♛ The Wolf and The Angel.

Disclaimer: I don't think I need to add this but, eh might as well. Please remember that my character's feelings about something or someone, or even their actions do not represent me. They are characters, not me. Therefore any harsh things said is not ME. Ight, that's done. Thanks for reading!

The Wolf and The Angel, quite the unlikely pair but neither could remember a time without the other anymore. They had always been around, grew up with one another but they could not remember - or liked to remember not being close. However this was the first time their friendship had really been tested. They had faced hardships together, brought each other back from the edge when needed well...Rosetta had always dragged Maya back to life, now the girl found the chance to return the favor. It wasn't an easy task. The duo walked the streets of New Orleans, embracing the night, taking in the fresh air. "Maybe we should go to a club, meet some people. Mingle." It was an unlikely suggestion from Maya. Actually it was completely out of character, the girl didn't party. She didn't go to clubs, she didn't mingle. It wasn't her, but it was Rosetta and that was something she wanted to get back.

Ever since the woman's engagement fell apart she had trapped herself in her work and the bright-eyed fun loving girl Maya knew had slowly slipped away to a machine. "Mingle? Aren't you the only the one who is in love with her wolf daddy's brother?" The redhead rose a brow at her wolfish companion. Her body turned vibrant hair flaring out behind her as if it were fire. Her green eyes clashed with brown watching her best friend's face morph into that of a nervous wreckage, a tint of blush covering her cheeks. "Please don't call Dominic that, and yes I like Caleb but I mean...this is for you, I'm not going to be talking to anyone like that but I think you should-" her nervous ramble was cut off as Rose's tongue grew sharp. "I should go out and get laid to distract myself from my broken engagement? Right, and about you and Caleb, you two are the cutest honestly but you really need to move things along-" The raven haired woman reared back but her age never broke from Rose's who never looked behind her as she walked. "What do you-" she could hardly get a word in before Rose spoke again.

"I mean I got engaged, and heart broken before you guys even got I like you out, at first it was cute and now it's sad either you get together or you don't. Maybe /you/ should be mingling too. Honestly, think about it is he really interested or are you a convenient girlfriend? He's with you while you're at home but you almost /died/ and would have had I not come in time and even then I couldn't fully fix the damage and he never showed up when he said he would, actually he hasn't said a word to you since you got out either. I adore you Maya but maybe you should worry about your love life before you try to fix me." Her words cut deep but Maya wouldn't cave, Rose was hurting, she knew that so she'd let it go. "Caleb's just busy Rose." She sighed as the woman's bell laughter rang at her excuse for the male. "He is! Just because your relationship crashed and burned doesn't mean you should project your feelings onto mine!" That was when they both came to a halt.

"Hurt yes, but I am not projecting. I'm just not as naive as you. That isn't an insult Maya, but you are completely...innocent in every sense of the word. I've been in a relationship like yours and please do not say Caleb and Torak are different I know this, I know but they're just as much alike. You had to make the first move, you had to push, you had to wait...so did I. I waited and tried so hard and now I'm shattered.." Her eyes left the other's as they teared up, her form trembling as she fought her tears. "It hurts...so bad...and I never want you to experience that, I don't want him to hurt you...like Torak hurt me. I don't want you to wait on him until he finds the time he wants to ask you what you've been waiting for. How long? You've almost died, and yet he isn't here, Dominic's planning a wedding, he has twins and yet he still finds all the time in the world for you. You said you liked each other but there wasn't any talk of a relationship, you deserve better than someone who won't move mountains for you...if he hurts you, if he ever makes you feel the way i'm feeling right now...I don't think I could control myself. I never want you to feel so broken." Maya opened her mouth, but found no words. Silence was birthed between the two. Rose quickly wiping her eyes, erasing any evidence of any emotion that flickered through her.

"You know Caleb...he'd never do that to me." Maya finally spoke, hoping to ease her friend's worries. The angel took a deep breath before allowing a smile on her face, she knew it was fake, so did Maya. "And I thought I knew Torak. You're right. I should get laid, moping around is exhausting and a nice, long, hard distraction would do me some good." She turned , walking away to lead her partner. "Wait! Rose on second thought this is probably a bad idea!" She rushed over the woman hoping to maybe halt the emotional self destruction she possibly unleashed.

"I mean you should really wait, you haven't had any boyfriend other than Torak so maybe you should wait until-" A yelp escaped her as she came face to face with her emerald eyes once more. This time though a confused look covered it. "....I've never had a boyfriend before so..?" The air between them filled in the dots for Rose as her laughter filled the night. "Oh, Maya! I'm no virgin. Torak may have been my first real relationship but he certainly didn't pop any cherry you /thought/ I had." With that she turned and went back on her mission while Maya slowly realized her regrets of /ever/ bringing up this conversation. "Wait! Rose! ROSE!"

Characters Mentioned:
Torak Hardwood and Caleb Beutel (@Fatalis)
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2 | Sep 7th 2017 18:31