Wylie Terrance Silvers


Name: Wylie Terrance Silvers

Date of Birth (& age): 13th August age:(dependable on RP)

Gender: Male/Female (dependable on RP)

Species/Racial Origin: Human//Neko//Vampire (dependable on RP)

Physical Description

Height: 5'5

Hair: Dark browns hair with matching eyebrows. Medium length hair which falls across his forehead messily

Eyes: Dark eyes, almost black.

Detailed Physical Description: Average height and slightly smaller that the average build for a boy of his age. He has prominent cheek bones, due to his smaller size.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Always seen in servant attire. This is plain white, smart clothes. Consisting of a long-sleeved tight shirt and pants. Occasionally an apron


Personality: Wylie is a dreamer. Dreams of love, future and a family. Works very hard, but is clumsy.

Sim Traits: Neat//Good Cook//Kind//Gloomy//Family oriented

Skills/Talents: Talents include cooking and cleaning. Well mannered and kind to his masters and the people around him

Favourites/Likes: Likes the sun set. He would often dream of sitting under the glowing sun with a picnic and a lover.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Dislikes his servant room. its cold, dark and gloomy. Atleast it has a bed...

Goals/Ambitions: A beautiful, big happy family

Fears: Fears getting the dreaded letter of his family falling ill.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Nothing special. He hasn't really had time to experiment

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Leaving his family to work here. In the castle. Saying goodbye to his friends, sibling and parents really took a toll on Wylie. Every penny he earns get sent straight back home. He works here for them

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Gay.

Occupation: Servant
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