appear from his hand, and then heat it up quickly, like a furance, into a wepaon or something of his choice.
Strength: The sky is the limit with what he makes
Weaknesses: The more complicaetd the objected, the longer and harder it'll be.
What age did you obtain it: 6
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): He was in art class, playing with his hands out of boredom, when he sundelly made a small clay statue out of seemingly nothing
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1 | Nov 15th 2017 00:39