
◈ There will be times I am busy and cannot reply to messages due to my responsibilities outside the role-play community. If this happens, which it will, DO NOT message me repeatedly with reminders. I am aware of who I owe replies to and will normally leave updates on my current status. However, there will be days I simply won’t be in the mood to talk to people except for a selected few.

◈ Do not ask for romance or eroтιc role-plays because my answer is no. I have a boyfriend @Nevermore outside the internet and I usually make whatever character I choose match him.

◈ I have been writing for nearly a decade of my life and can easily turn the role-play into several paragraphs long. Depending on what ideas come to mind and how inspired I am at the time. I don’t expect this from my writing partners but I do require literacy. As well the proper use of grammar and spelling. Typos I am lenient on as long as you make it readable for me and double check your work before sending it. If English is not your first language and you are struggling please let me know so I can help you out.

◈ When we are collaborating or not role-playing indicate that you’re OOC (Out of Character) so it will prevent confusion. If you don’t do this then I will assume you’re in character and that’s how I will reply; in character. I plan to have starters written eventually which will be added at a later time for you to choose from. Also keep your personal life / drama out of the role-play or I will delete you.

◈ If I send a friend request I will message you first with a little greeting or possible ideas for a plot. The same rule applies if you’re the one sending the request. Don’t send an invite and expect me to make the starter because my answer is no. Nor will I pick up the slack by writing for you.

◈ The approximate time I give people after I have accepted them as friends will be one week from the day the request was sent. If I have not heard anything during that time then I will unfriend you. Role-plays, however, are given a month in response time before the same thing happens.

◈ I don't mind crossovers with OCs but do not make it out where your character already knows who mine is. That's god-modding and I will delete you. Also I do not role-play with anime вιтcнeѕ and will not accept requests from people who do.

◈ As I have said above do not god-mod or control my character. It’s annoying and a quick way to get yourself deleted from my page. If you have no idea what I’m talking about then I suggest you look it up.
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0 | Jul 20th 2017 19:52