Cannibals History

"If we do not trouble him, the Cannibal will not trouble us."

Many do not know where he was born, nor how old he was. All they knew was the ability he had to install the highest fear into the hearts of mankind.


Onyx hatched as one of the rarest forms of dragons known. Ability to shift from man to beast, born the same as the beast itself, he was welcomed within the house of Stark, one of the seven houses ruled by the iron throne.

The Starks (before they bonded more with wolves) were known to ride ice dragons, legendary as the Targaryens with their fire dragons. Onyx was not one to breathe ice, so as a young dragon, already considered as an outcast, or labelled as "inpure" as he did not match the bloodline he was meant to of descended from. Young dragons his age were finding people, bonding, and he struggled against the hassles of his status, trying earnestly to fit in, to earn his place with the people he considered his.

Finally, he began to bond with a young lady who went by the name Auryn, she disregarded everything that was said about him, and made her own mind up. Whilst he was still too small to ride yet, Onyx still had the ability to develop an understanding to bonding, and experiencing a positive connection with a rider he would choose when came the time.

Auryn proved herself pure and genuine, Onyx finding a love with her, and somewhere to call home. He had a security and trust that was forged with genuine intentions and no judgement.

That was all perfect until the day Onyx lost her due to a proclamation that the Starks had stolen him from the Targaryens.

Auryn was the accused, losing her life that day the Targaryens stormed the Starks, raising accusations of Onyx being one of theirs. Being a fire breather, it matched but Auryn had no part behind any of it. Onyx felt an anger so deep, mixed with the pain of losing her, the young dragon forging into the black set of scales he was named after, and further proclaiming war then and there.
Any Targaryen that stormed the Starks, perished.
The brutal murders caused from him caused panic and fear, Onyx no longer caring as he took to the sky.

He fled to Dragonstone, where he was comfortable in the company for a while, until the Targaryens started moving in. Hatred burnt every day in the hidden dragons heart, hardening it to everything he ever once held good. Revenge and anger would be his alley as he began to take charge, killing young dragons, consuming eggs, even slaughtering and eating people. A new name arose for him, as his name had not yet passed into the minds or knowledge of these people. Cannibal.

Many tried taming and riding him, yet the bloodline they carried, he resented more than anything. So everyone who tried, perished. He became the biggest of the wild dragons, untamed, unridden, and still harbouring a dark heart. He is still the most feared of the dragons, amongst a few others. He doesn't often show his human form but when he does, he is a complete a**hole with no manners or no regard to anyone and how they may feel.

- He was born 48AD
- He never tells anyone his real name, it's too painful for him.
- Hes pure black with green eyes in dragon form.
- His fire matches his eyes - so comes out green as well.
- He has been accused of killing other dragons which he had no part in.

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2 | May 29th 2023 07:38