
The morning after the evening in Williamsburg with Erik, a new corpse was found. Always a Shadowhunter and always the same modus operandi: runes cut off the skin of the unfortunate young man and thrown on the street, around the dumped corpse, always left somewhere it would be found by someone from the Invisible World.

The corpse, is that of the Shadowhunter who was at the restaurant with Raj and was, of course, found in Williamsburg, reknown Warlock territory.
It is the 6th corpse on 3 days, three had werewolves' tracks, claws and bite marks, two were found totally drained of blood and with bite marks typical of vampires and now this one. The coroner found a single black hair on the corpse and from the DNA it is clear it belongs to a Warlock, but they cannot know to which Warlock in the specific, and the exact same goes for the vampire and werewolf DNA found on the other corpses.

Of course it is considered a big emergency and the top priority to find the responsibles and stop this mass murdering, hence why the Clave itself took the matter into focus.

Werewolves were targeted first, Luke's DNA was taken to compare to that found on the first corpse, which was found in the territory of his pack.

Octavian had to take every witnessing and possible clue, both from other Shadowhunters and the Downworlders who might have seen something and with the latest corpse, it led to a very unpleasant possibility.

Knowing their personal bonds with the Warlock, Octavian decides to discuss the matter privately with the young Shadowhunters, also believing that it will be in everybody's interest if they go to speak to him themselves rather than sending someone else.

Octavian summons Jace, Izzy, Alec and Noah to his office.
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1 | Jun 22nd 2017 06:47
SulBang Octavian. He is leant to the desk, with his arms crossed on his chest and an absolutely annoyed expression. But he is not annoyed at them, at least. •I'll be brief. Another corpse was found, in Williamsburg. Deprived of his runes. The lab team found a black hair on the corpse, DNA tests proved it belongs to a Warlock.• He sighs in a slightly exasperated tone. •Witnessers saw Magnus Bane in a restaurant of the area, shortly before the murdering. Your colleague, Kumar (Raj), advanced the hypotesis he could be the responsible. He described him as 'out of himself' after an argument he seemed to have with another Warlock. We need his DNA, to prove his innocence, before the Clave receives Kumar's report.•
SulBang Octavian. He raises a hand when Jace starts to speak that way. He is the first who wants to keep Magnus out from further problems, he feels so awful for torturing him.
•The most effective way to protect your friends is to provide proof that they are innocent. And there is no proof as definitive and undeniable than a DNA test.
Now, go.•

Meanwhile, Magnus is totally cluelees of course, he is currently in his old apartment he uses for work now.
SulBang www.roleplay.me/blog/83906#reply let's just continue this one here :)