Oc 1 : Adeliade Baltasar

Name: Adeliade Baltasar
Nickname: Lia
Birthday: December 13th
Age: Varies from rp to rp (18+ normally)
Weight: 112 lbs (around 49-50kg)
Height: 5'5" (161 cm)
Body build: Pear
Shape of face: Structured, Square
Eye color: Chocolate Brown
Glasses or contacts: N/A
Skin tone: Ceder Brown
Distinguishing marks: N/A
Predominant features: Her lips
Hair color: Expresso Brown
Type of hair: Silky, Wavy
Hairstyle: Updo, Down
Overall attractiveness: 9.5/10
Physical disabilities: N/A
Personality: Sweet, Out-going, Kind, Sensitive, Assertive, Stubborn
D/S: S
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8 | Jun 25th 2023 22:24